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DOI :10.26650/di.2023.34.2.1262493   IUP :10.26650/di.2023.34.2.1262493    Tam Metin (PDF)

Dil Felsefesi ile Normatif Dilbilgisi Arasında Arapça Dilbilgisi: Modernist Bir Yaklaşım

Hany Ismail Ramadan

Bu araştırma, Arap dili gramer yapısını iki farklı açıdan değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır: Eksiksiz bir yapı olarak dil felsefesi ve bu yapıyı tanımlayan Arap dili grameri. Bu yapı, aynı zamanda şemsiyesi altına girebilecek ve girmeyecek hususları da kısmen kapsamına alacak bir ölçüt olarak kabul edilmektedir.

Buna göre araştırma, temel bir soruya açıklık getirmeye çalışmaktadır: Acaba anadili Arapça olmayan öğrencilere Arapça dilbilgisi kuralları sadeleştirilerek ve kolaylaştırılarak mı sunulmalıdır? Yoksa modern metodun uygulandığı dil dersiyle uyumlu olacak biçimde kuralları direk dilin kendisinden ve örneklemelerinden başlayarak öğrencilerin ihtiyaçlarına göre mi formüle edilmelidir?

Bu tarz bir sorudan dilbilgisinin yenilenmesi, yenilenmenin sonuçları, klasik Arapça dilbilgisinin dil kazanımına olan faydası, anadili Arapça olmayanların kendilerine has hususiyetleri ve ihtiyaçları gibi çok yönlü sorular ortaya çıkmaktadır. Kuşkusuz bu sorular araştırmanın tabiatı gereği olağan sorulardır.

Bu sorular yapılan araştırma gereği tabii sorulardır. Araştırmacı bu sorulara araştırmanın uygunluğu açısından analitik yöntemle cevap aramaktadır. İhtiyaç dahilinde tarihsel yönteme de başvurabilmektedir. Amaç, bilimsel bir temelde dilsel bir yaklaşım sunmaktır. Böylece anadili Arapça olmayanlar için dilbilgisi eğitim müfredatı alanında kullanabilme olanağı sağlamaktır.

DOI :10.26650/di.2023.34.2.1262493   IUP :10.26650/di.2023.34.2.1262493    Tam Metin (PDF)

Arabic Rules Between Philosophy of Language and Grammar Criterion: A Modernist Approach

Hany Ismail Ramadan

This research aims to discuss the grammar of the Arabic language from two angles: the philosophy of language as a full-fledged structure, and Arabic grammar as a description of this entity. Accordingly, the research raises the fundamental question of whether the rules of the Arabic language should be presented to non-native speakers in terms of Arabic grammar to facilitate and simplify learning, or whether starting with the language itself and its representations, formulating its rules to meet the learners’ needs is more worthwhile and compatible with modern linguistic lessons? Branching from this question are legitimate sub-questions about the renewal of Arabic grammar and its consequences, the usefulness of old Arabic grammar in language acquisition, the specificity of non-native Arabic learners and their needs. As required by the nature of the research, the article seeks to present a linguistic approach that can serve as a scientific basis for use in preparing a matrix to compose an educational curriculum for non-Arabic speakers to learn Arabic grammar.

DOI :10.26650/di.2023.34.2.1262493   IUP :10.26650/di.2023.34.2.1262493    Tam Metin (PDF)

قواعد العربية بين فلسفة اللغة ومعيارية النحو: مقاربة حداثية

Hany Ismail Ramadan

تناقش هذه الدراسة قواعد اللغة العربية من زاويتي: فلسفة اللغة بوصفها بناء مكتمل الأركان، والنحو العربي الذي يعد توصيفا لهذا الكيان، كما إنه يُعدُّ – إلى حد ما – معيارا لإدراج ما يمكن أن يدخل تحت مظلته وما يخرج منها. وعليه تطرح الدراسة سؤالا أساسيا، ألا وهو: أينبغي أن تُقدَّم قواعد اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها من منطلق النحو العربي تيسيرا وتبسيطا؟ أم يجدر أن تنطلق من اللغة نفسها وتمثلاتها، فتصاغ قواعدها بما يلبي احتياجات المتعلمين، ويتوافق مع الدرس اللغوي الحديث؟ ويتفرع من هذا السؤال تساؤلات فرعية حول تجديد النحو ومآلاته، وجدوى النحو العربي القديم في اكتساب اللغة، وخصوصية متعلمي العربية من الناطقين بغيرها واحتياجاتهم، وهي تساؤلات مشروعة، سيسعى الباحث مجتهدا إلى الإجابة عنها وعن السؤال الأساسي من خلال المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، مستعينا عند الضرورة بالمنهج التاريخي وفقا لما تقتضيه طبيعة الدراسة، هادفا في ذلك إلى تقديم مقاربة لسانية تكون بمنزلة ركيزة علمية، ويمكن الاستعانة بها في إعداد مصفوفة لتأليف منهج تعليمي في القواعد للناطقين بغير العربية.


In terms of academic studies, consensus exists regarding the inadequacy of studies and research on Arabic grammar for non-Arabic speakers. Although very few theoretical studies are found on the subject, applied studies are practically non-existent, with their complete absence confirmable in terms of compositions and curricula designed explicitly for non-Arabic speakers. This explicit insufficiency of and severe deficit in studies and research are the main motives why this research has been prepared. The research discusses Arabic grammar from two angles: (1) the philosophy of language as a fullyfledged construction, and (2) Arabic syntax as a description of this construction and, to some extent, a criterion for the inclusion of what may come under its umbrella, as well as what should be excluded. Therefore, the research raises a fundamental question. Should Arabic grammar for non-Arabic speakers provide simplicity and clarity in terms of Arabic syntax, or should it be based on the language itself and its styles, formulating its grammar to meet the needs of learners and remaining compatible with modern linguistics? Sub-questions are found to branch off from this in relation to the rejuvenation of syntax and its consequences, the usefulness of old Arabic syntax in language acquisition, and the exclusivity of non-native Arabic learners and their needs. The research attempts to seek answers to these legitimate questions using the historical approach as a descriptive analytical approach and as required by the nature of the research.

In this context, this research combines the originality and modernity of the Arabic language, focusing on its main goal of attempting to adjust Arabic grammar and present it with a new vision that meets the needs of non-Arabic-speaking learners, making this the dominant criterion as well as a determinant when different viewpoints and opinions diverge, all with regard to the aim of filling the gap in the studies on the acquisition of Arabic for non-native speakers. The paradoxes and distinctions between Arabic syntax for native speakers and Arabic grammar for non-native speakers should be the starting reference point. Acknowledging this fact while recognizing how this has been identified in a number of topics is a proper and sound start for deciphering the codes to teach the Arabic language in general and non-native speakers in particular. No exaggeration is made in saying that if this start is successful, it may entice a reformulation of the syntax and grammar of the Arabic language for its own speakers as well, thus contributing to the acquisition of classical Arabic more easily and quickly and correcting any erroneous mental images about the difficulty of the Arabic language.

The study is expected to contribute to providing some practical and applied solutions based on a consensual modernist vision by benefiting from the linguistic considerations on one hand and the traditional corpus on the other, which is positively reflected in the field of composing and teaching Arabic for non-native speakers, and this is what makes this study important in the field of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. The study concludes with the importance of grammar and its syntactic, morphological, and phonetic variations in acquiring the Arabic language. In addition, the study emphasizes the importance of the traditional corpus regarding Arabic syntax based on the opinions and guidance it contains, as well as its helpfulness as a source for developing educational lessons for non-Arabic speakers. However, the study still stresses the importance of classifying and implementing a number of issues resulting from the needs of non-Arabic speaking learners, as well as the distinction between Arabic learners and non-Arabic speaking learners. Based on this distinction, the study thus calls for the following:

- Reconsider the classification of Arabic grammar books for non-native speakers, as diacritical marks are no longer the dominant criterion in classifying grammar, as is well-known in grammar books. Instead, common uses have become the main guide for choosing rules and their anastrophe, in addition to learners’ levels and linguistic needs at each level.

- Divide grammar rules and distribute them across the levels. Language acquisition is a gradual process based on the formation of linguistic habits, and rules are one way to achieve this. The intention is not to have learners be able to understand the rules without applying them but to have learners understand such things at the beginner level as how to present the nominal and verbal sentence components without addressing sub- diacritical marks.

- Give less focus or minimize syntactical terms so that learners don’t get overwhelmed with these terms and definitions and fall into the trap of descriptive rather than functional grammar. Learners will not suffer by not knowing terms if they are able to apply the rules and generate new sentences by following examples.

- Develop new chapters that meet the needs of non-Arabic speaking learners and answer their questions. Contrastive linguistics can also be used when developing these chapters. One chapters that is deemed to be urgently needed is on verb tenses and their modes, transitions, and auxiliaries. In addition, adjectives should be allocated a separate chapter for modifiers by taking into account the division of nouns into such parts of speech as proper nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and articles so as to help learners avoid making mistakes when using these as adjectives.

- Choose the easiest grammar rules even if they are predominant. This is because the syntactic and linguistic traditional corpus has a rich lexicon of diverse grammatical opinions. The researcher of the current article is sufficient in this lexicon with regard to benefiting from what could facilitate the teaching of Arabic language to non-native speakers and has thus adopted the opinion the rules should be simplified and made more applicable. However, this opinion is also preferable in terms of reasoning and debate among grammar schools. For instance, opinions can be found that state having a subject precede the verb is permissible due to verbal sentences being defined as sentences that include a verb regardless of where the verb is located in the sentence and especially due to the Arabic language having a free style that is characterized by flexibility in the use of anastrophe.

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Ramadan, H.I. (2023). Dil Felsefesi ile Normatif Dilbilgisi Arasında Arapça Dilbilgisi: Modernist Bir Yaklaşım. darulfunun ilahiyat, 34(2), 453-469.


Ramadan H I. Dil Felsefesi ile Normatif Dilbilgisi Arasında Arapça Dilbilgisi: Modernist Bir Yaklaşım. darulfunun ilahiyat. 2023;34(2):453-469.


Ramadan, H.I. Dil Felsefesi ile Normatif Dilbilgisi Arasında Arapça Dilbilgisi: Modernist Bir Yaklaşım. darulfunun ilahiyat, [Publisher Location], v. 34, n. 2, p. 453-469, 2023.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Ramadan, Hany Ismail,. 2023. “Dil Felsefesi ile Normatif Dilbilgisi Arasında Arapça Dilbilgisi: Modernist Bir Yaklaşım.” darulfunun ilahiyat 34, no. 2: 453-469.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Ramadan, Hany Ismail,. Dil Felsefesi ile Normatif Dilbilgisi Arasında Arapça Dilbilgisi: Modernist Bir Yaklaşım.” darulfunun ilahiyat 34, no. 2 (May. 2024): 453-469.

Harvard: Australian Style

Ramadan, HI 2023, 'Dil Felsefesi ile Normatif Dilbilgisi Arasında Arapça Dilbilgisi: Modernist Bir Yaklaşım', darulfunun ilahiyat, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 453-469, viewed 3 May. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Ramadan, H.I. (2023) ‘Dil Felsefesi ile Normatif Dilbilgisi Arasında Arapça Dilbilgisi: Modernist Bir Yaklaşım’, darulfunun ilahiyat, 34(2), pp. 453-469. (3 May. 2024).


Ramadan, Hany Ismail,. Dil Felsefesi ile Normatif Dilbilgisi Arasında Arapça Dilbilgisi: Modernist Bir Yaklaşım.” darulfunun ilahiyat, vol. 34, no. 2, 2023, pp. 453-469. [Database Container],


Ramadan HI. Dil Felsefesi ile Normatif Dilbilgisi Arasında Arapça Dilbilgisi: Modernist Bir Yaklaşım. darulfunun ilahiyat [Internet]. 3 May. 2024 [cited 3 May. 2024];34(2):453-469. Available from: doi: 10.26650/di.2023.34.2.1262493


Ramadan, HanyIsmail. Dil Felsefesi ile Normatif Dilbilgisi Arasında Arapça Dilbilgisi: Modernist Bir Yaklaşım”. darulfunun ilahiyat 34/2 (May. 2024): 453-469.


İlk Revizyon10.04.2023
Son Revizyon12.04.2023
Çevrimiçi Yayınlanma14.11.2023


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