Havacılık Sektöründe Duygusal Zekanın Çatışma Yönetimine Etkisine İlişkin Bir Derleme
Hüseyin Taşçı, Büşra Sezgin, Melike KazarBu çalışmada, duygusal zekânın çatışma yönetim becerilerine etkisi havacılık sektörü özelinde incelenmiş, bu kapsamda alan yazına yönelik bir literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Yapılan literatür taraması sonucunda duygusal zekânın iletişim, liderlik ve takım çalışması gibi alanlarda çatışma yönetim becerilerine olan etkilerini vurgulamaktadır. Havacılık sektörünün dinamik yapısı, teknolojik gelişmeler ve insanlar arası etkileşimler duygusal zeka becerileri ve çatışma yönetiminin önemini daha da ortaya koymaktadır. Duygusal zekâ, bireyin kendi duygularını fark etme, başkalarının duygularını anlama ve sosyal ilişkilerde başarı sağlama becerilerini içerir. Yüksek duygusal zekaya sahip kişiler, başkalarının ve kendilerinin duygularını iyi tanıyan, duygularını kontrol edebilen, farklı duyguları ayırt edebilen ve sosyal etkileşimlerde etkili olan bireylerdir. Duygusal zeka becerileri geliştirilebilir. Havacılık sektöründe ortaya çıkan çatışmaların, emniyet ve iş sürekliliği açısından kritik olduğu göz önüne alındığında, duygusal zekânın bu sektördeki etkileri büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu durum, havacılık sektöründe duygusal zeka gelişimine yönelik stratejiler oluşturulması ihtiyacını doğurmaktadır. Araştırma, bu konuda ileriye dönük öneriler içermektedir. Duygusal zekâ becerileri kullanılarak yaşanan çatışmaların nasıl çözülebileceği ve bu çözümün sektör performansına olan etkisi incelenmektedir. Bu çalışmanın, havacılık sektöründe çatışma yönetimi pratiğini geliştirmeye yönelik yönergeler sağlaması ve duygusal zekânın bu alandaki rolünü anlamada katkıda bulunması beklenmektedir
A Review regarding the Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Conflict Management in the Aviation Industry
Hüseyin Taşçı, Büşra Sezgin, Melike KazarThis study examines the impact of emotional intelligence on conflict management skills within the aviation sector through a literature review. It emphasizes the effects of emotional intelligence on conflict management skills on communication, leadership, and teamwork. The dynamic structure of the aviation industry, technological developments, and interpersonal interactions further highlight the importance of emotional intelligence skills and conflict management. Emotional intelligence involves recognizing one’s own emotions, understanding others’, and succeeding in social relationships. Individuals with high emotional intelligence can regulate their emotions effectively and navigate social interactions adeptly. Emotional intelligence skills can be improved. Considering that the conflicts arising in the aviation sector are critical in terms of safety and business continuity, the effects of emotional intelligence in this sector are of great importance. It also creates the need to develop strategies for enhancing emotional intelligence in the aviation industry. This research includes forward-looking suggestions. The examination focuses on how conflicts can be resolved using emotional intelligence skills and the impact of this solution on sector performance. We expect this study to provide guidelines for improving conflict management practices in the aviation industry and to contribute to understanding the role of emotional intelligence in this field.
In today's business world, individuals' emotional intelligence skills have become a critical factor on the path to success in various industries. These skills contain significant elements that impact individual performance, particularly in emotional understanding, interaction, and management. The rapid changes occurring in the aviation industry today, along with technological advancements and the effects of global competition, have further emphasized the importance of interaction and collaboration among individuals. However, the conflicts that arise in this dynamic environment have also brought critical importance to the industry in terms of success and safety. Effective management of conflicts among aviation professionals can directly affect factors such as business continuity, safety standards, and passenger satisfaction. The main objective of this review is to understand the impact of emotional intelligence skills on conflict management in the aviation industry, to conduct an in-depth examination of the types of conflicts in the aviation industry, to identify the role of emotional intelligence and aviation professionals in conflict management, and to develop recommendations for conflict management practice.
Intelligence is one of the topics that psychologists find challenging to agree on. Emotional intelligence is a form of intelligence that includes people's emotional awareness, emotional expression, emotional understanding, and emotional management skills. Emotional intelligence skills can be developed in various ways. Since conflicts can have different causes and characteristics, there are various types of conflicts. Communication conflict refers to problematic situations arising through communication between individuals or groups. Interest conflict refers to a situation where an individual or group is divided between multiple different goals or objectives rather than focusing on a single one (Ergül, 2012). Power conflict is a complex and multifaceted process that arises from the imbalance of power among individuals, groups, or organizations. Role conflict refers to a situation in which an individual continuously experiences conflict among different roles. Value conflict means a conflict or incompatibility of different values among individuals. Rights conflict is a type of conflict underlying disagreements between two or more parties.
Conflict management, used as an expression for the resolution of these conflicts, is a process that aims to effectively resolve disagreements or conflicts that arise within an organization or between individuals. There is an important relationship between emotional intelligence and conflict management. An individual with emotional intelligence can recognize their emotional states, try to understand their causes, and thus identify the real issues underlying the conflicts. Emotional intelligence and communication are two interrelated concepts. Individuals with well-developed emotional intelligence can use their communication skills more effectively. There is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership, and a leader's emotional intelligence enables them to exhibit effective leadership skills. Emotional intelligence is of great importance in social relationships and teamwork. Individuals with emotional intelligence in a team understand the emotional needs of other members and support them. Conflicts can affect many different areas in the aviation industry. For example, conflicts may arise concerning passenger dissatisfaction, disagreements among personnel, competition among airlines, and issues related to ownership and management (Atalay, 2019). The aviation world is a rapidly growing and developing field, so it occasionally witnesses various conflicts of interest and disagreements. These include competition among companies, conflicts between company management and employees, airport capacity issues, and international disputes over airspace. Examples of conflict management from real companies such as Southwest Airlines, Turkish Airlines, United Airlines, Emirates Airlines, Delta Airlines, British Airways, and Lufthansa are provided. Many methods and approaches can be used to resolve conflicts in the aviation industry. These include communication, adherence to standards, education, technology, and collaboration. In conclusion, considering the critical importance of conflicts in the aviation industry, especially in terms of safety and business continuity, effectively utilizing emotional intelligence skills can enhance success in the industry. These findings play a guiding role in strengthening conflict management practices in the aviation industry and understanding the effects of emotional intelligence in this field.
This study also offers the following recommendations.
- Emotional intelligence training programs should be organized for aviation professionals. These programs should focus on strengthening basic skills such as emotional awareness, empathy, and stress management.
- Strategies should be developed to identify and prevent frequently encountered types of conflicts in the aviation industry.
- Professionals in leadership positions should participate in leadership programs focused on developing emotional intelligence and effective communication skills.
- Training programs should be organized for the specialization of mediators in conflict resolution in the aviation industry.
- Measurement and assessment tools should be used to determine the emotional intelligence levels of aviation professionals.
- Aviation companies should establish clear protocols to be followed in conflict situations.