Evsizliğin Psikososyal Etkileri Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma: İstanbul, Beyoğlu Örneği
Halenur DemirEvsizlik, kişinin doğrudan ya da dolaylı sebeplerle daimî olarak kalacak bir yere sahip olmaması şeklinde tanımlanmaktadır. Evsizlik barınacak yerden, çalışacak işten ya da sosyal ilişkilerden yoksunluk gibi somut boyutların ötesinde, evsizlerin bunları ve toplamda hayatı anlamlandırma biçimlerini de hesaba katmayı gerektiren çok katmanlı bir toplumsal problemdir. Toplumdan kendini soyutlamış bu kişilerin topluma yeniden adapte olup normal düzende yaşamlarını sürdürebilmeleri için öncelikle yaşam koşullarının, kendi bakış açılarından nasıl göründüğünün anlaşılması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışma sokakta yaşayan bireylerin toplum ile ilişki kurma biçimleri, kendilerini topluma ne kadar ait hissettikleri, sosyal hayata katılım seviyeleri, sosyal refah hizmetlerine erişimleri, toplumsal hayata adapte olmada karşılaştıkları engeller ve bu engellerin kişilerdeki psikososyal etkileri üzerinden evsiz bireylerin yaşam algısını analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu doğrultuda nitel araştırma yöntemi benimsenmiş, İstanbul’da evsizliğin yoğun olarak yaşandığı bölgelerden Beyoğlu ilçesinde farklı konumlardaki 8 evsiz bireyle derinlemesine görüşme yapılmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin analizi sonucunda, evsizliğe neden olan olguların başında aile problemleri, boşanma, sosyal dışlanma ve ekonomik sorunların geldiği; kişilerin çevrelerine olan küskünlükleri sebebiyle yalnızlığı tercih ettikleri ve yalnızlığa bağlılıklarının, toplumsal dışlanma ve gördükleri yabancı tutumu ile arttığı anlaşılmaktadır. Buna göre kişiler psikolojik olarak en dipte hissettikleri zamanlarda hep yalnız olmak istemekte, sokak ortamında, sosyal yaşam ve ilişkilerinde seçici davranmakta, ilişki kurduklarında da öncelikleri yardımlaşma olmaktadır
A Qualitative Research on the Psychosocial Effects of Homelessness: The Case of Beyoğlu, İstanbul
Halenur DemirHomelessness is defined as not having a permanent place to stay for direct or indirect reasons. Homelessness is a multi-layered social problem that requires taking into account not only concrete dimensions such as lack of shelter, work, or social relations but also how homeless people make sense of life in general. For these people who have isolated themselves from society to readapt to society and continue their lives in a normal order, it is first necessary to understand how their living conditions appear from their perspective. This study aims to analyse the perception of the life of homeless individuals through how individuals living on the streets establish relationships with society, how much they feel they belong to society, their level of participation in social life, their access to social welfare services, the obstacles they encounter in adapting to social life and the psychosocial effects of these obstacles on individuals. In this direction, a qualitative research method was used and in-depth interviews were conducted with 8 homeless individuals in different locations in Beyoğlu district, one of the regions where homelessness is experienced intensively in Istanbul. In the study, face-to-face interviews were conducted using a semi-structured interview form after a literature review, aiming to capture the effects of the problem comprehensively. The answers to all questions were analysed in line with the descriptive analysis method and conclusions were reached through personal observations. As a result of the analysis of the data obtained from the interviews, it was determined that the main reasons causing homelessness were family problems, divorce, social exclusion and economic inadequacy; It has been understood that people prefer loneliness due to their resentment towards their environment and that their attachment to loneliness increases with social exclusion and the attitude of strangers they see. Therefore, people always want to be alone when they feel at the bottom psychologically, they are selective in their social life and relationships in the street environment, and when they establish relationships, their priority is to help others.
Homeless individuals strive to survive under inhumane conditions while being marginalized and excluded by society. In the literature, theories explaining the causes of homelessness on an “individual” basis often emphasise holding individuals responsible for their situations and deeming them guilty. As a result, homeless individuals are frequently subjected to stereotypical labels such as alcoholic, aggressive, or vagrant. On the other hand, it associates homelessness with the notion that individuals are needy, deprived, or inadequate, independent of their faults or responsibilities. Some homeless individuals who experience social exclusion may attribute their situation to themselves, holding themselves responsible for their circumstances. Conversely, some homeless people may believe that they deserve their current situation because of alcohol or substance abuse (Erbay, 2019, s. 43). The feeling of being excluded from society gradually produces a disconnected, insecure, and lost identity. Bauman describes the foreigner as an eternal vagrant, always homeless and with no hope of ever belonging. Due to the risk factors associated with the foreigner, they are perceived as a threat and are often regarded as something to be avoided. (Kanbir, F., 2012; s. 12). Homelessness, despite being visible on almost every street corner, is a prevalent issue that many in society are unaware of. To provide sustainable and constructive solutions to this issue, it is crucial to first identify the underlying factors contributing to the problem and raise awareness about it. This study contributes to the literature by providing findings on the life experiences of homeless individuals and the psychosocial effects of homelessness. It also offers suggestions for potential solutions to the issues identified in this field.
The findings of the study were obtained by conducting in-depth interviews within the framework of phenomenological design, one of the qualitative research methods, following a literature review. Phenomenology is a qualitative research method used to explain how people experience a phenomenon by expressing their understanding, feelings, perspectives, and perceptions of a particular concept (Rose, Beeby, & Parker, 1995, p. 1124). In this direction, the phenomenon of the research was chosen as homelessness, so that the research aims to understand the reasons behind the homelessness problem, to establish cause-effect relationships between the causes that trigger this problem and to reflect the effects of the problem in a holistic way. The researcher was actively involved in a civil society organization that exclusively worked on homelessness between 2019 and 2024. During this period, she took responsibilities such as monitoring and coordinating the activities carried out for the homeless individuals, determining the needs of the homeless individuals in line with their demands, and ensuring that the homeless individuals can reach the necessary service points and access the services they need. The experiences gained in this process have been anonymized and used within the scope of the article and are included in the findings when necessary. The researcher’s direct interaction with the people within the scope of the research and transferring field observations can contribute to understanding the context of the research and analysing the data (Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2013, p. 43).
There is a clear relationship between the duration of homelessness and the likelihood of reintegration into society. A person who has recently become homeless has a higher potential to escape homelessness. However, individuals with long-term experiences of homelessness often attempt to return to stable housing, but these efforts are often unsuccessful due to a lack of adequate support from their surroundings. The results reveal that most individuals who have experienced homelessness for more than four years tend to display a sense of hopelessness, focusing solely on getting through each day rather than planning for the future. After the research, it was recommended that more efforts should be made to understand the life dynamics of homeless individuals. Additionally, it was suggested that greater work should be done to raise public awareness about homelessness by sharing the life experiences of homeless individuals through various media channels. İn terms of employment, individuals face obstacles such as lack of access to clean clothes, showers and a safe place to sleep, all of which are essential for maintaining consistent employment. Many homeless individuals have distanced themselves from their homes because of family conflicts brought on by gambling, alcohol addiction, or unemployment. It has been observed that some choose the streets after fleeing their homes, which should provide a sense of security, due to abuse experienced during childhood. Although not apparent in the early stages, as substance use becomes chronic, it begins to damage their societal roles and social relationships. Accompanied by feelings of helplessness, they isolate themselves from society, and as street life progresses, they may become involved in crime or be subjected to exploitation. The high prevalence of psychiatric and substance use disorders among homeless individuals may be both a cause and consequence of homelessness (Acar, B., Bozkafa, H., Vural, B., Önal, S. 2022). Therefore, considering factors like criminal records, health issues, disabilities and inconsistent work histories, there is a need to develop vocational programmes tailored to address these employment barriers for homeless individuals. Homeless individuals face serious health problems due to factors such as living in unhygienic environments, irregular sleep, poor nutrition, and substance and alcohol abuse. This not only harms the individual’s own health but also carries a risk of transmission, potentially leading to the spread of diseases and becoming more public health risks and issues. Alongside the problem of homelessness, these individuals experience more health problems compared to those with stable housing and encounter numerous barriers in accessing healthcare services. Against homelessness and the risk of homelessness, sustainable and rehabilitation-focused permanent solutions tailored to local conditions should be developed. In this process, not only individual interventions are needed to alleviate the effects of homelessness but also comprehensive strategies aimed at transforming societal structures. These strategies should be designed to provide broader and more effective solutions to the problems of homelessness, encompassing all segments of society. The interviews revealed that although homeless individuals may feel marginalised and alienated, they find strength through interactions with organisations such as NGOs and individuals from their surroundings who show them care and inquire about their well-being. At this point, the role of civil society in the integration of homeless individuals into the community could be enhanced.