
Une narratologie sémiotique de l’anthropogenèse

Waldir Beıvıdas

To emphasize the theoretical strength of the narrative model of Greimas’ semiotics, in honor of the fifty years of his Sémantique structurale (1966), this text presents brief reflections on two of its potentialities still little explored by semioticians, their followers. It is the status of “anthropology of the human imaginary”, imaginary as “flesh” and not as “cognition” (Petitot), to be explored in two aspects: (i) the “pulsional” aspect for the “thymic” regime of narrativity; (ii) the aspect of a “semiotic narrative” entering the horizon of anthropology, in the broad debate on the great narratives of anthropogenesis.

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Beıvıdas, W. (2015). Une narratologie sémiotique de l’anthropogenèse. Dilbilim Dergisi, 0(33), 57-67.


Beıvıdas W. Une narratologie sémiotique de l’anthropogenèse. Dilbilim Dergisi. 2015;0(33):57-67.


Beıvıdas, W. Une narratologie sémiotique de l’anthropogenèse. Dilbilim Dergisi, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 33, p. 57-67, 2015.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Beıvıdas, Waldir,. 2015. “Une narratologie sémiotique de l’anthropogenèse.” Dilbilim Dergisi 0, no. 33: 57-67.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Beıvıdas, Waldir,. Une narratologie sémiotique de l’anthropogenèse.” Dilbilim Dergisi 0, no. 33 (Mar. 2025): 57-67.

Harvard: Australian Style

Beıvıdas, W 2015, 'Une narratologie sémiotique de l’anthropogenèse', Dilbilim Dergisi, vol. 0, no. 33, pp. 57-67, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Beıvıdas, W. (2015) ‘Une narratologie sémiotique de l’anthropogenèse’, Dilbilim Dergisi, 0(33), pp. 57-67. (10 Mar. 2025).


Beıvıdas, Waldir,. Une narratologie sémiotique de l’anthropogenèse.” Dilbilim Dergisi, vol. 0, no. 33, 2015, pp. 57-67. [Database Container],


Beıvıdas W. Une narratologie sémiotique de l’anthropogenèse. Dilbilim Dergisi [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(33):57-67. Available from: doi: null


Beıvıdas, Waldir. Une narratologie sémiotique de l’anthropogenèse”. Dilbilim Dergisi 0/33 (Mar. 2025): 57-67.


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