DOI :10.26650/B/SSc21.2024.025.06   IUP :10.26650/B/SSc21.2024.025.06    Tam Metin (PDF)

Changing Patterns of Nationbuilding: Rethinking How to Mitigate the Conflict in Balochistan (Pakistan)

Rehana Saeed Hashmi

Nation-building is a complex phenomenon for plural societies. Even though ethnic diversity can be a source of strength and richness, it can also pose challenges leading to a fragile state. Pakistan has a plural society, and its four federating units identify four major ethnic identities. Although this federal structure had the aim of building a unified nation by creating harmony in the multi-ethnic society, Pakistan previously experienced a state failure in 1971 as a result of the internal cleavage in the country growing with the influence of external powers. A similar challenge to this, which resulted in the partition and emergence of Bangladesh, has been experienced by Pakistan in the Balochistan region. Therefore, this study aims to explore the challenges to successful nation-building in Pakistan with a focus on this region and examine the impact of new nation-building strategies of the state, particularly in Baloch-populated areas. Thus, it also aims to discuss the current status of the state’s efforts to overcome the causes of fragility. The necessary data is collected through a literature review and semi-structured interviews, and to analyze this data, an exploratory analytical framework is adopted. The research findings reveal that the challenges to nationbuilding in the region have been structural rather than ideological, and despite the state’s noteworthy contributions to education, youth participation and infrastructure, there is still work to be done to lay on the ground for a stable and united nation. Besides, the study argues that adopting a developmental approach to enhance the enabling capabilities of the Baloch can facilitate nation-building in the region. 


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