DOI :10.26650/B/SS10.2023.001.04   IUP :10.26650/B/SS10.2023.001.04    Tam Metin (PDF)

Convergence of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Oecd Countries: Evidence from the Fourier Unit Root Test

Fatma Kızılkaya

The convergence hypothesis in countries' per capita carbon dioxide emission rates is essential in climate change debates. Although the consequences of climate change are uncertain, many scientists state that emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases cause global warming. In addition, increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is generally seen as the most crucial cause of the greenhouse effect. This study aims to contribute to the debate on environmental convergence. In this direction, using the annual data for the period 1960-2018, the convergence of the per capita carbon dioxide emissions of 30 OECD countries is investigated within the framework of stochastic convergence. In the study, the Fourier ADF unit root test developed by Omay (2015) is used to reveal the stationarity properties of the variables. According to the Fourier ADF test findings, it has been concluded that the per capita carbon dioxide emission series for Ireland, Israel, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Chile, New Zealand, and Greece are stationary, and the convergence hypothesis is valid for these countries.


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