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DOI :10.26650/CURARE.2025.1591068   IUP :10.26650/CURARE.2025.1591068    Tam Metin (PDF)

Green Organisational Behaviour and Its Reflections on Nursing Care

Gamze Tunçer ÜnverAli Kahramanoğlu

Since Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, the connection between the physical environ1 ment and health has been consistently emphasised. Protecting and improving the environment is critical in enhancing the quality of nursing care. With the increasing impact of environmental issues of health, nurses’ responsibilities regarding environmental health have grown. In this context, nurses are essential in assessing environmental health risks for individuals, families, and communities, promoting sustainable practices, and preventing exposure to environmental hazards. In addition, green organisational behaviour reflects the sensitivity to the nursing care environment, which is the existence purpose of nurses. Therefore, encouraging green organisational behaviour among nurses is expected to strengthen nursing practices, raise environmental health awareness, and improve the quality of care. In this context, this review aims to highlight the significance of green organisational behaviour in nursing and its influencing factors, emphasising the value of this concept in nursing care and health services.

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Tunçer Ünver, G., & Kahramanoğlu, A. (2025). Green Organisational Behaviour and Its Reflections on Nursing Care. CURARE Journal of Nursing, 0(7), 70-76.


Tunçer Ünver G, Kahramanoğlu A. Green Organisational Behaviour and Its Reflections on Nursing Care. CURARE Journal of Nursing. 2025;0(7):70-76.


Tunçer Ünver, G.; Kahramanoğlu, A. Green Organisational Behaviour and Its Reflections on Nursing Care. CURARE Journal of Nursing, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 7, p. 70-76, 2025.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Tunçer Ünver, Gamze, and Ali Kahramanoğlu. 2025. “Green Organisational Behaviour and Its Reflections on Nursing Care.” CURARE Journal of Nursing 0, no. 7: 70-76.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Tunçer Ünver, Gamze, and Ali Kahramanoğlu. Green Organisational Behaviour and Its Reflections on Nursing Care.” CURARE Journal of Nursing 0, no. 7 (Mar. 2025): 70-76.

Harvard: Australian Style

Tunçer Ünver, G & Kahramanoğlu, A 2025, 'Green Organisational Behaviour and Its Reflections on Nursing Care', CURARE Journal of Nursing, vol. 0, no. 7, pp. 70-76, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Tunçer Ünver, G. and Kahramanoğlu, A. (2025) ‘Green Organisational Behaviour and Its Reflections on Nursing Care’, CURARE Journal of Nursing, 0(7), pp. 70-76. (10 Mar. 2025).


Tunçer Ünver, Gamze, and Ali Kahramanoğlu. Green Organisational Behaviour and Its Reflections on Nursing Care.” CURARE Journal of Nursing, vol. 0, no. 7, 2025, pp. 70-76. [Database Container],


Tunçer Ünver G, Kahramanoğlu A. Green Organisational Behaviour and Its Reflections on Nursing Care. CURARE Journal of Nursing [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(7):70-76. Available from: doi: 10.26650/CURARE.2025.1591068


Tunçer Ünver, Gamze - Kahramanoğlu, Ali. Green Organisational Behaviour and Its Reflections on Nursing Care”. CURARE Journal of Nursing 0/7 (Mar. 2025): 70-76.


Çevrimiçi Yayınlanma28.02.2025


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