Kırım Tatar Türkçesinde Eski Türkçe ile Ortaklaşan Hayvan Adları Üzerine
Selin BayrakDillerin temel söz varlıklarını; organ adları, akrabalık adları gibi söz grupları oluştururken, bitki adları, hayvan adları gibi söz grupları da toplumların kültürlerini gözler önüne seren söz gruplarındandır. Özellikle yıllarca konar göçer yaşamış bir millet olan Türklerde hayvan adları geniş bir yer tutmaktadır. Türkler hayatları boyunca hayvanlarla iç içe yaşamış; onların etinden, sütünden beslenme ihtiyacını gidermiş, onları ulaşım ihtiyaçlarını gidermede kullanmış, gerektiği zaman derilerinden de faydalanarak hayatlarında vazgeçilmez bir hale getirmiştir. Çalışmada Kırım Tatar Türkçesindeki hayvan adları üzerine bir değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Değerlendirmenin etimolojik kısmı Clauson’un “An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth Century Turkish” adlı sözlüğünden hareketle yapılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda Kırım Tatar Türkçesinde yer alan hayvan adlarının bir kısmı –ses değişimleri olsa da-, Eski Türkçeden günümüze intikal etmiştir. Eski Türkçeden günümüze aktarılan bu hayvan adlarının varlığı, Kırım Tatar Türkçesinin ne denli eskicil özellikler barındırdığını göstermekle birlikte kelime hazinesi hakkında da fikir vermektedir.
On Mutual Animal Names Between Crimean Tatar Turkish and Old Turkic
Selin BayrakBasic vocabularies consist of some word groups like organ names, and relative names in any language. Word groups like plant names and animal names reflect cultures of societies. Animal names have a wide coverage especially for Turkic people who lived a nomadic life for centuries. Animals were so essential that Turkic people lived with animals throughout their lives, fed on the milk and meat of animals, met their transportation needs, and benefitted from animals’ leather. In this paper, animal names of Crimean Tatar Turkish were analysed. The etymological section of the work was written using “An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth Century Turkish” published by Clauson in 1972. In spite of sound changes, some part of the animal names in Crimean Tatar Turkish are still being used since the Old Turkic period. Animal words, which showed up in the Old Turkic period and are used today, show us how Crimean Tatar words have old characteristics. It also gives an idea about Crimean Tatar vocabulary.
Since the beginning of the humanity, people have needed to understand their environment and started to give names to objects. During the process of giving names to objects, societies have reflected from the viewpoint of the objects, actions and life they have created in their own cultures. So, there are some word groups that help us to identify cultures. One of these word groups is animal names. Analysing animal names gives us an opportunity to understand how certain societies have a viewpoint about animals.
Animal names are essential in the language of Turkic people who have lived nomadic lives for centuries. Turkic people have taken advantage of animals from various aspects in order to meet their needs. Animal names were often given place in Crimean Tatar texts. In Crimean Tatar Turkish, animal names were derived in various ways: borrowings from neighbouring languages and modern dialects, originally derived animal names, and borrowings from Old Turkic.
In this paper, Crimean Tatar animal names that are borrowed from Old Turkic were identified using "An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth Century Turkish" published by Clauson. Although some sound changes have occurred, some part of the animal names are still being used since the Old Turkic period. The situation shows us how Crimean Tatar Turkish has old characteristics. In addition to this, animal names vary depending on gender and age and some animals have a couple of names in Crimean Tatar Turkish. These variations are an indication of a rich vocabulary.