Memlükler Dönemi İlim Geleneği – II
Muslim Physicians’ Endeavours Upon Plague in the 8th/14th Century Mamluk Period
Béchir AbdellaouıIn the Mamluk era, particularly in the 8th century AH, pandemics were prevalent. The overwhelming outbreak of plague in 749 AH was notable. Muslims responded to this plague diversely, based on their scientific specializations. This challenging epidemic prompted varied views among Muslim physicians. Notable figures including al-Shaqquri )d. 749/1348(, Ibn Khatimah )d. 770/1369(, and Lisan al-Din bin al-Khatib )d. 776/1374( presented their unique perspectives on the plauge. Muslim physicians’ efforts against the epidemic served as a precursor to modern medicine, despite facing challenges. These challenges arose from the persistent disease and skepticism within certain Islamic sects. This paper will focus on the examination of epidemic phenomenon in the 8th-century and clarify Muslim physicians’ efforts, resistance, and challenges during the process.
نرقلا للاخ يكولمملا دهعلا يف ءابولا ةمواقم يف نيملسملا ءابطلأا دوهج يرجهلا نماثلا
Béchir Abdellaouı.)ـه749/م1348 .ت( ةنس رمدم ءابو يشفت ظوحلم لكشبو ،ةئبولأا نم ةقيمع تاجوم ،يرجهلا نماثلا نرقلا يف ةصاخ ،يكولمملا رصعلا دهش .ت( ةمتاخ نباو ،)ـه749/م1348 .ت( يروقشلا نيزرابلا ءابطلأا ءلاؤه نم ركذن .يدحتلا اذه ىلع ةعونتم دودرب نوملسملا ءابطلأا در دقو ءابطلأا دوهج تناك .امهم ايملع اثًرإ نيكرات ،ءابولا لوح مهرظن تاهجو اومدق نيذلا ،)ـه776/م1374 .ت( بيطخلا نب نيدلا ناسلو ،)ـه770/م1369 نم كيكشتلاو ،ةهج نم رمتسملا ءابولا :تايدحتلا نم ايلاخ مهقيرط نكي مل كلذ عمو ،ثيدحلا بطلا روطتل ةدهممو ةدئار ةئبولأا ةهجاوم يف نيملسملا ءابطلأا دوهجو ،يرجهلا نماثلا نرقلا يف ةئبولأا ةرهاظ :ةيسيئر بناوج ةثًلاثً ىلع لمعلا اذه زكري .ىرخأ ةهج نم يملاسلإا عمتجملا فئاوط ضعب .اهوهجاو يتلا تايدحتلاو ،نيملسملا