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DOI :10.26650/jos.1467606   IUP :10.26650/jos.1467606    Tam Metin (PDF)

Arapça’nın Suriye Lehçesindeki Daha Önce Kökeni Belirlenmeyen Türkçe Kelimeler

Muhammed Akif

Dilin başka dilleri etkileyen ve onlardan etkilenen canlı bir organizma olduğu göz önüne alındığında, diller arasındaki etkileşim doğal bir süreçtir. Türk dili ve Arap dili ve lehçeleri arasında ise coğrafi ve kültürel yakınlık nedeniyle doğal bir etkileşim süreci yaşanmıştır. Suriye lehçesi, Türk dilinden büyük ölçüde etkilenen Arap lehçeleri arasında yer almaktadır. Pek çok Türkçe kelime Suriye lehçesine geçmiş ve halen kullanılmaktadır. Öyle ki, bu kelimelerden Türkçede bulunmayan birçok yeni fiil türetilmiştir. Arapça lehçeleri ve Türkçeden Arapçaya geçen sözcükler üzerine bugüne kadar yapılan çalışmalarda, Türkçe köklerle türetilen bu sözcüklerin kökleri ya bilinmemekte ya da gözardı edilmekteydi. Bu nedenle bu çalışma, Türkçeden Suriye lehçesine geçen ancak kökenleri bilinmeyen ya da kökenlerinden bahsedilmeyen Türkçe sözcüklerin izini sürmektedir. Çalışmada, kökeni daha önce bilinmeyen ve bazıları açıkça Türkçe olan, ancak daha önce kanıtlanamayan ya da kayda geçmeyen yaklaşık 65 sözcük tespit edildi. Bu sözcükleri tespit etmede, Türkçe sözlüklerdeki Türkçe kökenlerini bulmada, bazılarının kökenine ilişkin şüphe ve farklılıkları reddetmede yöntem olarak tarihsel betimleyici yaklaşım kullanılmıştır. Daha sonra bu sözcüklerin Suriye lehçesindeki anlamları ve kullanımları gündelik dildeki örneklerle desteklenerek açıklanmıştır. Çalışma, Arapçanın lehçelerinde yaygın olan ancak kökenleri belirtilmeyen veya Türkçe kökenli olduğu gözardı edilen sözcüklerin tespit edilmesini sağlayarak Türkçe ve Arapça arasındaki etkileşimin önemli bir boyutuna ışık tutmaktadır.

DOI :10.26650/jos.1467606   IUP :10.26650/jos.1467606    Tam Metin (PDF)

ة ّ َهَجِة ُ الُّسورّي ٌ ّ لم تؤّصل من قبل في الَّل ٌ ألفاٌظ تركيٌ

Muhammed Akif

إن التداخل بين اللغات عملية طبيعية فاللغة كائن حي يؤثر ويتأثر بغيره، وهذا ما حدث بين اللغة التركّيّة واللغة العربّيّة ولهجاتها بحكم المجاورة والعيش في بيئة واحدة. ولقد كانت اللهجة السورّيّة من بين اللهجات ً باللغةالتركية، فقد دخل كث ٌيٌر من األلفاظ التركّيّةإلى اللهجةالسورّيّة ومازالت ًكبيرًا العربّيّةالتي تأثرت تأثرًا ًمن األفعال التي ال توجدفي اللغةالتركّيّة، وبقي العديد تستعمل على ألسنةالعامة، لدرجةأنهماشتقوامنهاكثيرًا من تلك األلفاظ مجهولة األصل ولم يذكر أحد ممن ُعني بالحديث عن اللهجة العامّيّة، أو ممن ُعني بالحديث ً لتلك األلفاظ،من هنا تأتي هذه الدراسةلتحاول أن تؤصل األلفاظ التركّيّة عن األلفاظ الدخيلةأو التركّيّةأصًال التي دخلت إلى اللهجةالسورّيّة ولكنها بقيت مجهولةاألصل ولم يذكر أحد أصلها، وقد رصد ْْت ما يقارب من ُثبت ولم يسجل َ أنهتركي إال أنهلم ُي ً لم يذكر أصلهامن قبل، وربماكان منهاما يبدو واضحَا ستة وستين لفظًا في دراسة قبل ذلك، وقد اتبع ْْت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التاريخي في تعقب تلك األلفاظ وتسجيلها ومعرفة أصلها الترك ّّي في المعاجم التركّيّة ونفي الشبهة واالختالف عن أصل بعضها، ووصل ْْت الدراسةإلى تأصيل ُذكر أصلها أو يخطر على بال أحد أنهترك ّّي األصل. ألفاظ منتشرة وشائعة على لسانهم ولكنها بقيت دون أن ُ

DOI :10.26650/jos.1467606   IUP :10.26650/jos.1467606    Tam Metin (PDF)

Previously Unidentified Turkish Words in the Syrian Dialect of Arabic

Muhammed Akif

Language is a living organism that both influences and is influenced by others, and interaction between languages is a natural process. Due to geographical and cultural proximity, Turkish and Arabic languages, along with their dialects, have experienced such interactions. The Syrian dialect is among those Arabic dialects heavily influenced by Turkish. Numerous Turkish words have been integrated into the Syrian dialect and are still used today. These words have even led to the creation of new verbs not found in Turkish. However, past studies on Arabic dialects and Turkish-derived words have either not identified or overlooked the Turkish origins of many such words. This study focuses on identifying Turkish words in the Syrian dialect whose origins remain unknown or unmentioned. Approximately 65 words were found, some clearly of Turkish origin, but previously undocumented or unproven. A historical-descriptive approach was used to trace these words, verify their Turkish origins, and resolve doubts about their etymology. Additionally, the meanings and usage of these words in the Syrian dialect were clarified with examples from daily language. This study highlights the overlooked Turkish roots of many words in Arabic dialects, emphasizing an important dimension of Turkish-Arabic language interaction. 


The Syrian dialect is a dialect affected by foreign words in foreign languages. The Turkish language was the most influential language in the Syrian dialect by virtue of the geographical location of Syria adjacent to the country of Anatolia, which formed a human reservoir for the Turks, and by virtue of the friction that formed between the Arabs in general and the Syrians in particular on the one hand and the Turks on the other. Another aspect of the Ottoman era, which has lasted for more than four hundred years.

Therefore, many Turkish words entered the Syrian dialect, which are still used to this day, and with the timid studies that dealt with foreign words or those concerned with dialects, many Turkish words remained in the Syrian dialect without documentation or rooting and without correcting what was incorrectly mentioned in their origin. Hence, this study aims to shed light on Turkish words that have not been established or whose origin is not settled in the Syrian dialect by tracing them in the sources in which they were mentioned and in the tongues of the public, where the “Comparative Encyclopedia of Aleppo” by its writer, Khair al-Din al-Asadi, constituted a basic source of scientific material. Especially with regard to the words that were mentioned before, and what is on people’s tongues today is a basic subject for words that were not mentioned before, and no opinion was mentioned about them before. The study was divided into an introduction, conclusion, and two main sections in which the words were arranged in alphabetical order, with each word being mentioned as the Syrians pronounce it. According to them, the meaning of Turkish origin and its meaning in Turkish dictionaries were mentioned, and the opinions of dictionaries and Arabic sources regarding the pronunciation were mentioned, if any.

This study showed that a dialect is a group of linguistic characteristics that belong to a special environment and are shared by all members of this environment. The dialect environment is a broader and more comprehensive environment that includes several dialects. Each of these dialects has its own characteristics, but they all share a set of linguistic phenomena that facilitate communication. The individuals in these environments interact with each other.

The Syrian dialect contains a mixture of foreign vocabulary from several languages, and the relationship between the Syrian dialect and the Turkish language is influenced by historical, geographical, and religious factors.

There are a large number of Turkish words whose origin has not been mentioned in the Syrian dialect before, and there are words that were recorded for the first time even though their Turkish origin is clear. For example, but not limited to: The word “Aye Adam” is a Turkish expression meaning a good man, and it is used in the northern regions of Aleppo to this day.

The study also reached the root of the word “dabkeh,” which is common among Syrians and means group dance, an origin that was not known before, despite the efforts of the author of the language’s text.

Similar to this is the word “dosha”, which Ahmed Reda said was from “dawka”, and the word “tab”, which is widely used among them to mean “fallen”, and other words.

 In addition, it resolves the difference in the origin of some words that some Arabic dictionaries consider Persian, including, but not limited to, the word “Tasuma”, which the study showed to be of Turkish origin, and others.

Rooting words such as “Jalq”, “Dib”, and “Majiq” and expressing an opinion on them.

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Akif, M. (2024). Arapça’nın Suriye Lehçesindeki Daha Önce Kökeni Belirlenmeyen Türkçe Kelimeler. Şarkiyat Mecmuası, 0(45), 337-351.


Akif M. Arapça’nın Suriye Lehçesindeki Daha Önce Kökeni Belirlenmeyen Türkçe Kelimeler. Şarkiyat Mecmuası. 2024;0(45):337-351.


Akif, M. Arapça’nın Suriye Lehçesindeki Daha Önce Kökeni Belirlenmeyen Türkçe Kelimeler. Şarkiyat Mecmuası, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 45, p. 337-351, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Akif, Muhammed,. 2024. “Arapça’nın Suriye Lehçesindeki Daha Önce Kökeni Belirlenmeyen Türkçe Kelimeler.” Şarkiyat Mecmuası 0, no. 45: 337-351.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Akif, Muhammed,. Arapça’nın Suriye Lehçesindeki Daha Önce Kökeni Belirlenmeyen Türkçe Kelimeler.” Şarkiyat Mecmuası 0, no. 45 (Mar. 2025): 337-351.

Harvard: Australian Style

Akif, M 2024, 'Arapça’nın Suriye Lehçesindeki Daha Önce Kökeni Belirlenmeyen Türkçe Kelimeler', Şarkiyat Mecmuası, vol. 0, no. 45, pp. 337-351, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Akif, M. (2024) ‘Arapça’nın Suriye Lehçesindeki Daha Önce Kökeni Belirlenmeyen Türkçe Kelimeler’, Şarkiyat Mecmuası, 0(45), pp. 337-351. (10 Mar. 2025).


Akif, Muhammed,. Arapça’nın Suriye Lehçesindeki Daha Önce Kökeni Belirlenmeyen Türkçe Kelimeler.” Şarkiyat Mecmuası, vol. 0, no. 45, 2024, pp. 337-351. [Database Container],


Akif M. Arapça’nın Suriye Lehçesindeki Daha Önce Kökeni Belirlenmeyen Türkçe Kelimeler. Şarkiyat Mecmuası [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(45):337-351. Available from: doi: 10.26650/jos.1467606


Akif, Muhammed. Arapça’nın Suriye Lehçesindeki Daha Önce Kökeni Belirlenmeyen Türkçe Kelimeler”. Şarkiyat Mecmuası 0/45 (Mar. 2025): 337-351.


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