Attention Attention; Anaphylaxis After Skin Testing with Aeroallergens
Çağla Karavaizoğlu, Kazım Okan Dolu, Ayşe Süleyman, Sibel Gürbüz, Fatma Gül Kılavuz, Cevdet Özdemir, Zeynep AltınelSkin prick tests (SPT) are widely used in the diagnosis of allergic diseases because of their reliability, simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and rapid results. Herein, we report a 4-year-old boy who developed anaphylaxis with aeroallergen SPT in an asthmatic child. SPTs were positive for both house dust and Plantago allergens.Although the frequency of systemic reactions to SPTs is low, these tests should only be performed in medical facilities with appropriate equipment and well-trained medical personnel for anaphylaxis.