DOI :10.26650/B/SS18.2021.004.007   IUP :10.26650/B/SS18.2021.004.007    Tam Metin (PDF)

Digital Transformation: Turkish Melodramas on Peruvian Television

Giuliana Cassano Iturrı

The idea that guides this research is that Turkish melodramas participate in Latin American melodrama’s cultural and symbolic field associated with shared identity matrices - urban and rural, tradition and modernity. This cultural and symbolic capital is expressed in the topics of love, feminine subjectivities, family, conflicts, and traditions. What topics do they offer us? What dialogues do they establish with our cultural matrices? What changes have they produced on Peruvian television? In Peru, melodrama appears as a narrative form that makes the social order transparent. A form of representation of life with its own characteristics: women as protagonists of their own history, women as competent subjects in the most extreme conditions, and female sisterhood. Some findings of this research show that Turkey’s melodramas have displaced the Brazilian, Colombian and American industry -among others- as source of foreign titles in Peruvian television. The most important topics are love and family, while religion appears as a meeting point for two countries with deep Faith traditions. A shared characteristic of Turkish and Peruvian productions is the centrality of female subjectivities and emotions. Finally, Turkish stories mobilize the local industry and offer a new repertoire of images to the audiences.


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