DOI :10.26650/B/SS10ET27.2024.008.10   IUP :10.26650/B/SS10ET27.2024.008.10    Tam Metin (PDF)

Legal and Social Effects of Green Economy Policies on Labor Markets

Abdullah ErolAybike Elif Bolcan

The green economy is a concept that is increasingly important today. This concept is not only limited to environmentally friendly policies but also has profound effects on labor markets. This chapter takes a labor economics perspective to understand the complexity of the green economy and its interaction with business. This perspective offers a broader understanding of the green economy by covering not only the balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability but also workforce dynamics. The first part of the chapter examines the complex relationship between sustainability and business, explaining how the green economy is reflected in workforce dynamics. Understanding the effects of the green economy on business requires an in-depth evaluation of employees’ roles in business life, skill sets and employment opportunities. In this context, it is necessary to clearly determine the conceptual framework. For this purpose, in the first part, the concepts of green employment and green jobs have been tried to be explained. The second part analyzes in depth the effects of technological developments brought by the green economy on labor law. How automation, artificial intelligence and green technologies change the workforce structure is examined in detail. The potential effects of this technological transformation in terms of workers’ rights and occupational safety in the workplace are meticulously discussed. The fact that innovative technologies have led to a powerful transformation in labor markets emphasizes the key role of labor law in the process of adapting to this change. The chapter considers the new occupational fields and skill sets created by the green economy and evaluates how the labor market can adapt to these changes. In this context, it is emphasized how education and retraining policies should be shaped by the demands of the green economy. Adapting the workforce to these changes can contribute to the creation of a more sustainable working model in the future business world. As a result, this chapter evaluates the legal and social effects of green economy policies on labor markets from a broad perspective, providing important clues about the challenges and opportunities that the business world will face in the future. As the green economy shapes the transformation in the business world, it offers guidance for the construction of a sustainable and fair economic future.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Green economyLabor LawLabor Market


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