DOI :10.26650/B/SS10ET27.2024.008.06   IUP :10.26650/B/SS10ET27.2024.008.06    Tam Metin (PDF)

Clean Energy Policy, Clean Energy Expansion and Political Debate- A Recent Outlook

Shahi Md. Tanvir Alam

Energy plays a pervasive role for the economic development of a country and fossil fuels took the responsibility as a catalyst for energy production for long days. But observing the recent environmental detrimental significances, assertive polling is accumulating for clean energy. Policy support should perform actively for the expansion of clean energy continuing the steadiness of the industrial and economic phase and balancing the global energy debate due to the energy transition. 

The aim of the paper is to explore the influencing scenario of the clean energy policy on global energy politics by a qualitative screening of the studies. The paper gets that with some challenges, the clean energy expansion has started its positive contribution to the local and international economy though the fossil fuel rich countries are extending political debate for shrinking their global control. Proper comprehensive policy and regulatory & political support can irrigate a fair level playing field for declining the geopolitics steadily.

JEL Sınıflandırması : Q42 , Q48 , Q49


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