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DOI :10.26650/CURARE.2025.1573321   IUP :10.26650/CURARE.2025.1573321    Tam Metin (PDF)

Relationship Between Perceived Social Support of Pregnant Women and Their Intentions Regarding Newborn Feeding

Gamze DikerSelda MatuğanBerna Köktürk DalcalıYılda Arzu Aba

Objective: The research is intended to evaluate the perceived social support levels of pregnant women, ascertain their intentions regarding newborn breastfeeding, and examine the relationship between these concepts.

Materials and Methods: This descriptive, correctional, and cross-sectional study was conducted with 331 pregnant women in the second and third trimesters who attended the Non-Stress Test (NST) Room of Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Education and Research Hospital. The Personal Information Form, the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), and the Infant Feeding Intentions Scale (IFI) were used as the data collection tool. Analyses were performed using SPSS Statistics 23.

Results: The mean total scores of the MSPSS and IFI Scale were 67.20 ± 12.67 and 15.82 ± 0.69, respectively. No statistically significant correlation was observed between the MSPSS and IFI scores of pregnant women (p>0.05). A statistically significant difference was observed between the MSPSS scores and the following variables: education level, income level, employment status, health insurance status, and training status related to pregnancy and newborn care. (p<0.05). A significant difference was found in the IFI scale scores according to the working status (p<0.05).

Conclusion: The findings show that the pregnant women in the sample reported high perceived social support levels and strong feeding intentions. No significant relationship was found between perceived social support and breastfeeding intention. Perceived social support and newborn feeding intention of pregnant women varied according to some socio-demographic variables.

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Diker, G., Matuğan, S., Köktürk Dalcalı, B., & Aba, Y.A. (2025). Relationship Between Perceived Social Support of Pregnant Women and Their Intentions Regarding Newborn Feeding. CURARE Journal of Nursing, 0(7), 9-19.


Diker G, Matuğan S, Köktürk Dalcalı B, Aba Y A. Relationship Between Perceived Social Support of Pregnant Women and Their Intentions Regarding Newborn Feeding. CURARE Journal of Nursing. 2025;0(7):9-19.


Diker, G.; Matuğan, S.; Köktürk Dalcalı, B.; Aba, Y.A. Relationship Between Perceived Social Support of Pregnant Women and Their Intentions Regarding Newborn Feeding. CURARE Journal of Nursing, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 7, p. 9-19, 2025.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Diker, Gamze, and Selda Matuğan and Berna Köktürk Dalcalı and Yılda Arzu Aba. 2025. “Relationship Between Perceived Social Support of Pregnant Women and Their Intentions Regarding Newborn Feeding.” CURARE Journal of Nursing 0, no. 7: 9-19.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Diker, Gamze, and Selda Matuğan and Berna Köktürk Dalcalı and Yılda Arzu Aba. Relationship Between Perceived Social Support of Pregnant Women and Their Intentions Regarding Newborn Feeding.” CURARE Journal of Nursing 0, no. 7 (Mar. 2025): 9-19.

Harvard: Australian Style

Diker, G & Matuğan, S & Köktürk Dalcalı, B & Aba, YA 2025, 'Relationship Between Perceived Social Support of Pregnant Women and Their Intentions Regarding Newborn Feeding', CURARE Journal of Nursing, vol. 0, no. 7, pp. 9-19, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Diker, G. and Matuğan, S. and Köktürk Dalcalı, B. and Aba, Y.A. (2025) ‘Relationship Between Perceived Social Support of Pregnant Women and Their Intentions Regarding Newborn Feeding’, CURARE Journal of Nursing, 0(7), pp. 9-19. (10 Mar. 2025).


Diker, Gamze, and Selda Matuğan and Berna Köktürk Dalcalı and Yılda Arzu Aba. Relationship Between Perceived Social Support of Pregnant Women and Their Intentions Regarding Newborn Feeding.” CURARE Journal of Nursing, vol. 0, no. 7, 2025, pp. 9-19. [Database Container],


Diker G, Matuğan S, Köktürk Dalcalı B, Aba YA. Relationship Between Perceived Social Support of Pregnant Women and Their Intentions Regarding Newborn Feeding. CURARE Journal of Nursing [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(7):9-19. Available from: doi: 10.26650/CURARE.2025.1573321


Diker, Gamze - Matuğan, Selda - Köktürk Dalcalı, Berna - Aba, YıldaArzu. Relationship Between Perceived Social Support of Pregnant Women and Their Intentions Regarding Newborn Feeding”. CURARE Journal of Nursing 0/7 (Mar. 2025): 9-19.


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