DOI :10.26650/B/AA09.2021.007.08   IUP :10.26650/B/AA09.2021.007.08    Tam Metin (PDF)

The Continuity Between the Mehterhâne-i̇ Hümâyûn and the Musi̇ka-i̇ Hümâyûn

Nurettin GemiciHikmet Toker

The Musika-i Hümâyûn was founded in 1826 as a Western-type military band at the Ottoman court after the Mehterhâne-i Hümâyûn was abolished. The Musika-i Hümâyûn resembled a Western-type musical band; however, an analysis of the two reveals a degree of continuity between them. The Musika-i Hümâyûn was a Western-type military band with a repertoire comprising Western pieces, but it could be viewed as a sequel to the Mehterhâne because of the similarities in the way it was managed, its areas of performance, and certain other characteristics. This shift represented a prototype for all Ottoman reforms of the 19th century. This study examines the phenomenon of the continuity between the old and the new military bands of the Ottoman Court. Additionally, it attempts to discover some rules common to all Ottoman foundational reforms. Finally, the present study employs the examples of Musika-i Hümâyûn and Mehterhâne-i Hümâyûn to illustrate the roles played by politics and political reforms with respect to music in the Ottoman Empire in the19th century.


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