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DOI :10.26650/iuturkiyat.651057   IUP :10.26650/iuturkiyat.651057    Tam Metin (PDF)

Türkçe Söz Diziminde Taşıma ve Taşımanın Dönüşüme Etkisi

Seçil Hirik

Dil, kendi doğasına ve kurallarına sahip, insan üretimi olan bir olgudur. Dil belirli ilkeler çerçevesinde oluşum ve gelişimini devam ettirirken bir yandan da toplumdan topluma değişebilen özellikleri taşımaktadır. Salt dil olgusuyla ilgilenen dilbilimciler, bu üretim aracı için çeşitli kuramlar ortaya atmıştır. Bu yaklaşımlardan biri olan Evrensel Dil Bilgisi ya da Üretici Dönüşümsel Dil Bilgisi, Chomsky tarafından 1950’lerden itibaren gelişme kaydederek dilin ve dillerin yapısını anlama üzerine kurulmuş öncül kuramdır. Kuramın özünde yatan görüşler arasında tüm dillerin ortak ilkeler (principles) barındırdığı ancak her dilin de bir diğerinden ayrılan değiştirgenler (parameters) içerdiği yer almaktadır. Bahsi geçen ilkeler arasında söz dizimi sınırları içinde sayılacak olan dönüşüm (transformation) kavramı bulunmaktadır. Tüm dillerde derin yapısı aynı kalmak koşuluyla farklı dönüşüm işlemlerinden geçen yüzey yapılar görülmektedir. Kuramda söz edilen değiştirgenlerden biri dönüşümlerin dilden dile farklılık gösterebileceğidir. Dönüşümler ise ekleme, yeniden yazma, eksiltme (silme) ve taşıma gibi alt işlemleri içermektedir.

Bu çalışmada, kuramda yer alan ve Chomsky’nin ad öbeği taşıma (AÖ-taşıma), ne taşıma (ne-taşıma) ve baş unsur taşıma (baş-taşıma) olmak üzere üç türüne işaret ettiği taşıma türleri Türkçe örnekler üzerinden ele alınmıştır. Ancak bununla birlikte kuramda yer almayan ve Türkçede karşılaşılan bir ad öbeği taşıma örneği olan ettirgenleştirme, eylemsi taşıma ve tümce taşıma gibi taşıma işlemlerinin de uygulandığı dönüşümlere yer verilmiştir.

DOI :10.26650/iuturkiyat.651057   IUP :10.26650/iuturkiyat.651057    Tam Metin (PDF)

Movement in Turkish Syntax and the Effect of Movement on Transformation

Seçil Hirik

Language is a phenomenon of human production with its own nature and rules. While language maintains its formation and development within the framework of certain principles, it also carries characteristics that can change from one society to another. Linguists who are interested in pure language have put forward various theories for this production tool. One of these approaches, Universal Grammar or Generative-Transformational Grammar, is an early theory based on Chomsky’s approach to understanding languages and their structure which he developed from the 1950s onwards. The core ideas of this theory are that all languages contain common principles, but that each language contains parameters that differ from one another. These principles include the concept of transformation which will be considered within the boundaries of syntax. In all languages, surface structures that have undergone different transformation processes can be seen provided that the deep structure remains the same. The transformations mentioned in the theory may differ from language to language. These include sub-processes such as addition, rewriting, reduction (deleting), and movement.

In this study, the three types of movement mentioned in the theory and referred to by Chomsky as noun phrase-movement, wh-movement and head-movement are discussed through Turkish examples. However, this study also includes examples of movement which are not part of the theory yet are encountered in Turkish, such as causativation, verbal-movement and sentence-movement. 


There are a number of theories dealing with phonemes, free and bounded morphemes, and syntactic elements. In linguistic studies which examine language as a mere fact, the deep structure-surface structure pair, first introduced by Bloomfield, has been the guide to the functions of all language units by distinguishing what was said and not. Many linguistic theories on syntax have been put forward. One of these, Universal Grammar, or GenerativeTransformational Grammar, is one of the important approaches in identifying common values of language. The theory, which was proposed by Chomsky in the 1950s and which included different stages of development in later periods, brought important concepts with it. Competenceperformance (act), deep-surface structure, phrasal structure, and transformation-movement are among the remarkable and prominent concepts of the theory

The main aim of this study is to consider the rules of movement which is one of the types of transformation mentioned in the theory. The other aim is to give examples from Turkish and to explain these in addition to Chomsky’s three-types of movement in transformation, and to try to explain the existence of different types in Turkish.

This study uses a qualitative research method. The sentences given as examples are chosen from phrases that are possible in verbal language.

In Chomsky's general theory, namely the Theory of Principles and Parameters and the process of transformation, movement is a method that varies from language to language and can be realized in accordance with the possibilities offered by the syntax. In all languages, surface structures which have undergone different transformation and movement processes are observed. 

Transportation and movement is a process applied to the deep structure by placing the deep structure in the surface structure. According to the theory, transportation and movement are applied to a constructor in the syntax and move the constructor to an empty location in the next syntax. The principle of movement is that the item being moved can only be moved to the position where an item from its category can be found (2006: 5).

This study mentions the three types of movement that Chomsky demonstrates in his examples, especially in European languages: these are noun phrase-movement, head-movement, and whmovement. The most typical example of the noun phrase-movement is seen in passivation. The element that is in a given position in an active sentence fills the empty category in the new sentence when it is rewritten in a passive structured sentence. However, the element in the previous sentence, but not found in the second sentence leaves a trace in its place (Ex. a. “Ayşe bulaşıkları yıkadı.” b. “Bulaşıklar yıkandı.”). This trace is in the deep structure. In addition to this typical noun phrase-movement, this study gives examples of the causativation process which is shown to involve not only movement, but also the operation of addition (Ex. a. “Ayşe temizlikçilere evi temizlemeleri için emir verdi.”, b. “Ayşe evi (temizlikçilere) temizletti.”). Also, it is seen that the sentences with verbals and ne… ne (de) conjunctions are also rewritten with noun phrase transportation as an example of phrase structure movement.

Different types of movement from noun phrase to the head-movement are not very common. In European languages (for example English), the subject and the auxiliary verb can be replaced (eg a. You are a student. , b. “Are you a student?” | YouAre). The head element in Turkish is moved when the verb in the predicate is in the position of time phrase by taking mood and time suffixes.

The last movement type discussed in the theory is wh-movement. This type of transport is not typical for Turkish, as is the case for head-movement.

Carrying question words is not typical in Turkish. The reason for this is the freedom of movement which can be applied in regular sentences. In Turkish syntax and in languages where there are no strict rules, question words can be found in all parts of the sentence in line with the logical structure they have established between them. Therefore, this transportation process is not a physical structure in Turkish, but a logical structure.

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Hirik, S. (2019). Türkçe Söz Diziminde Taşıma ve Taşımanın Dönüşüme Etkisi. Türkiyat Mecmuası, 29(2), 403-418.


Hirik S. Türkçe Söz Diziminde Taşıma ve Taşımanın Dönüşüme Etkisi. Türkiyat Mecmuası. 2019;29(2):403-418.


Hirik, S. Türkçe Söz Diziminde Taşıma ve Taşımanın Dönüşüme Etkisi. Türkiyat Mecmuası, [Publisher Location], v. 29, n. 2, p. 403-418, 2019.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Hirik, Seçil,. 2019. “Türkçe Söz Diziminde Taşıma ve Taşımanın Dönüşüme Etkisi.” Türkiyat Mecmuası 29, no. 2: 403-418.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Hirik, Seçil,. Türkçe Söz Diziminde Taşıma ve Taşımanın Dönüşüme Etkisi.” Türkiyat Mecmuası 29, no. 2 (Dec. 2024): 403-418.

Harvard: Australian Style

Hirik, S 2019, 'Türkçe Söz Diziminde Taşıma ve Taşımanın Dönüşüme Etkisi', Türkiyat Mecmuası, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 403-418, viewed 23 Dec. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Hirik, S. (2019) ‘Türkçe Söz Diziminde Taşıma ve Taşımanın Dönüşüme Etkisi’, Türkiyat Mecmuası, 29(2), pp. 403-418. (23 Dec. 2024).


Hirik, Seçil,. Türkçe Söz Diziminde Taşıma ve Taşımanın Dönüşüme Etkisi.” Türkiyat Mecmuası, vol. 29, no. 2, 2019, pp. 403-418. [Database Container],


Hirik S. Türkçe Söz Diziminde Taşıma ve Taşımanın Dönüşüme Etkisi. Türkiyat Mecmuası [Internet]. 23 Dec. 2024 [cited 23 Dec. 2024];29(2):403-418. Available from: doi: 10.26650/iuturkiyat.651057


Hirik, Seçil. Türkçe Söz Diziminde Taşıma ve Taşımanın Dönüşüme Etkisi”. Türkiyat Mecmuası 29/2 (Dec. 2024): 403-418.


Çevrimiçi Yayınlanma26.11.2019


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