DOI :10.26650/B/SS25.2019.001.05   IUP :10.26650/B/SS25.2019.001.05    Tam Metin (PDF)

The Role of the United Nations in The Fight Against Terrorism

Saadat Rustemova Demırci

The purpose of establishing the United Nations was to conserve the fundamental values of the international system and to create a normative order for international society. Even though the operations for such purpose are subject to criticism, these operations are of great importance for the activities of adjusting the order mechanism of international society and for the international system. The operations for developing strategies to prevent dangerous elements such as terrorism, extremism and radicalism (which are known adverse effects of globalization) and to solve such issues are significant.

The dangers, which have emerged due to the effect of globalization, have increased the functions of the United Nations. The 9/11 attacks in particular made the United Nations enter an active phase to prevent terrorist threats. Terrorism during the Cold War was regarded as a secondary issue for the United Nations. However, terrorism established the most prominent item of the agenda following the aforementioned attacks. An urgent progress concept was developed to this end, and the United Nations brought the international society together to collaborate in order to ensure an efficient struggle strategy led by the Security Council. The agreed resolutions and conventions led by the organization in order to prevent terrorism and provide security for states did not remain limited to the organization but started to contribute to the normative development of the world based on the concept of “international convention”. 


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