DOI :10.26650/B/SS10.2024.013.004   IUP :10.26650/B/SS10.2024.013.004    Tam Metin (PDF)

Nudging in Behavioral Development Economics: an Evaluation of Preventive Health Services in Türki̇ye

Hatime Kamilçelebi

The well-being effects of human health on the economy are undeniable. While health affects people’s productivity and income in the short and long term, preventive health policies prevent an increase in health expenditures. However, some individuals experience limited access to health services due to living and economic conditions and may not have enough information about preventive health services. Even if they have information, they may procrastinate using these services for various economic, social, or psychological reasons. Behavioral economic development experiments related to the health of individuals living in rural areas of developing countries and developed countries are done. In these scientific studies, individuals are nudged to get vaccinated, screened, use preventive drugs, etc., through incentives or persuasive tools. After these methods were applied, it was revealed that most individuals paid more attention to their health than they had before. The aim of this study was to 1) emphasize the need to inform individuals about preventive health services associated with cancer in Türkiye, 2) make suggestions on how to reach people who could benefit from professional health services, and 3) provide guidance to health professionals. The aim to improve preventive health policies in Turkiye, which is one of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations, was considered, and the nudge and incentive studies carried out around the world were used as the basis for the research. With the implementation of these recommendations by policymakers, it is predicted that life expectancy would be extended, the quality of life would be better and health expenditures would decrease. In this study, the evaluations and suggestions are presented in this context.


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