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DOI :10.26650/jchild.2024.1497791   IUP :10.26650/jchild.2024.1497791    Tam Metin (PDF)

Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Oral Health Behavior Questionnaire for Adolescents Based on the Health Belief Model

İlknur BektaşMurat BektaşDilek Demir KösemŞenay DemirGülser Kılınç

Objective: To identify oral and dental health behaviors as critical life skills for adolescents. This study examined the Turkish psychometric properties of the “Health Belief Model-Based Oral Health Behavior Questionnaire for Adolescents” (OHBQAHBM).

Methods: This was a methodological study. The study sample consisted of 335 adolescents aged 13–18 years. The Sociodemographic Information Form and OHBQAHBM were used to gather data. The data analysis and evaluation were performed using factor analysis, Cronbach’s alpha, and item-total score correlation.

Results: Thirty-five items were recorded on the main scale, and the other items were recorded on six subscales. The six subscales had a variance of 50.4%. The Turkish Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.880. Because of confirmatory factor analysis, the model fit index results were recorded as follows: 0.048 as the RMSEA, 0.861 as the goodness-of-fit index, and 0.924 as the comparative fit index.

Conclusions: The measurement tool was valid and reliable for evaluating adolescents’ oral and dental health behaviors based on their health belief model.

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Bektaş, İ., Bektaş, M., Demir Kösem, D., Demir, Ş., & Kılınç, G. (2024). Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Oral Health Behavior Questionnaire for Adolescents Based on the Health Belief Model. Çocuk Dergisi, 24(4), 207-214.


Bektaş İ, Bektaş M, Demir Kösem D, Demir Ş, Kılınç G. Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Oral Health Behavior Questionnaire for Adolescents Based on the Health Belief Model. Çocuk Dergisi. 2024;24(4):207-214.


Bektaş, İ.; Bektaş, M.; Demir Kösem, D.; Demir, Ş.; Kılınç, G. Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Oral Health Behavior Questionnaire for Adolescents Based on the Health Belief Model. Çocuk Dergisi, [Publisher Location], v. 24, n. 4, p. 207-214, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Bektaş, İlknur, and Murat Bektaş and Dilek Demir Kösem and Şenay Demir and Gülser Kılınç. 2024. “Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Oral Health Behavior Questionnaire for Adolescents Based on the Health Belief Model.” Çocuk Dergisi 24, no. 4: 207-214.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Bektaş, İlknur, and Murat Bektaş and Dilek Demir Kösem and Şenay Demir and Gülser Kılınç. Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Oral Health Behavior Questionnaire for Adolescents Based on the Health Belief Model.” Çocuk Dergisi 24, no. 4 (Mar. 2025): 207-214.

Harvard: Australian Style

Bektaş, İ & Bektaş, M & Demir Kösem, D & Demir, Ş & Kılınç, G 2024, 'Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Oral Health Behavior Questionnaire for Adolescents Based on the Health Belief Model', Çocuk Dergisi, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 207-214, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Bektaş, İ. and Bektaş, M. and Demir Kösem, D. and Demir, Ş. and Kılınç, G. (2024) ‘Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Oral Health Behavior Questionnaire for Adolescents Based on the Health Belief Model’, Çocuk Dergisi, 24(4), pp. 207-214. (10 Mar. 2025).


Bektaş, İlknur, and Murat Bektaş and Dilek Demir Kösem and Şenay Demir and Gülser Kılınç. Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Oral Health Behavior Questionnaire for Adolescents Based on the Health Belief Model.” Çocuk Dergisi, vol. 24, no. 4, 2024, pp. 207-214. [Database Container],


Bektaş İ, Bektaş M, Demir Kösem D, Demir Ş, Kılınç G. Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Oral Health Behavior Questionnaire for Adolescents Based on the Health Belief Model. Çocuk Dergisi [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];24(4):207-214. Available from: doi: 10.26650/jchild.2024.1497791


Bektaş, İlknur - Bektaş, Murat - Demir Kösem, Dilek - Demir, Şenay - Kılınç, Gülser. Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Oral Health Behavior Questionnaire for Adolescents Based on the Health Belief Model”. Çocuk Dergisi 24/4 (Mar. 2025): 207-214.




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