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DOI :10.26650/JEPR1296365   IUP :10.26650/JEPR1296365    Tam Metin (PDF)

Sosyal Medya ve E-Ticaret Şirketlerine Olan Güvenin Tüketici Kararına Etkisi

Tuğçenur Ekinci FurtanaHasan Özkazanç

Günümüzde teknolojik gelişmelerin bir sonucu olarak sanal ortamda alışveriş yapma hızı giderek artmaktadır. Sosyal medya ortamında şirketler rekabet avantajı elde etmek için teknolojik gelişmeleri takip ederek uyumlaştırma çalışmaları yapmaktadır. Tüketici talepleri ve ihtiyaçları bu araştırmanın odak noktası olup satışlarının, tüketici ihtiyaç ve beklentileri karşılandıkça artması beklenmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, tüketicilerin e-ticaret yoluyla alışveriş yaparken güven duygusu oluşturarak tüketici kararı üzerindeki etkisini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Araştırmada nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri kullanılmış ve bu konuda hazırlanan anket Sosyal medya hesabı olan 409 katılımcıya uygulanmıştır. Araştırma verileri, IBM SPSS 22.0 kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen verilere güvenilirlik analizi, betimleyici istatistik analizleri, bağımsız örnek t testi, anova testi, korelasyon ve basit doğrusal regresyon uygulanmıştır. E-ticarette platform güvenirliliği, marka güveni, marka bağlılığı ve satın alma niyeti pozitif ve anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir.

JEL Classification : M31 , D12 , F19
DOI :10.26650/JEPR1296365   IUP :10.26650/JEPR1296365    Tam Metin (PDF)

The Effect of Trust in Social Media and E-Commerce Companies on Consumer Decision

Tuğçenur Ekinci FurtanaHasan Özkazanç

Today, due to technological developments, the speed at which shopping takes place in the virtual environment is increasing. In the social media environment, companies follow technological developments and carry out harmonisation studies in order to gain a competitive advantage. By focusing on consumer demands and needs, this research shows how sales are expected to increase as consumer needs and expectations are met. This research also aims to reveal the effect on consumer decisions as a sense of trust is created in consumers while shopping via e-commerce. This study uses a quantitative research method, and the questionnaire prepared for this purpose was applied to 409 participants with social media accounts. Research data were analysed using IBM SPSS 22.0. Reliability analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, independent sample t test, anova test, correlation and simple linear regression were applied to the obtained data. The results of this analysis showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between platform reliability, brand trust, brand loyalty and purchase intention in e-commerce.

JEL Classification : M31 , D12 , F19


As a result of globalization, an increase has been observed in the development of technology, in consumers becoming more conscious, and in greater competition between companies. Companies are working hard to reach a higher level and to gain competitive advantage by making greater use of developing technology. With rapidly developing and changing technology, the demands of consumers are both increasing and becoming more varied in their nature. Thus, creating a fast and secure shopping environment for consumers is inevitable in today's conditions. Electronic commerce, which has started to be used as a new shopping model, provides great convenience to consumers. It is more appropriate for businesses to use e-commerce to meet the needs and demands of consumers, rather than to continue their sales with traditional methods.

The aim of this research is to measure consumer behavior based on the sense of trust of consumers shopping via e-commerce. This research is very important in terms of determining factors for both consumers and businesses. By addressing the important points that affect and ensure consumer trust valuable contributions to e-commerce businesses and to future studies in this field can be made. This research was carried out on 409 participants who have social media accounts in Turkey. As a result of the necessary research and in accordance with the research model, the hypotheses of the research were determined as follows.

H1: Platform reliability significantly affects brand loyalty.

H2: Customer trust significantly affects brand loyalty.

H3: Brand loyalty significantly affects purchase intention.

H4: There are differences between socio-demographic factors and platform reliability.

H4a: There is a difference between gender and platform reliability.

H4b: There is a difference between marital status and platform reliability.

H4c: There is a significant relationship between age and platform reliability.

H4d: There is a difference between educational status and platform reliability.

H5: There are differences between socio-demographic factors and customer trust.

H5a: There is a difference between gender and customer trust.

H5b: There is a difference between marital status and customer trust.

H5c: There is a difference between age and customer confidence.

H5d: There is a difference between educational background and customer confidence.

H6: There are differences between socio-demographic factors and brand loyalty.

H6a: There is a difference between gender and brand loyalty.

H6b: There is a difference between marital status and brand loyalty.

H6c: There is a difference between age and brand loyalty.

H6d: There is a difference between educational status and brand loyalty.

H7: There are differences between socio-demographic factors and purchase intention.

H7a: There is a difference between gender and purchase intention.

H7b: There is a difference between marital status and purchase intention.

H7c: There is a difference between age and purchase intention.

H7d: There is a difference between educational background and purchase intention.

While conducting research on the relevant literature, scales consisting of 20 statements were found. In addition, questions that collect information about the demographic characteristics of the survey were found. These scale expressions were used in the research conducted by Uçan in 2020. The survey questions prepared in this research were arranged by the researcher in accordance with the purpose of the research. Thus, only the dimensions of platform reliability, brand trust, brand loyalty and purchase intention were included in the research. When the data were examined, it was determined that there was a positive and significant relationship between platform reliability, brand trust, brand loyalty and purchase intention.

Platform reliability was found to affect brand loyalty significantly (p=0.000) and H1 hypothesis was accepted.

Customer trust was found to affect brand loyalty significantly (p=0.000) and H2 hypothesis was accepted.

Brand loyalty was found to have a significant effect on purchase intention (p=0.000) and H3 hypothesis was accepted.

No differences were found between socio-demographic factors and platform reliability, and H4 was rejected.

No differences were found between socio-demographic factors and customer trust, and H5 was rejected.

No differences were found between socio-demographic factors and brand loyalty, and H6 was rejected.

No difference was found between gender and purchase intention, and H7a was rejected.

No difference was found between marital status and purchase intention and H7b was rejected.

A difference was found between age and purchase intention and H7c was accepted.

A difference was found between education level and purchase intention and H7d was accepted.

Trade, which is as old as the history of humanity, is the activity of making a profit in return for a certain commodity. Ways of conducting trade have been shaped by people from past to present. E-commerce, which has developed in recent years, is a shopping method that allows us to shop over the internet by moving commerce to the electronic environment.

Electronic commerce plays an important role in making shopping easier, safer and more profitable. Businesses want to increase productivity by providing online shopping.

Businesses that open websites for online shopping aim to reach wider audiences with electronic commerce in addition to their traditional shopping. In this study, the effect of online shopping trust on consumer behavior in e-commerce was examined.

In the study different hypotheses were proposed which considered socio-demographic factors, platform reliability, customer trust, brand loyalty and purchase intention. According to the results of the analysis, all four hypotheses tested were accepted. It was determined that there is a positive significant relationship between platform reliability, customer trust, brand loyalty and purchase intention.

An examination of the results of the survey in the light of demographic characteristics revealed that the number of female participants was quite high. In addition, the marital status of the majority of the participants was single, and the level of education was associate degree / undergraduate. As a result of the analysis obtained by correlation modeling and simple linear regression, the data belonging to the structure, platform reliability, customer trust, brand loyalty and purchase intention scales reached the desired values and it was concluded that they were reliable. It was determined that there is a significant and positive relationship between the hypotheses of the research.

New concepts and hypotheses can guide future studies and create areas of investigation. In addition, research can be initiated to encourage consumers who avoid shopping to shop online.

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Ekinci Furtana, T., & Özkazanç, H. (2023). Sosyal Medya ve E-Ticaret Şirketlerine Olan Güvenin Tüketici Kararına Etkisi. İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(2), 605-628.


Ekinci Furtana T, Özkazanç H. Sosyal Medya ve E-Ticaret Şirketlerine Olan Güvenin Tüketici Kararına Etkisi. İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2023;10(2):605-628.


Ekinci Furtana, T.; Özkazanç, H. Sosyal Medya ve E-Ticaret Şirketlerine Olan Güvenin Tüketici Kararına Etkisi. İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi, [Publisher Location], v. 10, n. 2, p. 605-628, 2023.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Ekinci Furtana, Tuğçenur, and Hasan Özkazanç. 2023. “Sosyal Medya ve E-Ticaret Şirketlerine Olan Güvenin Tüketici Kararına Etkisi.” İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi 10, no. 2: 605-628.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Ekinci Furtana, Tuğçenur, and Hasan Özkazanç. Sosyal Medya ve E-Ticaret Şirketlerine Olan Güvenin Tüketici Kararına Etkisi.” İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi 10, no. 2 (Dec. 2024): 605-628.

Harvard: Australian Style

Ekinci Furtana, T & Özkazanç, H 2023, 'Sosyal Medya ve E-Ticaret Şirketlerine Olan Güvenin Tüketici Kararına Etkisi', İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 605-628, viewed 4 Dec. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Ekinci Furtana, T. and Özkazanç, H. (2023) ‘Sosyal Medya ve E-Ticaret Şirketlerine Olan Güvenin Tüketici Kararına Etkisi’, İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(2), pp. 605-628. (4 Dec. 2024).


Ekinci Furtana, Tuğçenur, and Hasan Özkazanç. Sosyal Medya ve E-Ticaret Şirketlerine Olan Güvenin Tüketici Kararına Etkisi.” İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 2, 2023, pp. 605-628. [Database Container],


Ekinci Furtana T, Özkazanç H. Sosyal Medya ve E-Ticaret Şirketlerine Olan Güvenin Tüketici Kararına Etkisi. İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi [Internet]. 4 Dec. 2024 [cited 4 Dec. 2024];10(2):605-628. Available from: doi: 10.26650/JEPR1296365


Ekinci Furtana, Tuğçenur - Özkazanç, Hasan. Sosyal Medya ve E-Ticaret Şirketlerine Olan Güvenin Tüketici Kararına Etkisi”. İktisat Politikası Araştırmaları Dergisi 10/2 (Dec. 2024): 605-628.


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