Progress on Sustainable Development Goal 5 in Türki̇ye: Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls and Promotion of Gender Equality
Adviye Damla Ünlü BektaşAccording to the 2022 Sustainable Development Goals Report, Türkiye’s lowest average performance is in Gender Equality (SDG 5). Türkiye’s gender equality trend is stagnant, and significant challenges need to be addressed. In this regard, this chapter provides an assessment of violence against women and children, early, and forced marriage in Türkiye, with a particular focus on Targets 5.2 and 5.3. It utilizes national, international, and independent data sources. The chapter consists of three sections. The first section discusses the global outlook on Targets 5.2 and 5.3. The second section evaluates violence against women in Türkiye through the lens of legal regulations/civil society activism and Türkiye’s progress on Target 5.2. The third and final part addresses children, early, and forced marriage in Türkiye through legal framework and progress on Target 5.3. The chapter highlights the relationship between gender equality and global indicators and discusses their effectiveness. Regarding Türkiye’s progress within the Sustainable Development Goals framework, particular emphasis is placed on providing regular and publicly available data on violence against women and child, early, and forced marriage, such as problems regarding the “gender data gap.” In this context, the conclusion section offers an assessment of the effectiveness of indicators and the need to review Türkiye’s data policy.
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