Imaging the Crustal Structure of the Southern Marmara Region (Turkey) Using Aeromagnetic and Gravitational Data
Muhammet Ali Aygün, Ahmet Sinan DemirelIn this study, discontinuities and major tectonic boundaries are interpreted in and around the South Marmara Region through the analysis of airborne Bouguer gravity and magnetic anomalies. Radial average power spectrum (RAPS) and band-pass filtering techniques are employed for the separation of long and short wavelengths. The application of RASP to the entire study area has yielded the detection of four depth segments, which have been employed in conjunction with tilt derivatives for the estimation of structural depth. Furthermore, the radial average depths of these depth segments are 30.5 km, 11.6 km, 3.2 km and 0.52 km. This study aims to gain insight into the crustal characteristics of the South Marmara region through the utilization of geophysical data, with a particular focus on the YDABCAG-198Y231G grid data obtained through the digitization of analogue data from the Aegean region. The relative merits and limitations of general and developed models will be discussed.