DOI :10.26650/B/LS32.2023.003.13   IUP :10.26650/B/LS32.2023.003.13    Tam Metin (PDF)

An Example of a Decision Support System Focused on Analysis and Solution of the Mucilage Problem in the Marmara Sea

Ali Ertürk

This chapter explains in almost full detail the design of an example decision support system (DSS) focused on analyzing and solving the mucilage problem in the Marmara Sea and provides tips on how to implement it. The aim is to let readers have all the details by keeping the DSS as simple as possible and provide them with the know-how related to DSS development so that users who want to can develop a more complex and realistic DSS for solving the mucilage problem of the Marmara Sea in the future. The DSS example was developed within the scope of this study and is original. The DSS is completely based on analytical solutions and mainly analyzes the problem of eutrophication, one of the symptoms of which involves the mucilage problem. Exercises are given as footnotes to help readers get practice or at least think about how to develop their own DSSs.


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