Araştırma Makalesi

DOI :10.26650/di.2019.30.1.0066   IUP :10.26650/di.2019.30.1.0066    Tam Metin (PDF)

Türkiye’deki İlâhiyat ve İslâmî İlimler Fakülteleri Öğrencilerinin Hazırlık Sınıflarındaki Arapça Öğretim Programlarına Yönelik Tutumları

Sultan ŞimşekIslam Youssry Elhadky

Bu araştırma, İlahiyat Fakültesi öğrencilerinin hazırlık sınıflarındaki Arapça öğretim programına yönelik tutumlarını belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmanın iki temel sorusu vardır: Birincisi; “İlahiyat Fakültesi öğrencilerinin Türk üniversitelerindeki hazırlık sınıfındaki Arapça dil programına yönelik tutumları nelerdir?” sorusudur. İkincisi ise; istatistikse olarak araştırma örnekleminin tutumlarında “cinsiyet, İmam Hatip Lisesi mezunu olma, bulunulan sınıf, lisans düzeyindeki Arapça dersleri” gibi değişkenlerin yol açtığı anlamlı farklar (0.05’e eşit veya daha az) var mıdır? Araştırmada betimsel yöntem izlenmiş olup veri toplama aracı olarak anket yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma örnekleminde tesadufî örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bu araştırmaya 60 İlahiyat Fakültesinden 1374 öğrenci dahil edilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonuçları, öğrencilerin Arapça dil programının genel çerçevesine, Arapça hazırlık sınıfının öğreticilerine , öğretim yöntemlerine ve eğitim kalitesine yönelik tutumlarının nötr olduğunu; lisans öğrencilerinin hazırlık sınıflarındaki Arapça eğitiminin çalışmalarına olan etkisine yönelik tutumlarının pozitif olduğunu göstermektedir. Örneklemin % 75’i Arapça hazırlık eğitimini faydalı bulduklarını ifade etmiştir. Araştırma analizinde, bazı bağımsız değişkenler nedeniyle bazı konular istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklar olduğunu göstermiştir. 

Anahtar Kelimeler: ArapçaNitelikHazırlık SınıfıTutumlar
DOI :10.26650/di.2019.30.1.0066   IUP :10.26650/di.2019.30.1.0066    Tam Metin (PDF)

The Attitudes of the Theology and Islamic sciences faculty students in Turkey towards the program of Arabic language in the preparatory year

Sultan ŞimşekIslam Youssry Elhadky

The purpose of this study is to identify the attitude towards the Arabic language program in the preparatory year of students within the Faculties of Theology. The research questions are:1) What are the attitudes of these students in the Turkish universities towards the program of Arabic language in the preparatory year?2) Are there statistically significant differences (less than or equal to 0.05) in the attitude of the research sample due to the variables “gender, graduation in the secondary school of imams and preachers, class, the study in Arabic in the bachelor’s degree “? The research followed the descriptive method where the questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting information. The research sample was accidental. It included (1374) students from (60) Faculties. The results of the research show that the students’ attitudes were “Neutral” towards the framework of the Arabic language program, the teachers of the preparatory year, their teaching methods, and the quality of education. The students’ attitudes were “positive” toward the effect of the preparatory year on their studies. 75% of the sample said that they consider the preparatory year to be useful. The analysis showed that there were statistically significant differences in some topics due to some independent variables of the research. 

Anahtar Kelimeler: ArabicQualityPreparatory YearAttitude
DOI :10.26650/di.2019.30.1.0066   IUP :10.26650/di.2019.30.1.0066    Tam Metin (PDF)

اتجاهات طلبة كليات الإلهيات والعلوم الإسلامية في تركيا نحو برنامج اللغة العربية في السنة التحضيرية

Sultan ŞimşekIslam Youssry Elhadky

 تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على اتجاهات طلبة كليات الإلهيات والعلوم الإسلامية تجاه برنامج اللغة العربية في السنة التحضيرية. اتبعت الدراسة المنهج )60) طالبا وطالبة ينتمون لـ (1374ي، وشملت (ِضَرَ الوصفي واستخدمت الاستبانة أداة لجمع المعلومات. جاءت عينة الدراسة غير احتمالية من النوع الع كلية. وأظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن اتجاهات الطلبة (متوسطة) نحو الإطار العام لبرنامج اللغة العربية، ومعلمي السنة التحضيرية وطرق تدريسهم ، وجودة التعليم. وجاءت اتجاهات الطلبة (إيجابية) نحو استخدام اللغة العربية فقط في الصفوف الدراسية، وكذلك رأت أغلب العينة أنهم يحتاجون لدروس إضافية في اللغة العربية، كما رفضت الأغلبية زيادة البرنامج التحضيري العربي ليصبح عامين، وجاء اتجاه العينة نحو السفر للدراسة في البلاد العربية (إيجابيا جدا)، كما جاءت اتجاهات ) من العينة أنهم يعتبرون السنة التحضيرية مفيدة لهم، وأظهر التحليل أن75% طلاب مرحلة الليسانس نحو أثر السنة التحضيرية على دراستهم (إيجابية). وأفاد ( .هناك فروقا ذات دلالة إحصائية في بعض المحاور تعزى لبعض المتغيرات المستقلة للبحث


Arabic language is the language of the Holy Quran, the Prophetic Hadith, and is in most of the Islamic intellectual heritages. Although many of the Islamic heritages have been translated into other languages, the Arabic language is still an essential element of forming the student of Islamic sciences. 

Until now over the past two decades, Turkey has been increasingly concerned with teaching Arabic language in schools and universities. Arabic is a compulsory subject in the schools of İmam Hatip in its intermediate and secondary stages, as well as in most of the faculties of Theology and Islamic sciences. In addition, the number of faculties of Theology and Islamic sciences has increased year by year, which means the number of students that have enrolled in the Arabic preparatory year in Turkey has increased as well. Therefore, it is necessary to know the opinion of the Theology and Islamic sciences students, who are the first benefiters from the study.

This study aims to identify the student attitudes in the faculties of Theology and Islamic sciences towards the Arabic language program in the preparatory year.

The importance of this study is that it is one of the preliminary studies that integrates with a few previous studies to identify the attitudes of the students of the Faculty of theology toward Arabic preparatory year with the aim of developing it to achieve the desired objectives set by the Council of Higher Education.

The research questions are as follows:

1. What is the students’ attitudes in the faculties of Theology/ Islamic sciences in Turkish universities towards the Arabic language program in the preparatory year?

2. Are there statistically significant differences (less than or equal to 0.05) according to the variables: on gender, grade level, whether graduated from İmam Hatip’s secondary school or on the percentage of studying in Arabic at the bachelor degree level

The research used the descriptive approach, and the research sample was chosen accidentally. The sample covered 1374 students from 60 faculties. The questionnaire used the five-point Likert scale ranging from “strongly negative” (score “1”) to “strongly positive” (scored “5”), with an average midpoint scored “3”. To deliver the questionnaire to students it used the Google online form.

The questionnaire consisted of five parts: 1) the general framework of the program. 2) Teachers and teaching method. 3) Educational materials and evaluation. 4) The attitudes of the research sample towards various educational issues. 5) Questions for bachelor’s students only. From the basic data collected from the respondents, it showed that the majority (93%) of the research sample enrolled in the faculties of theology of their own will.

The main findings of the research regarding the first question was that the students’ attitudes were average towards the general framework of the Arabic language program, the teachers of the preparatory year, the methods of teaching, and the quality of education.

The Students’ attitudes were positive towards the use of Arabic only in the classroom. The majority of the sample felt that they needed additional classes in Arabic. However, the majority also refused to increase the Arabic preparatory program to two years. The attitudes of the sample to travel for study in the Arab countries were strongly positive. Furthermore, bachelor students’ attitudes were positive towards the impact from the preparatory year on their studies, 75% of the sample said that they consider the preparatory year to be useful.

Regarding the second question, the main results for gender differences (male / female), there were significant differences from students towards the first, second and third parts of the questionnaire, and the differences according to graduation at the İmam Hatip secondary school. The differences based on the percentage studying in Arabic at the bachelor degree level found there were statistically significant differences towards the first, second, third, fourth and fifth parts of the questionnaire.

The research recommended the following: First, to prepare a guide for the preparatory year for students, which includes the objectives of the preparatory year, the program’s levels, what the student can do with the language at each level, classification, synthesis, and formation system. Second, to make a biannual evaluation to explore students’ opinion on all elements of the educational process: program objectives, teaching materials, teachers, teaching methods, classroom density, teaching aids, and test fairness. Third, to repeat this study on a random sample of all the faculties of Theology /Islamic sciences in Turkey. In this way, the real perspectives of the students can be ascertained. Research method should not be restricted to only questionnaires but also interviews with students, teachers and professors of the bachelor degree. Fourth, to conduct the research study periodically within the preparatory year and the years of bachelor degree for the same sample group; to determine the relationship between the student’s attitudes towards the Arabic language, and the linguistic performance in the preparatory year, and also towards the academic performance in the bachelor degree.

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Şimşek, S., & Elhadky, I.Y. (2019). Türkiye’deki İlâhiyat ve İslâmî İlimler Fakülteleri Öğrencilerinin Hazırlık Sınıflarındaki Arapça Öğretim Programlarına Yönelik Tutumları. darulfunun ilahiyat, 30(1), 231-262.


Şimşek S, Elhadky I Y. Türkiye’deki İlâhiyat ve İslâmî İlimler Fakülteleri Öğrencilerinin Hazırlık Sınıflarındaki Arapça Öğretim Programlarına Yönelik Tutumları. darulfunun ilahiyat. 2019;30(1):231-262.


Şimşek, S.; Elhadky, I.Y. Türkiye’deki İlâhiyat ve İslâmî İlimler Fakülteleri Öğrencilerinin Hazırlık Sınıflarındaki Arapça Öğretim Programlarına Yönelik Tutumları. darulfunun ilahiyat, [Publisher Location], v. 30, n. 1, p. 231-262, 2019.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Şimşek, Sultan, and Islam Youssry Elhadky. 2019. “Türkiye’deki İlâhiyat ve İslâmî İlimler Fakülteleri Öğrencilerinin Hazırlık Sınıflarındaki Arapça Öğretim Programlarına Yönelik Tutumları.” darulfunun ilahiyat 30, no. 1: 231-262.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Şimşek, Sultan, and Islam Youssry Elhadky. Türkiye’deki İlâhiyat ve İslâmî İlimler Fakülteleri Öğrencilerinin Hazırlık Sınıflarındaki Arapça Öğretim Programlarına Yönelik Tutumları.” darulfunun ilahiyat 30, no. 1 (Mar. 2025): 231-262.

Harvard: Australian Style

Şimşek, S & Elhadky, IY 2019, 'Türkiye’deki İlâhiyat ve İslâmî İlimler Fakülteleri Öğrencilerinin Hazırlık Sınıflarındaki Arapça Öğretim Programlarına Yönelik Tutumları', darulfunun ilahiyat, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 231-262, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Şimşek, S. and Elhadky, I.Y. (2019) ‘Türkiye’deki İlâhiyat ve İslâmî İlimler Fakülteleri Öğrencilerinin Hazırlık Sınıflarındaki Arapça Öğretim Programlarına Yönelik Tutumları’, darulfunun ilahiyat, 30(1), pp. 231-262. (10 Mar. 2025).


Şimşek, Sultan, and Islam Youssry Elhadky. Türkiye’deki İlâhiyat ve İslâmî İlimler Fakülteleri Öğrencilerinin Hazırlık Sınıflarındaki Arapça Öğretim Programlarına Yönelik Tutumları.” darulfunun ilahiyat, vol. 30, no. 1, 2019, pp. 231-262. [Database Container],


Şimşek S, Elhadky IY. Türkiye’deki İlâhiyat ve İslâmî İlimler Fakülteleri Öğrencilerinin Hazırlık Sınıflarındaki Arapça Öğretim Programlarına Yönelik Tutumları. darulfunun ilahiyat [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];30(1):231-262. Available from: doi: 10.26650/di.2019.30.1.0066


Şimşek, Sultan - Elhadky, IslamYoussry. Türkiye’deki İlâhiyat ve İslâmî İlimler Fakülteleri Öğrencilerinin Hazırlık Sınıflarındaki Arapça Öğretim Programlarına Yönelik Tutumları”. darulfunun ilahiyat 30/1 (Mar. 2025): 231-262.




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