Türki̇ye as an Actor in Sustaining International Peace: the Case of Ukraine War
Pınar Erkem Gülboy, Elifcan ÇorukFrom the beginning of the establishment of Turkish Republic, the main foreign policy goal has been ‘peace at home and peace in the World.’ With the centennial of the Republic approaching, Türkiye has become an actor in international level, protecting international peace and human rights in various conflict locations. This study aims to analyze Türkiye’s role in terms of its contribution to international peace in the 2022 Ukraine war within the framework of the United Nations’ Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions goal. The goal of Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions ranks 16th among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals included in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Agenda. Based on the principles of human rights and the rule of law, this goal aims to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, ensure access to justice for all, and create effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels. From this purpose, the scope of the study is to evaluate Türkiye’s role in the management of Ukraine war that is for the benefit of Ukrainian people and of international peace. The study is conducted with the qualitative document analysis method. Document analysis, as a scientific research method that ensures the collection, examination, comparison, and analysis of primary and secondary data within the research, provides the opportunity to examine Türkiye’s contribution to international peace through Ukraine war. This study, which deals with Ukraine war in terms of Türkiye’s contribution to international peace, has the potential to shed light on the current debate of the international conflict from a different perspective and to evaluate and analyze Türkiye’s Sustainable Development performance in terms of contributions to international peace.
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