DOI :10.26650/PB/SS46PS01.2022.001.013   IUP :10.26650/PB/SS46PS01.2022.001.013    Tam Metin (PDF)

Solar Flares and Their Impacts

Zahide Funda Bostancı Güver

Solar flares are the most prominent events with the strongest magnetic field in Solar activity and are mostly associated with energetic particles (electron, neutron, proton, and heavy nuclei), coronal mass ejections, and shock waves. As the shock waves travel between the planets, they also accelerate the particles in their path. When these high-energy charged particles reach the Earth's magnetosphere, they cause geomagnetic storms and aurora. Solar flares can also cause adverse effects around the Earth. For example, if satellites are exposed to high-energy particles, major damage can occur to their systems. Satellite orbits can be destabilized, and even astronauts on and off the satellite may be exposed to these life-threatening high-energy particles. Therefore, the prediction of flares that may occur on the Sun is very important in this context. Here, solar flares, their effects on space weather and satellites will be discussed in detail.


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