DOI :10.26650/B/SS10ET27.2024.008.11   IUP :10.26650/B/SS10ET27.2024.008.11    Tam Metin (PDF)

Philanthropy, Transparency and Self-Regulation: A Review of Environmental Ngos within the Açık Açık Platform

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This chapter highlights how important it is for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to have responsible and transparent frameworks because these are necessary for building and maintaining donor trust. Legislative regulations that are obligatory to guarantee transparency cannot always guarantee the desired outcomes. Self- regulation initiatives stand out as a useful alternative at this point. The study describes self-regulation initiatives that NGOs participate in to strengthen transparency and, as a result, promote increased confidence and trust in civil society. Environmental NGOs, which create a strong footprint through the social impact created, attach importance to transparency, like other NGOs. This study aims to examine to what extent the Açık Açık platform, which operates as a self-regulation platform in Türkiye, fulfills its self-regulation functions for its members in the environmental area. While the Açık Açık Platform presents itself as a self-regulation initiative, it is only partially transparent in terms of information sharing and withholding details of decision-making processes and result assessments. It is possible to define the platform in its current form as a good-faith effort towards transparency.


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