DOI :10.26650/B/LS32LS24.2024.005.011   IUP :10.26650/B/LS32LS24.2024.005.011    Tam Metin (PDF)

Gamete Quality and Preservation in Fish: an Overview of Studies in Türki̇ye

Güneş YamanerAygül Ekici

Aquaculture in the world may have first emerged in two different geographical regions, North Africa, and China. In the old documents where production and feeding studies are located, polyculture studies using common carp and Chinese carp are mentioned in China and in addition to these culture studies, breeding studies are also mentioned that centuries ago. It is understood that production work began in 2100 BC thanks to the document explaining the method of laying eggs in carp fish (Timur and Memiş, 2011). In these production studies, selection applications made according to the morphology of the fish were used. By selection, the production of fish with the desired characteristics was carried out with the use of selected gametes, forming the basis of fish breeding practices. Over time, these issues have developed depending on needs, experience, equipment and technological developments, and the studies carried out for the purpose of gamete quality and the preservation of gametes have gained importance (Timur and Ekici, 2009).  


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