Mehmet YavuzBu makalede XVII. Asrın son yarısı ile XVIII. Asrın ilk çeyreğinde yaşamış Osmanlı âlim ve hattatlarından Vahdî İbrahim Efendi’nin şevâhid şerhleri tanıtılmıştır. Bu bağlamda müellifin kısaca hayatı ve eserleri verilmiştir. Arap dilinin kuralların tespitinde delil olarak kullanılan ve daha çok manzum metinlerden oluşan sözlere “şâhid” (ç. Şevâhid) denilmektedir. Bu şahidler bağlamından ayrı olarak verildiği için hem anlamlarındaki kapalılığı, hem sözün delil olarak getirildiği kısmı daha anlaşılır kılmak için bunların şerhine ihtiyaç duyulmuştur. Arap edebiyatında ayrı bir telif türü olarak gelişen bu şevâhid şerhi yazma geleneği ikinci asırdan daha doğrusu Sîbeveyhi’nin el-Kitâb’ında geçen şevâhidlerin şerhleri ile başlamış ve son zamanlara kadar devam etmiştir. Vahdî İbrahim Efendi’nin şevâhid şerhleri bağlamında gramer, belagat, edebiyat ve tefsir alanlarına dair yazılan eserlerin tespit edebildiğimiz şevâhid şerhleri de kronolojik olarak verilmiştir.
Mehmet YavuzIn this article, Ottoman scholar and calligrapher, who lived between in the second half of the 17th century and in the first quarter of the 18th century, Vahdî İbrahim Effendi’s shawâhid sharhes have been introduced. In this context, his brief biography and works have been presented. “Shâhid” (pl. Shawâhid) is the word that is used to determine the rules of Arabic language and mostly it consists of verses. Because these shawâhids are given separately from their contexts, there has been a need to annotate them for making more understandable the closeness in the sense and also the part of word that is supplied proof. In Arabic literature, the tradition of writing shawâhid sharhes grew up as a seperated kind of copyright and started in the second century, rather started with sharhes of shawâhids in Sîbeveyhi’s el-Kitâb and had been continued until recently. In the context of Vahdî İbrahim Effendi’s shawâhid sharhes, we have also presented the shawâhid sharhes of the works written in the fields of nahw, balaghah, adab and tafsîr chronologically as far as we could find.
In this article titled “İbrahim Vahdî Effendi and His Shawâhid Sharhes” Ottoman scholar Vahdî Effendi’s shawâhid sharhes have been introduced. Firstly, Vahdî Effendi’s biography, his works and scientific personality have been taken up and than the meaning and content of “shawâhid” as a term examined. Shawâhid and Works on shawâhid in Arabic literature are one of the most important writing fields of Arabic literature. In fact, old and recent studies in this field are one of the most clear proofs of this care. It is certain that, those whose mother tongue is not Arabic but are interested in religious and literary knowledge, need shawâhid sharhes more than the others. Vahdî Effendi supposed to be one of those who felt the need for shawâhid sharhes, thus he started to be interested in shawâhid and sharhes of shawâhid almost in his undergraduate years. It is understood from Vahdî Effendi’s explanations that his interest in shawâhid sharhes was unwelcome among students. Thus he left his notes on this subject and gave up taking notes. However, after a while it had been understood that was not right and Vahdî Effendi’s efforts were appreciated and he began to pay attention to poetry on shawâhid poems again. As a product of his attention, he created valuable works that have been taken up in this article. Also we have presented these works one by one, found his extant manuscripts and introduced them. In Ottoman World, Vahdî Effendi was neither the first nor the last man that created works on this subject. Because there were authors created works on shawâhid sharhes before and after him.
We detected in several sources shawâhid sharhes that are not directly related to Ibrahim Vahdî Effendi and his works. But we also have preferred to present these shawâhid sharhes because they are indirectly related to Vahdî Effendi’s field of study and also this will help the reader to understand the case more clearly. Thus, these sharhes are presented at the end of this study as a chronological list, seperated as per the fields such as tafsîr, hadîth, balaghah and lugah. In addition to these, Turkish shawâhid sharhes and translations have been introduced in a seperated part without area classification.