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DOI :10.26650/iuturkiyat.1350519   IUP :10.26650/iuturkiyat.1350519    Tam Metin (PDF)

Kafkavari ve Gotik: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’ın “Rüyalar” Hikâyesinin Anlatı Bilimi Yöntemiyle Bir İncelemesi

Emrah Pelvanoğlu

Tanpınar’ın ilk olarak 1952 yılında Aile dergisinde yayımlanan ve 1955 tarihli Yaz Yağmuru kitabında yer alan “Rüyalar” hikâyesi, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’ın sevdiği gotik unsur ve temaları içermekle beraber, biçim açısından zorluğu ve titizliği ile bilinen yazarın alışılagelmiş edebiyatından farklı bir yerde durmaktadır. Hikâyenin final sahnesine odaklanan ve kahramanı Cemil’in yaşadığı gerilimi “Şimdi ne olacak sorusu?” ile sürdüren kompozisyonu, olay örgüsüyle ilgili bir karmaşıklıktan ziyade, ilerledikçe açılan kronolojik bir hikâye anlatımına dayanır. Bu yazıda “Rüyalar”ın, Tanpınar’ın kurmaca eserlerinden genel olarak farklılaşan kompozisyonunu çözümlemek için hikâyenin anlatı bilimi açısından yakın okuması yapılmıştır. Buna göre “Rüyalar”ın çizgisel bir anlatımla kronolojik olarak ilerleyen hikâyesi, hikâyedeki rüya anlatılarının bu çizgisel anlatımın belirlediği final sahnesi için olay-örgüleştirilmesine dayanır. Tanpınar’ın farklı kurmaca metinlerinde karşılaşılan ve onun belirsizliğe ve biçimselliğe dayanan modernist anlatıcılığının en önemli unsurlarından olan rüya anlatıları, hikâye boyunca hem gizemi askıda tutup hem de her açıklamada yenilerini talep eden muğlaklıklar yaratarak olay örgüsünü belirler. Ancak rüyaların yarattığı belirsizliklerin açıklanması ne kadar ertelenirse ertelensin, hikâyenin çizgisel anlatı özelliği olay örgüsünü nihai gizemsizleştirme stratejisinin bir parçası kılar. Hikâye üçüncü teklik şahıs bir anlatıya sahip olmasına rağmen anlatıcı, hikâyenin kahramanı Cemil’in bakış açısının dışına çıkmaz. Değişim, Dava gibi meşhur Franz Kafka kurmacalarında gördüğümüz bu teknik, Cemil’in hikâye boyunca finale ertelenen krizini, son ana kadar modernist bir anlatının malzemesi olarak da okutur. Ancak finalde karşılaşılan geveze arkadaşın hikâyenin bütün modernist potansiyelleri ile uyumsuz ve grotesk aleladeliği ve deniz üstünde birden beliren hayalet, “Rüyalar”ı Kafkavari ve gotik, ama dümdüz bir hayalet hikâyesi olarak okumamızı gerektirir.

DOI :10.26650/iuturkiyat.1350519   IUP :10.26650/iuturkiyat.1350519    Tam Metin (PDF)

Kafkaesque and Gothic: A Narratological Analysis of Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’s Short Story “Rüyalar”

Emrah Pelvanoğlu

Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’s short story “Rüyalar” [Dreams] was originally published in 1952 and later included in his 1955 short story collection Yaz Yağmuru [Summer Rain]. Focused on the conclusive scene of the narrative, the story maintains a sense of tension throughout as experienced by the protagonist Cemil and revolves around the pivotal question of what will happen next. Rather than employing a convoluted plot structure (syuzhet), the composition relies on a linear storyline (fabula) that steadily unfolds, adhering to a progressive chronology. This article conducts a close narratological reading of Tanpınar’s story to analyze its narrative composition, which is distinctive from Tanpınar’s general works of fiction. The examination reveals the story to employ a linear storyline in chronological progression and to utilize dream scenes to guide readers toward an almost expected and conclusive finale. Despite the deliberate deferral of clarifications related to dream-induced uncertainties, the underlying linear causality of the storyline contributes to the narrative’s overarching strategy of gradual demystification. While the narrative is presented in the third-person singular, the story’s perspective remains firmly rooted in that of the protagonist, Cemil. This literary approach, evocative of the works of Franz Kafka, such as The Trial and The Metamorphosis, serves to uphold Cemil’s personal crisis as a potential source for a modernist narrative. However, the anagnorisis involving Cemil’s talkative friend in the final stage, along with the abrupt emergence of the ghost at sea, ultimately diminishes the modernist elements that had been progressively unfolding throughout the narrative.

Anahtar Kelimeler: NarratologyStoryFabulaPlotSyuzhetMotifGothic


The short story “Rüyalar” [Dreams], authored by Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, was initially published in 1952 and later became a part of his 1955 collection, Yaz Yağmuru [Summer Rain]. The short story’s narrative centers around the intricate psychological tribulations entwining the protagonist, Cemil. A spectral presence named Selma haunts his dreams, and her identity gradually unfolds through the narrative’s denouement. Cemil, a writer, moves into a summer residence with his family in early April. He is writing a novel retelling of a calamity enfolding around an unnamed young woman’s demise and the subsequent suicide of his familiar acquaintance, Şakir Bey. However, as the plot progresses, the dreams insidiously infiltrate Cemil’s daily existence and cognitive faculties, impeding his literary pursuit. The story follows a chronological sequence of events, leading to a culminating juncture that serves as both the narrative apex and resolution. Elaborate insights into séances conducted by Cemil’s neighbors and conveyed through a friend encountered on a ferry eventually unveil the phantom’s identity. This revelation simultaneously signifies the culmination of Cemil’s transformative journey as he navigates the concluding stage of his metamorphosis.

While inheriting certain gothic motifs and recurring themes from Tanpınar’s body of work, the narrative deviates from his signature style characterized by his poetics stylistics and modernist composition. Primarily focused on the finale, the story maintains a taut sense of suspense akin to Cemil’s own experience, revolving around the pivotal question of what happens next. This deviation eschews complex enplotment, favoring a linear narrative structure that progressively unfolds in chronological order. In this context, this article undertakes a narratological examination by delving into the structural framework of the narrative, thus distinguishing it from Tanpınar’s conventional literary works. This analysis employs Boris Tomasevski’s differentiation between fabula (i.e., raw material of a story) and syuzhet (i.e., the way a story is organized) and is supplemented by Aristotle’s Poetics and Paul Ricoeur’s conceptualization of mythos (i.e., enplotment) in Time and Narrative: Volume I. Through this approach, the analysis exposes the narrative’s reliance on a linear chronology enhanced by dream sequences interwoven into the story to inexorably guide readers toward an almost foreseeable yet resolute climax. These dream vignettes, intrinsic to Tanpınar’s modernist proclivity characterized by thematic ambiguity and formal intricacy, cultivate an aura of enigma that pervades the entire tale. Unveiling fresh explications with each iteration, these dream episodes generate a pervasive sense of ambiguity, profoundly influencing the progression of the narrative arc. Noteworthy for deferring the resolution of ambiguities seeded by dreams, the narrative’s foundational causal progression remains a harbinger of its overarching strategy: a gradual unraveling of the enigma.

Despite adopting a narrative perspective in the third-person singular, the narrative lens consistently resides within the psyche of Cemil, the central protagonist. This literary technique, reminiscent of the narrative strategies evident in Franz Kafka’s seminal works, such as The Trial and The Metamorphosis, sustains Cemil’s internal turmoil as a potential source for a modernist narrative trajectory. This storytelling approach adeptly builds anticipation, reaching its crescendo at the narrative’s zenith. The protagonist’s quotidian existence occupies a marginal role in the story, with its occurrences carrying minimal significance within the larger framework of the plot. However, decisive moments and daily life scenes trigger the protagonist’s abrupt daydreams. This narrative approach is rooted in the third-person singular perspective, which, though ostensibly distant and impartial, is confined to Cemil’s vantage point. The narrative voice remains tethered to Cemil’s turbulent consciousness, progressively veering toward his surrender to dreams as the story unfolds—a complex dual engagement. The reader, distanced from the character by the narrator’s discourse, is subjected to the third person’s definitive (i.e., past tense) authority, which is counterbalanced by an inherent susceptibility. This authority, however, is vested in the intricate narrative established by the character undergoing crisis, interwoven with uncertainties (i.e., past perfect tense) through a modernist maneuver. The narrator’s conclusive tone accelerates toward the story’s denouement in the final paragraph, intricately bound to the protagonist’s deepening journey as he confronts his crisis.

A remarkable synergy between the story’s overarching narrative (fabula) and its constructed progression (syuzhet) is evident. This harmonious interplay sustains an air of ambiguity surrounding the nature of Cemil’s crisis—whether it is rooted in psychological turmoil (internal) or if it manifests as a consequence of supernatural intervention (external)—a question that remains poised until the climactic final scene. This storytelling approach adeptly builds anticipation, reaching its crescendo at the narrative’s zenith. However, the story’s anagnorisis, which entails the presence of Cemil’s verbose yet profoundly mundane confidant in the finale, along with the abrupt manifestation of the sea-bound specter, ultimately curtails the burgeoning modernist elements intricately woven into the narrative’s fabric. Consequently, the reader’s interpretative compass aligns with perceiving “Rüyalar” as a narrative akin to Kafka’s stylistic inclinations.

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Pelvanoğlu, E. (2023). Kafkavari ve Gotik: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’ın “Rüyalar” Hikâyesinin Anlatı Bilimi Yöntemiyle Bir İncelemesi. Türkiyat Mecmuası, 33(2), 415-438.


Pelvanoğlu E. Kafkavari ve Gotik: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’ın “Rüyalar” Hikâyesinin Anlatı Bilimi Yöntemiyle Bir İncelemesi. Türkiyat Mecmuası. 2023;33(2):415-438.


Pelvanoğlu, E. Kafkavari ve Gotik: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’ın “Rüyalar” Hikâyesinin Anlatı Bilimi Yöntemiyle Bir İncelemesi. Türkiyat Mecmuası, [Publisher Location], v. 33, n. 2, p. 415-438, 2023.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Pelvanoğlu, Emrah,. 2023. “Kafkavari ve Gotik: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’ın “Rüyalar” Hikâyesinin Anlatı Bilimi Yöntemiyle Bir İncelemesi.” Türkiyat Mecmuası 33, no. 2: 415-438.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Pelvanoğlu, Emrah,. Kafkavari ve Gotik: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’ın “Rüyalar” Hikâyesinin Anlatı Bilimi Yöntemiyle Bir İncelemesi.” Türkiyat Mecmuası 33, no. 2 (Apr. 2024): 415-438.

Harvard: Australian Style

Pelvanoğlu, E 2023, 'Kafkavari ve Gotik: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’ın “Rüyalar” Hikâyesinin Anlatı Bilimi Yöntemiyle Bir İncelemesi', Türkiyat Mecmuası, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 415-438, viewed 28 Apr. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Pelvanoğlu, E. (2023) ‘Kafkavari ve Gotik: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’ın “Rüyalar” Hikâyesinin Anlatı Bilimi Yöntemiyle Bir İncelemesi’, Türkiyat Mecmuası, 33(2), pp. 415-438. (28 Apr. 2024).


Pelvanoğlu, Emrah,. Kafkavari ve Gotik: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’ın “Rüyalar” Hikâyesinin Anlatı Bilimi Yöntemiyle Bir İncelemesi.” Türkiyat Mecmuası, vol. 33, no. 2, 2023, pp. 415-438. [Database Container],


Pelvanoğlu E. Kafkavari ve Gotik: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’ın “Rüyalar” Hikâyesinin Anlatı Bilimi Yöntemiyle Bir İncelemesi. Türkiyat Mecmuası [Internet]. 28 Apr. 2024 [cited 28 Apr. 2024];33(2):415-438. Available from: doi: 10.26650/iuturkiyat.1350519


Pelvanoğlu, Emrah. Kafkavari ve Gotik: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’ın “Rüyalar” Hikâyesinin Anlatı Bilimi Yöntemiyle Bir İncelemesi”. Türkiyat Mecmuası 33/2 (Apr. 2024): 415-438.


Çevrimiçi Yayınlanma30.10.2023


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