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DOI :10.26650/ASE2019544309   IUP :10.26650/ASE2019544309    Tam Metin (PDF)

Age Structure and Growth Characteristics of the Endemic Fish Oxynoemacheilus anatolicus (Nemacheilidae) in Düğer Creek, Mediterranean region of Turkey

Deniz İnnal

The present study reports the age and growth properties of Burdur Loach, Oxynoemacheilus anatolicus Erk'akan, Özeren & Nalbant, 2008 caught from the Düger Spring Creek (Burdur-Turkey) and is currently listed as an endangered species. 100 specimens of O. anatolicus, which ranged in size between 2.5 and 8.6 cm in total length, 0.14 and 5.90 g in total weight, were collected during the study period. Of all the O. anatolicus examined, 5 were immature, 50 were female, and 45 were male. The overall sex ratio in the populations matches the expected value of 1:1 in a normal population. The otolith readings indicated the presence of five age classes (I-V). Length–weight relationships were fitted by the equation W= 0.0082L3.0402 (p<0.05) for both sexes combined and this indicated that growth was positive allometric. The condition factor values were calculated and ranged from 0.64 to 1.19. The obtained data was compared with available results from close species. This study provided first baseline data related to length-weight relationship, age, sex ratio and condition factor for O. anatolicus – a species whose populations have been threatened due to various ecological changes in its habitats, leading to increased concern and the need for conservation.

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İnnal, D. (2019). Age Structure and Growth Characteristics of the Endemic Fish Oxynoemacheilus anatolicus (Nemacheilidae) in Düğer Creek, Mediterranean region of Turkey. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, 34(3), 80-85.


İnnal D. Age Structure and Growth Characteristics of the Endemic Fish Oxynoemacheilus anatolicus (Nemacheilidae) in Düğer Creek, Mediterranean region of Turkey. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering. 2019;34(3):80-85.


İnnal, D. Age Structure and Growth Characteristics of the Endemic Fish Oxynoemacheilus anatolicus (Nemacheilidae) in Düğer Creek, Mediterranean region of Turkey. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, [Publisher Location], v. 34, n. 3, p. 80-85, 2019.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

İnnal, Deniz,. 2019. “Age Structure and Growth Characteristics of the Endemic Fish Oxynoemacheilus anatolicus (Nemacheilidae) in Düğer Creek, Mediterranean region of Turkey.” Aquatic Sciences and Engineering 34, no. 3: 80-85.

Chicago: Humanities Style

İnnal, Deniz,. Age Structure and Growth Characteristics of the Endemic Fish Oxynoemacheilus anatolicus (Nemacheilidae) in Düğer Creek, Mediterranean region of Turkey.” Aquatic Sciences and Engineering 34, no. 3 (Sep. 2024): 80-85.

Harvard: Australian Style

İnnal, D 2019, 'Age Structure and Growth Characteristics of the Endemic Fish Oxynoemacheilus anatolicus (Nemacheilidae) in Düğer Creek, Mediterranean region of Turkey', Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 80-85, viewed 29 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

İnnal, D. (2019) ‘Age Structure and Growth Characteristics of the Endemic Fish Oxynoemacheilus anatolicus (Nemacheilidae) in Düğer Creek, Mediterranean region of Turkey’, Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, 34(3), pp. 80-85. (29 Sep. 2024).


İnnal, Deniz,. Age Structure and Growth Characteristics of the Endemic Fish Oxynoemacheilus anatolicus (Nemacheilidae) in Düğer Creek, Mediterranean region of Turkey.” Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, vol. 34, no. 3, 2019, pp. 80-85. [Database Container],


İnnal D. Age Structure and Growth Characteristics of the Endemic Fish Oxynoemacheilus anatolicus (Nemacheilidae) in Düğer Creek, Mediterranean region of Turkey. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering [Internet]. 29 Sep. 2024 [cited 29 Sep. 2024];34(3):80-85. Available from: doi: 10.26650/ASE2019544309


İnnal, Deniz. Age Structure and Growth Characteristics of the Endemic Fish Oxynoemacheilus anatolicus (Nemacheilidae) in Düğer Creek, Mediterranean region of Turkey”. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering 34/3 (Sep. 2024): 80-85.


İlk Revizyon03.06.2019
Son Revizyon12.06.2019
Çevrimiçi Yayınlanma30.07.2019


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