Revisiting Ethnic Framing in Conflicts: Challenging the Concept of Ethnic Conflict
İbrahim Fevzi GüvenOne of the primary research agendas in the fields of conflict resolution, security studies, and international relations in the post-Cold War era has been the rise of ethnic conflicts. Ethnic conflict has been one of the most widely used concepts in the scholarly literature, as well as by international organizations, peace practitioners, and other stakeholders working to end conflicts and build peace. During the 1990s when interstate wars were overshadowed by civil wars, conflicts in the breakup of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union and in Africa, the Middle East, and many other parts of the world were defined as ethnic conflicts. But do ethnic conflicts really have different characteristics that could call for a different conceptualization than other comparable conflicts? Has it been the increase in ethnic conflicts in the post-Cold War period, or has it been the ethnic framing of conflicts in certain geographies? Is a discussion of the ontological differences that distinguish an ethnic conflict from other interstate or intrastate wars possible? The study assumes that wars identified as ethnic conflicts do not have different dynamics that require a different conceptual framework than other civil wars. The concept of ethnic conflict would only be useful if it offered a different causal explanation than other alternative concepts for the conflict patterns it addresses. However, empirical analysis indicates both ethnic and non-ethnic conflicts to be largely related to the same factors. In other words, ethnic conflicts do not arise as a result of different causes, processes, or actors that place them in a separate category. While the concept of ethnic conflict does not effectively fill an analytical gap in understanding civil war dynamics, causes, and consequences, focusing on ethnic identity differences while leaving other conflict dynamics to the side risks losing sight of the real root causes that need to be addressed.
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Güven, İ.F. (2024). Revisiting Ethnic Framing in Conflicts: Challenging the Concept of Ethnic Conflict. Journal of Humanity, Peace and Justice, 1(1), 49-64.
Güven İ F. Revisiting Ethnic Framing in Conflicts: Challenging the Concept of Ethnic Conflict. Journal of Humanity, Peace and Justice. 2024;1(1):49-64.
Güven, İ.F. Revisiting Ethnic Framing in Conflicts: Challenging the Concept of Ethnic Conflict. Journal of Humanity, Peace and Justice, [Publisher Location], v. 1, n. 1, p. 49-64, 2024.
Chicago: Author-Date Style
Güven, İbrahim Fevzi,. 2024. “Revisiting Ethnic Framing in Conflicts: Challenging the Concept of Ethnic Conflict.” Journal of Humanity, Peace and Justice 1, no. 1: 49-64.
Chicago: Humanities Style
Güven, İbrahim Fevzi,. “Revisiting Ethnic Framing in Conflicts: Challenging the Concept of Ethnic Conflict.” Journal of Humanity, Peace and Justice 1, no. 1 (Mar. 2025): 49-64.
Harvard: Australian Style
Güven, İF 2024, 'Revisiting Ethnic Framing in Conflicts: Challenging the Concept of Ethnic Conflict', Journal of Humanity, Peace and Justice, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 49-64, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,
Harvard: Author-Date Style
Güven, İ.F. (2024) ‘Revisiting Ethnic Framing in Conflicts: Challenging the Concept of Ethnic Conflict’, Journal of Humanity, Peace and Justice, 1(1), pp. 49-64. (10 Mar. 2025).
Güven, İbrahim Fevzi,. “Revisiting Ethnic Framing in Conflicts: Challenging the Concept of Ethnic Conflict.” Journal of Humanity, Peace and Justice, vol. 1, no. 1, 2024, pp. 49-64. [Database Container],
Güven İF. Revisiting Ethnic Framing in Conflicts: Challenging the Concept of Ethnic Conflict. Journal of Humanity, Peace and Justice [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];1(1):49-64. Available from: doi: 10.26650/hupej.2024.10.1.1459672
Güven, İbrahimFevzi. “Revisiting Ethnic Framing in Conflicts: Challenging the Concept of Ethnic Conflict”. Journal of Humanity, Peace and Justice 1/1 (Mar. 2025): 49-64.