DOI :10.26650/B/SS49.2022.007.09   IUP :10.26650/B/SS49.2022.007.09    Tam Metin (PDF)

Volunteer Areas from the Perspective of the Future

Nursen Tekgöz

With each passing day, the need increases for social actors outside the state mechanism to solve global problems including environmental pollution, climate change, poverty, flood disasters, financial crises, human rights violations, and forced migration. NGOs and volunteer organizations come to the fore in this context as dynamic, dominant actors in the field who are in touch with the community and take on the role of key, effective stakeholders of states in solving problems. The basic roles and contributions of civil society and volunteerism are being discovered more and more both in the field and in scientific studies, and an attempt is made to penetrate social problem areas using volunteerism. The scope of volunteer activities has expanded in parallel with this. Volunteering’s contributions both to the individuals who volunteer as well as to the community it aims to benefit are addressed separately. Having been placed at the center of global development and sustainability goals, the mission that has been given to volunteering expands the scope of intervention in the target group and problem areas, and pioneers the development of innovative methods. This section will discuss volunteerism’s alternating roles and areas in the changing world, as well as how to take the pulse of past and present trends in order to better predict what volunteering will look like tomorrow. In this context, the concept of civil society and the historical adventure of NGOs will be mentioned first, followed by discussions of the transformations in volunteering that have occurred in the world since the 2000s. Finally, this section will examine the vision that will be formed for volunteering in the future and the areas on which activities will focus. 


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