Comparative Analysis of Transaction Performance in Different Virtualization Environments
Ali İhsan Candemir, Nilgün İncereisVirtualization technologies are increasing in importance day by day. The selection of virtualization software is an important factor to realize efficient use of physical hardware. In this study, the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS operating system was run on Virtu alBox, VMware, and Docker, which are widely used virtualization software. Then, the Tiobench, Compress-7zip, C-ray, Smallpt, Tachyon, and OSBench tests were per formed on the Ubuntu operating system with the Phoronix Test Suite software, and the test results were analyzed and compared. The results demonstrate that Docker out performed the other virtualization technologies, although not in every test. Owing to its rapid deployment and efficient use of resources, Docker is suitable for applications that require agility and scalability. However, traditional virtualization technologies, such as VMware, maybemoresuitable for applications that require high security and extensive resource management. In addition, this study provides information that can guide users in selecting virtualization software.