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DOI :10.26650/iuturkiyat.990981   IUP :10.26650/iuturkiyat.990981    Tam Metin (PDF)

Türkitanuw Ğılımındağı Leksikografiyalıq Eñbekterdiñ Ornı men Mañızı

Ergali Esbosinov

Qazirgi uwaqıtta Ortalıq Aziyyadağı türki tilderi men Türkiya arasındağı guwmaniytarlıq sala, onıñ işinde tildik baylanıstar jan–jaqtı damuw üstinde. Buğan türkitanuw ğılımında özindik ornı bar Karşılaştırmalı Türk Lehçeleri Sözlüğü, yağnıy Türki tilderiniñ salıstırmalı sözdiginiñ jarıq körüwi mısal bola aladı. Osı sözdik jarıyyalanğannan keyin arağa 30 jıl salıp Türkistan Deklaratsiyyası qabıldanğanı mälim. Munıñ bäri älewmettik-guwmanıytarlıq ğılımdarğa äser etip, türkitanuw men leksiykografiyyalıq eñbekterdiñ bastı nazarda ekendigin paş etti. Şağın maqalamızda reti men iyinine oray, türik tili-orıs tili, orıs tili-türik tili retinde jäne qazaqşa-orısşa, orısşa–qazaqşa sözdikter tuwralı mälimet bermekşimiz. Äsirese 20-şı ğasır bastarında jarıq körgen leksiykografiyyalıq eñbekterge şoluw jasap, sol däwirde ömir sürgen Şemsettin Sami, Ahmet Vefik Paşa sıyyaqtı qalamgerler men Kamus-i türki sözdigine toqtalmaqşımız. Sonımen qatar qazaq tili lekiykografiyyasında özektiligin joymağan jekelegen eñbekterdiñ tüzilüw erekşeligin atap ötpekşimiz. Maqalamızda qazaq, orıs, türik jäne qaraqalpaq tilderindegi derekter paydalanıldı. Maqsat, Türkiya men Orta Aziyyada jarıyyalanğan leksiykografiyyalıq eñbekterdiñ özara ıqpaldastığı men ortaq leksiykalıq qorına, tüzilüw ädisi, onıñ işinde grafıykalıq-fonetiykalıq beynelenüwiniñ birizdiligine nazar awdaruw bolıp tabıladı. Sebebi ortaq tariyxiy jädigerlerimizdi odan äri zerttep-somdawımızda türki elderinde jarıq körgen leksiykografıyyalıq eñbekterdiñ mañızı men ornı eselene arta tüspek. 

DOI :10.26650/iuturkiyat.990981   IUP :10.26650/iuturkiyat.990981    Tam Metin (PDF)

The Evolution of Lexicography Studies in Turkology

Ergali Esbosinov

The bilateral and multilateral relations between the study of Turkic languages in Central Asia and Turkology studies in Turkey have recently reached a new dimension and a qualitative change. A Comparative Dictionary of Turkish Dialects, published in Ankara, heralded the new approach. Nearly 30 years after the publication of this dictionary, the Turkestan Declaration was accepted. Our article presents data on historical and applied dictionary studies, the common moral values of Turkic languages. After giving information about Turkish–Russian, Russian–Turkish, Kazakh–Russian, and Russian–Kazakh dictionaries published at the beginning of the 20th century, we suggest the necessity of republishing these dictionaries by completing their deficiencies. In addition, we examine the life and work of Şemsettin Sami, and Kazakh, Karakalpak, and the Russian works that refer to his Kamus-i Türkî dictionary. We focus on the importance of the work of scholars such as Şemsettin Sami, who made invaluable contributions to dictionary and text research in all Turkic languages.


Globalization and Turkey’s independent humanitarian approach have replenished and modernized the direction of Turkic studies in Turkey.If we look at the background of this word, which has recently become the subject of various forums and meetings, there are many lexicographical works observedon the Internet. Some large-scale works exhibit the following characteristics of “globalization-the process of universal integration of structures, connections, and relationships in all spheres of social life on earth.” In the encyclopedic definition of the Kazakh language, globalization is “the process of creating a new global political, economic, cultural, and information integrity.” The meaning of the word “humanities,” which entered the Kazakh language from the Russian language, is obvious: the science of social sciences, the indepth study of the culture and history of the people. These three words from the encyclopedic dictionary are the best example of lexicographic works aslexicographyis the “theory and practice of dictionary creation.”

Because philology is the broadest field in the humanities, lexicography is historically considered an attractive and fascinating topic. We begin with an article by RG Aganin in the journal “Soviet Turkology,” published by the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, titled “Turkish lexicography in the USSR (1917–1977).” It includes information on when, where, and by whom Russian–Turkish and Turkish–Russian bilingual dictionaries, from Western languages to Turkish and from Turkish to Western languages, were published and includes special dictionaries covering distinctindustry terminology, such asthe textile industry. Analyzing the significant achievements of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union per the rhetoric of that time, the article points out that the proletarian policy had a positive effect on neighboring Turkey. Republic of Turkey 1928 He noted that the transition to the Latin alphabet led to the rapid spelling, orthographic, and spelling principles. Such radical changes became the focus of Turkologists in the Soviet Union.

The first Turkish-Russian dictionary, featuring the altered spellings from the adoption of the Latin alphabet, was authored by VA Gordlevsky and published in Moscow in 1930. After its publication, the second Russian-Turkish Dictionary, edited by VA Gordlevsky, was published in Moscow in 1931 with the participation of DA Magazanik, AB Abdurakhmanova, and Levin. As a footnote, this dictionary, published in 1927, consists of 40,000 lexical units and is used from the “İmlâ luğati” İstanbul, 1928, spelling dictionary.

The bilateral and multilateral relations between the study of Turkic languages in Central Asia and Turkology studies in Turkey reached a new dimension and a qualitative change whenA Comparative Dictionary of Turkish Dialects, published in Ankara, heralded the new approach. Nearly 30 years later, the Turkestan Declaration was accepted. Our article presents data on historical and applied dictionary studies, the common moral values of Turkic languages. After giving information about Turkish–Russian, Russian–Turkish, Kazakh–Russian, and Russian–Kazakh dictionaries published at the beginning of the 20th century, we suggest the necessity of republishing these dictionaries by completing their deficiencies. In addition, we examine the life and work of Şemsettin Sami and Kazakh, Karakalpak, and the Russian literature that refers to his Kamus-i Türkî dictionary. We focus on the importance of scholars such as Şemsettin Sami, who made invaluable contributions to dictionary and text research in all Turkic languages.

Lexicographic works in Turkic languages are diverse and in abundance. There are hundreds and thousands of dictionaries in individualized Turkic languages. In our article we have been able to mention only a few of the people and works that have contributed to the publication of such works. The works of any Turkic language in this direction stand out for their original fulfillment and content-lexical diversity. In the middle of the new century, the study of Turkic languages began to replenish and re-invent itself, relying on the works of such scholars as Mehmet Fuat Köprülü, Talat Tekin, Ahmet Baitursynov, Amir Najib, who set the course and channel of general Turkic studies decades ago. The study of the Turkic languages, by comparing with each other, is gaining momentum. From this point of view, all of us are obliged to make scientific works and publications on the study of Turkic languages an ordinary form of scientific and practical use, regardless of their language, country or publication time. 

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Esbosinov, E. (2021). Türkitanuw Ğılımındağı Leksikografiyalıq Eñbekterdiñ Ornı men Mañızı. Türkiyat Mecmuası, 31(1), 51-64.


Esbosinov E. Türkitanuw Ğılımındağı Leksikografiyalıq Eñbekterdiñ Ornı men Mañızı. Türkiyat Mecmuası. 2021;31(1):51-64.


Esbosinov, E. Türkitanuw Ğılımındağı Leksikografiyalıq Eñbekterdiñ Ornı men Mañızı. Türkiyat Mecmuası, [Publisher Location], v. 31, n. 1, p. 51-64, 2021.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Esbosinov, Ergali,. 2021. “Türkitanuw Ğılımındağı Leksikografiyalıq Eñbekterdiñ Ornı men Mañızı.” Türkiyat Mecmuası 31, no. 1: 51-64.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Esbosinov, Ergali,. Türkitanuw Ğılımındağı Leksikografiyalıq Eñbekterdiñ Ornı men Mañızı.” Türkiyat Mecmuası 31, no. 1 (Sep. 2024): 51-64.

Harvard: Australian Style

Esbosinov, E 2021, 'Türkitanuw Ğılımındağı Leksikografiyalıq Eñbekterdiñ Ornı men Mañızı', Türkiyat Mecmuası, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 51-64, viewed 19 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Esbosinov, E. (2021) ‘Türkitanuw Ğılımındağı Leksikografiyalıq Eñbekterdiñ Ornı men Mañızı’, Türkiyat Mecmuası, 31(1), pp. 51-64. (19 Sep. 2024).


Esbosinov, Ergali,. Türkitanuw Ğılımındağı Leksikografiyalıq Eñbekterdiñ Ornı men Mañızı.” Türkiyat Mecmuası, vol. 31, no. 1, 2021, pp. 51-64. [Database Container],


Esbosinov E. Türkitanuw Ğılımındağı Leksikografiyalıq Eñbekterdiñ Ornı men Mañızı. Türkiyat Mecmuası [Internet]. 19 Sep. 2024 [cited 19 Sep. 2024];31(1):51-64. Available from: doi: 10.26650/iuturkiyat.990981


Esbosinov, Ergali. Türkitanuw Ğılımındağı Leksikografiyalıq Eñbekterdiñ Ornı men Mañızı”. Türkiyat Mecmuası 31/1 (Sep. 2024): 51-64.


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