DOI :10.26650/B/ET07.2023.004.10   IUP :10.26650/B/ET07.2023.004.10    Tam Metin (PDF)

Covid-19 Impact and Digital Transformation in Global Supply Chains

Ali Alsaç

The World Health Organization derived the name COVID-19 from the co of “Corona”, the vi of “virus” and the d of the word “disease” (disease), and the 19th from 2019, and the global scale of this epidemic It has been declared a (pandemic). States, economies, institutions, societies are being subjected to a serious test of resilience with the COVID-19 epidemic. The coronavirus epidemic has brought production and distribution networks all over the world to a standstill. Borders have been closed; international travel, face-to-face meetings, tourism activities and trade has come to a standstill. Countries that supply their essential needs such as pharmaceuticals, food, raw materials and industrial intermediates to a large extent from foreign countries have almost shuttered. The purpose of this research, conducted under these conditions, is to examine the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on global supply chains and management. The purpose of this research is to analyze the existing knowledge about the relationship. In this research process, we try to understand the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak on global supply chains and supply operations. It is aimed to provide an academic perspective on the lessons learned from the process and the proposed solutions. This study is based on structured literature research in the years 2020-2022. Specifically, five research questions are addressed: What disruptions are COVID-19 causing in global supply chains? How does the literature portray the supply chain lessons learned from the COVID-19 related disruptions? What are the suggested solutions in the literature against the problems caused by the pandemic in the supply chain? How will global supply chains work in the future? What are solutions focused on digital technologies, resilience and flexibility for the future functioning of global supply chains? Concerning the findings, the study contributes by proposing solutions based on lessons learned regarding the ongoing supply chain processes of the COVID-19 outage. Six supply chain vulnerabilities, six solution or resilience capabilities, and seven clusters of technologies deemed particularly useful in mitigating future pandemic disruptions were identified. Additionally, the interrelationships between different elements are explored and understood as an ongoing learning process that includes the process of discovering vulnerabilities, reacting to change, designing change, and implementing change. Based on these findings, a number of managerial implications and pathways are proposed for future research. This chapter argues that digital technology and artificial intelligence can mitigate adversity and strengthen the resilience and readiness of production and supply networks in the future.


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