Ümit GedikX./XVI. yy. Orta Asya Türk siyaset ve kültür tarihinin ana kaynaklarından birisi olan Mihmân-nâme-i Buhârâ, Fazlullâh b. Rûzbihân-i Huncî tarafından Muhammed Şîbânî Hân’ın (1451-1510) emri ile yazılmıştır. Rûzbihân-i Huncî tarafından Buhârâ’ da yazılmaya başlanan eser, 8 Eylül 1509’da Herât’ta tamamlanmıştır. Çalışmamızın konusunu oluşturan Fazlullâh b. Rûzbihân-i Huncî’nin bu eseri Şîbânîler dönemi, Özbek-Kazak ve Özbek-Safevî çatışmaları ve özellikle Muhammed Şîbânî Hân ile ilgili mevcut yegâne eserdir. Çalışmamızda; Şîbânîler Hanlığı ve bu dönem siyasî olayları, Fazlullâh b. Rûzbihân-i Huncî’nin hayatı, eserleri, yazarlığı ve üslubu, Mihmân-nâme-i Buhârâ’nın yazılış amacı ve içeriği, nüshaları, eser üzerinde yapılan çalışmalar, eserin dil ve üslup özellikleri tüm detayları ile incelenmeye çalışılmıştır.
Ümit GedikThe work titled Mihman-nama-i Bukhara which was written on request of Muhammed Shaybani Khan is a great source which contains important information for Central Asia of the period. This work has been written in Bukhara and completed in Harat on September 8,1509 by Fazlullah b. Ruzbihan-i Khunji. The work which is about the period of Shaybani and the comflict between Uzbek-Kazakh and Uzbek-Safavid has a characteristic of being unique work about Shaybani Khan and his time. In this work Shaybani’s Khanate, the politics of this period has been examined. The life of Fazlullah b. Rûzbihan-i Khunji, his works, his autorship and style has been emphasized, not only spelling, content, the language and style of Mihman-nama-i Bukhara but also its copies, the other studies have been conducted on work has been tried to convey in details.
The work titled An Evaluation on Fazlullah B Ruzbihan-i Khunji and His Mihman-nama-i Bukhara which was written on request of Muhammed Shaybani Khan is a great source which contains important information for Central Asia of the period. This work has been written in Bukhara and completed in Harat on September 8,1509 by Fazlullah b. Ruzbihan-i Khunci. The work which is about the period of Shaybani and the comflict between Uzbek-Kazakh and Uzbek-Safavid has a characteristic of being unique work about Shaybani Khan and his time. This work of Fazlullah b. Ruzbihan-i Khunji constitutes the subject of our work. Due to this characteristic, our work has aimed to make a contribution to furter studies about that time. In the introduction of our work, Shaybanis Khanate, the politics of this period has been examined. Looking from a broad perspective has been tried to be provided both to the time of the work of the period. The life of Fazlullah b. Ruzbihan-i Khunji, his works, his autorship and style has been emphasized in our work. Not only spelling, content, the language and style of Mihman-nama-i Bukhara but also its copies have been conducted on work has been tried to convey in details. Mihman-nama-i Bukhara is contaning important historical and social information about its time. And this important book not only have view of historical topics but also have a direct impact on other social sciences like politics, law, literature, islamic law and hadith.