Comparison of Shopping Behaviors of Domestic and Foreign Tourists During the Covid-19: The Case of Grand Bazaar
Fatma Füsun İstanbullu Dinçer, Mithat Zeki Dinçer, Dilek Gümüş, Çilem BulşuThe COVID-19 pandemic, which has turned into a global crisis, negatively affects many industries and their employees in economic. Also, the tourism industry, which benefits countries in terms of financial gains, suffers from a loss of revenues due to the restrictions (lockdowns, travel barriers between countries and cities, quarantine, social distance, etc.) imposed by governments during the pandemic process. These processes are also reflected in the shopping behavior of tourists. In this context, the study aims to research the possible differences in the shopping behavior of domestic and foreign tourists caused by the COVID-19 pandemic process. For this purpose, the research population consists of merchants in the Grand Bazaar, one of the historical shopping centers of Istanbul. The data used in the research were collected by semi-structured interview method with the merchants of the Grand Bazaar. The findings show that the shopping behaviors of domestic and foreign tourists during the COVID-19 process differ in the themes of the length of stay in the Grand Bazaar, the behavior of purchasing the product, and the motivation to bargain.
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