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DOI :10.26650/imj.2024.97.1491240   IUP :10.26650/imj.2024.97.1491240    Tam Metin (PDF)

The Turkish Adaptation of the Green Motivation Scale and The Effect of the Green Organizational Climate on Green Motivation

Ali ErbaşıSerap Kalfaoğlu

Today, where the concept of green gains increasing importance, why organizations want to exhibit green behaviors or what motivates them to act green is an important area of research. Looking at the subject at the individual level, examining employees’ perceptions about why organizations try to exhibit green behaviors and the effect of different variables on this perception will create different perspectives for the literature. The purpose of this study is to adapt the green motivation (GM) scale developed by Paulraj et al. (2017) to Turkey and to investigate the effect of a green organizational climate (GOC) on GM. For this purpose, data obtained from 375 employees of enterprises operating in different sectors in Konya with environmental policies were analyzed. A two-stage analysis was performed. In the first phase, a Turkish version of the GM scale was created and as a result, a valid and reliable scale consisting of 3 dimensions and 13 items was obtained in accordance with the original. In the second phase, hypothesis tests were conducted and it was understood that GOC had a statistically significant and positive effect on all dimensions of GM (instrumental motives, relational motives, moral motives). It is expected that the findings obtained from this research will provide a new perspective for individual, group, and organizational studies on GM in organizations.

JEL Classification : D23 , M19

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Erbaşı, A., & Kalfaoğlu, S. (2024). The Turkish Adaptation of the Green Motivation Scale and The Effect of the Green Organizational Climate on Green Motivation. Istanbul Management Journal, 0(97), 40-55.


Erbaşı A, Kalfaoğlu S. The Turkish Adaptation of the Green Motivation Scale and The Effect of the Green Organizational Climate on Green Motivation. Istanbul Management Journal. 2024;0(97):40-55.


Erbaşı, A.; Kalfaoğlu, S. The Turkish Adaptation of the Green Motivation Scale and The Effect of the Green Organizational Climate on Green Motivation. Istanbul Management Journal, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 97, p. 40-55, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Erbaşı, Ali, and Serap Kalfaoğlu. 2024. “The Turkish Adaptation of the Green Motivation Scale and The Effect of the Green Organizational Climate on Green Motivation.” Istanbul Management Journal 0, no. 97: 40-55.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Erbaşı, Ali, and Serap Kalfaoğlu. The Turkish Adaptation of the Green Motivation Scale and The Effect of the Green Organizational Climate on Green Motivation.” Istanbul Management Journal 0, no. 97 (Mar. 2025): 40-55.

Harvard: Australian Style

Erbaşı, A & Kalfaoğlu, S 2024, 'The Turkish Adaptation of the Green Motivation Scale and The Effect of the Green Organizational Climate on Green Motivation', Istanbul Management Journal, vol. 0, no. 97, pp. 40-55, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Erbaşı, A. and Kalfaoğlu, S. (2024) ‘The Turkish Adaptation of the Green Motivation Scale and The Effect of the Green Organizational Climate on Green Motivation’, Istanbul Management Journal, 0(97), pp. 40-55. (10 Mar. 2025).


Erbaşı, Ali, and Serap Kalfaoğlu. The Turkish Adaptation of the Green Motivation Scale and The Effect of the Green Organizational Climate on Green Motivation.” Istanbul Management Journal, vol. 0, no. 97, 2024, pp. 40-55. [Database Container],


Erbaşı A, Kalfaoğlu S. The Turkish Adaptation of the Green Motivation Scale and The Effect of the Green Organizational Climate on Green Motivation. Istanbul Management Journal [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(97):40-55. Available from: doi: 10.26650/imj.2024.97.1491240


Erbaşı, Ali - Kalfaoğlu, Serap. The Turkish Adaptation of the Green Motivation Scale and The Effect of the Green Organizational Climate on Green Motivation”. Istanbul Management Journal 0/97 (Mar. 2025): 40-55.


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