DOI :10.26650/B/SS10.2023.001.07   IUP :10.26650/B/SS10.2023.001.07    Tam Metin (PDF)

Use of Teleconferencing in Adult Training and Its Economic Contributions: The Case of Koda Family Studies Programme During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Özcan Garanİrem GüneşBetül Pişkin

This study aims to assess the method of teleconferencing developed by the Village Schools Transformation Network Association (KODA with its abbreviation in Turkish) due to the impossibility of face-to-face training held by non-governmental organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this context, KODA reached as many as 200 adults living in various rural districts in the country with three separate modules within the scope of the pilot study titled Phase 1 from February to August 2021 under the umbrella of the Family Studies Programme (FSP). Considering that 13 out of 16 pieces of training were held through teleconferencing, it has become apparent that teleconferencing can play a vital role in providing educational possibilities, especially for people living in rural areas during societal disasters like pandemics. This study, shaped by the case study pattern from the qualitative research methods, tries to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the teleconferencing method. This way, we tried to come up with concrete recommendations regarding the use of teleconferencing in the light of scientific assessments to offer to a wide range of parties, including policymakers and especially non-governmental organizations working in rural areas. To this end, data gained from focus group discussions conducted with the participation of the project team, trainers, and parents in the program were analyzed. We aimed to contribute to the existing literature with our findings on the one hand. We tried to offer scientific information regarding the pros and cons of teleconferencing for all the related shareholders.


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