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DOI :10.26650/jos.1470675   IUP :10.26650/jos.1470675    Tam Metin (PDF)

Postmodern Eleştiri: Bir Model Olarak Yapısöküm

İbrahim Alşibli

Yapısöküm, postmodernist hareketlerden biri olup kökleri Yunan ve ortaçağ felsefesi gibi antik felsefeye kadar uzanmakta olup Nietzsche’nin fikirlerinden büyük ölçüde etkilenmiştir. Edebi eleştiri alanında ise Jacques Derrida’nın fikirleri bu akımın dünyaya yayılmasına katkıda bulunmuştur. Bu çalışmada postmodernizmin özellikleri, yapısöküm kavramı ve biçimsel eleştiri, Batı merkezciliğinin eleştirisi, yorumlayıcı felsefe ve Heidegger’in fikirleri gibi yapısökümün kökenleri incelenmektedir. Çalışmada, geleneksel düalizmleri ve nihilist felsefeyi reddetmek ve metni onu yapısöküme uğratarak her yeni okumada yeniden inşa etmek şeklinde okumak gibi yapısöküm biçimleri incelenmekte; iz, fark, ses, kanıt, yazı, dikkat dağıtma, metin gibi yapısökümcü kavramlar irdelenmektedir. Çalşma betimsel bir yaklaşım izlemiştir. Çalışmanın hedefi, özellikle başlangıcından bu yana ona eşlik eden metodolojik sorunlar ışığında, yapısökümcü okumanın dayandığı en önemli kavramlara ışık tutarak, yapısökümcü eleştirinin en önemli temellerinin izini sürmektir. En önemli teorisyenleri bunun eleştirel bir yaklaşım olmadığını, birbirini takip eden okumalarla metni yok etmeyi amaçlayan bilişsel bir prosedür olduğunu vurguladılar. Bunun en açık sonuçlarından biri, yapısökümcülerin, içerdiği belirsizlikler ve sonsuz anlamlar dışında hiçbir edebi metin olmadığına inanmalarıdır. Yapısöküm, çağdaş düşüncede yapısökümden ziyade yorum bilgisine artan ilginin yanı sıra, yapısökümün eski şüphecilik biçimlerinin yeniden formüle edilmesi olduğunu söylemek gibi birçok eleştiriye maruz kalmıştır. 

DOI :10.26650/jos.1470675   IUP :10.26650/jos.1470675    Tam Metin (PDF)

النقد ما بعد الحداثي: التفكيكية أنموذجًاً

İbrahim Alşibli

ت حضرت التفكيكيةبوصفها أحدأهماتجاهات نقدما بعدالحداثةالذي ر ََّكز على القارئ بعد ْ أْن كانت االَّت النقدَّيَةالسابقةتر كِز على النصكالبنيوية واألسلوبية، فقد ارتبطت التفكيكيةبقراءة النصوصوكيفيةإنتاجها للمعاني وما تحملهمن دالالت متناقضة، األمر الذي يتسق ومقوالت التفكيكيةالتي أرادت اإلعالء من سلطة القارئ وجعلهيف كِك النصليصل إلى قراءةمختلفةفي كل مرة،كما ظهرت التفكيكيةنتيجةللصراع الطويل بين الثابت والمتحول، أو الشك واليقين. أسهمت مرحلةما بعد الحداثة في تغيير وجهة النقدمن التركيز على النص الذي أنتج البينوية واألسلوبية والسيميائية، إلى التركيز على القارئ الذي أنتج التفكيكية، التي أعادت االعتبار للقارئ، زعزعت المركزيات التي نهضت عليها المناهج الفكريةالسابقةينهضالتفكيك على أسس فلسفيةترفضالثنائيات التقليدية والفلسفةالعدمية، ومن أهم أفكار التفكيك أن كل نصيحمل تأويالت مختلفة، ،ً وبالتالي ينبغي هدم النص حتى يتهاوى نسيجه التعبيري، كما ويقبل تأويالت متناقضة يلغي بعضها بعضًا أن النص ال يتحدث عن خارجه)مرجعه(، وال يتحدث عن نفسه، وإنما تجريتنا القرائية هي التي تحدثنا عنه، ًبمؤهالت القارئ، ُقرأ بتجاوز معناه التواضعي؛ ألن تأويل النصيتصل أساسًا ً عن أن النصيمكن أن ُي فضًال وليس المراد الوصول إلى حقيقة ما يقوله النص، وإنما الهدف هو تحقيق المتعة للقارئ. وقف البحث على ً عن موقف االتجاهات ِرة في تكوينه، وأهم المفاهيم التي يشتغل عليها، فضًال مفهوم التفكيك، واألصول المؤِّث الفكريةاألخرى من مقوالتهالفكرية وإجراءاتهالمعرفية، ومن أهم النتائج التي تم الوصول إليها أن التفكيكية تقوم على نقد التمركز، ونقد سلطة الحضور، والثورة على العقل.

DOI :10.26650/jos.1470675   IUP :10.26650/jos.1470675    Tam Metin (PDF)

Postmodern Criticism: Deconstruction as a Model

İbrahim Alşibli

Deconstruction, a postmodernist movement, has roots in ancient Greek and medieval philosophy and has been greatly influenced by Nietzsche’s ideas. Jacques Derrida’s ideas have contributed to the spread of this movement in literary criticism. This article examines postmodernism, deconstruction, and its roots, including formal criticism, criticism of Western centrism, interpretive philosophy, and Heidegger’s ideas. Deconstructionist concepts include trace, difference, voice, evidence, writing, distraction, and text. The article follows a descriptive approach, focusing on the key concepts of deconstructive reading and its methodological problems. Deconstructionists believe that there is no literary text except for its ambiguities and infinite meanings. However, deconstruction has faced criticisms, including the increasing interest in hermeneutics and those who argue that it is a reformulation of older forms of skepticism. The article aims to shed light on the foundations of deconstructive criticism and its methodological problems; deconstructionist concepts such as trace, difference, voice, evidence, writing, distraction, and text are examined. The article follows a descriptive approach. One of the most obvious consequences of this is that deconstructionists believe that there is no literary text except for the ambiguities and infinite meanings it contains.


Knowledge is only valid to the extent that it is accepted or employed by a culture or in the context of a language, which is what social constructivism believed in, especially among the poles of the structuralist trend such as Michel Foucault, Richard Roete, Terry Eagleton, Stanley Fish, Eve Sedgwick, and Paul Lauter. Structuralism is similar to Kantian philosophy, which is based on reason and reason. Based on this, structuralism relies in its critical judgments on the internal relationships inherent in texts, which explains their departure from linguistics to interpret literary experiences. Structuralism, “like Kant’s philosophy, searches for the comprehensive, timeless foundation on which the manifestations of experience are based, and confirms the existence of a basic system on which all external manifestations of history are based. This system precedes human systems, such that these systems are based on it temporally and spatially; that is, this system is a priori in a sense similar to what we find with Kant. One of the most important problems with structural criticism is that it was not founded on a cognitive theory subject to philosophical scrutiny; rather, it was based on opinions and speculations that were tied to individual statements and were not based on a theory.” Solid knowledge, and structuralism represented a transitional stage between criticism of modernity and criticism of postmodernity, and was followed by deconstruction, in which Yale University critics played a major role in its emergence and presence in global criticism as a critical trend whose pioneers sought to make it go beyond modern criticism; as deconstruction was present as one of the most important trends of postmodern criticism that focused on the reader after previous critical trends focused on the text such as structuralism and stylistics, as deconstruction was linked to reading texts and how they produce meanings and the contradictory connotations they carry, which is consistent with the deconstructionist statements that wanted to elevate the reader’s authority and make him deconstruct the text to reach a different reading each time, and deconstruction appeared as a result of the long struggle between the constant and the variable, or doubt and certainty; “The continuous movement of philosophical thought between the axes of certainty and doubt, between the desperate attempt by realists to find a fixed structural center, assuming its prior existence, on which the pillars of existence are based, which philosophers call essence, existence, being, consciousness, truth, God, and man, and between doubt about the existence of this fixed center in the first place, this continuous oscillation is what creates the conflicting duality of the tangible and the intangible, of truth and illusion, of the outside and the inside, of the subject and the self, a duality that represents the basic entrance and the only explanation for the disparity between critical and linguistic schools, regarding the function of literature, the nature of meaning, and the function of language; that is, the endless contradictions in the empiricism of Locke and Hobbes, which ultimately lead to doubt in Hume and Nietzsche, are repeated to the same extent, oscillation, and with the same dynamism in Anglo-American criticism and theories of language. 

Deconstruction, as one of the most important movements of postmodern criticism, has shifted the focus towards the reader after previous critical approaches such as structuralism and stylistics focused on the text. The deconstruction movement is closely related to the reading of texts, how they produce meanings, and the contradictory connotations they carry. This is in line with the proposals of the deconstruction movement that aim to raise the authority of the reader, and allow him to deconstruct the text to reach a different reading each time. The deconstruction movement arose as a result of the long-standing conflict between the constant and the variable, or doubt and certainty. Postmodernism contributed to changing the direction of criticism from focusing on the text, which led to the emergence of structuralism, stylistics, and semantics, to focusing on the reader, which led to the emergence of the deconstruction movement. The deconstruction movement restored the importance of the reader and destabilized the centers on which previous intellectual methods were built. The deconstruction movement is based on philosophical foundations that reject traditional dualities and nihilistic philosophy. One of the most important ideas in deconstruction is that every text carries different interpretations and accepts contradictory interpretations that cancel each other out. Therefore, the text must be deconstructed until its expressive fabric collapses. The text does not speak about its external reference or about itself, but rather our reading experience is what tells us about the text. The text can also be read beyond its traditional meaning, because its interpretation is primarily linked to the reader’s qualifications. The goal is not to reach the truth of what the text says, but rather to provide enjoyment to the reader. One of the most important problems of structural criticism is that it was not based on a cognitive theory that is subject to philosophical scrutiny. Rather, it relied on opinions and speculations derived from individual statements and did not rely on a solid cognitive theory. Structuralism represented a transitional stage between modernist and postmodernist criticism, followed by deconstruction, in which Yale University critics played a major role in its emergence and presence in global criticism as a critical trend that sought to go beyond modernist criticism. Deconstruction emerged as one of the most important trends of postmodern criticism that focused on the reader after previous critical trends that focused on the text, such as structuralism and stylistics. Deconstruction was linked to reading texts and how they produce meanings and carry contradictory connotations. This coherence is consistent with the principles of deconstruction, which aim to raise the reader’s authority and make him deconstruct the text to reach a different interpretation each time. The goal of critical reading has become the production of multiple concepts of the text that do not subject it to a final or complete form. Critical reading has become a productive reading; if the static image of the literary text that accompanies the concept of structure is replaced by an open, dynamic image expressed by concepts such as movement and practice, postmodern criticism has also undermined the claim that the text was created from nothing; the text has become a fabric of previous texts, reproducing and transforming them according to different semantic systems subject to the conditions of writing and the intention of communication.

Deconstruction is based on philosophical foundations that reject traditional dualities and nihilistic philosophy. One of the most important ideas of deconstruction is that every text carries different interpretations and accepts contradictory interpretations that cancel each other out. Therefore, the text must be demolished until its expressive fabric collapses. Moreover, the text does not speak about its external reference, nor does it speak about itself; rather, our reading practices speak about it. Moreover, the text can be read beyond its modest meaning, because the interpretation of the text is primarily linked to the reader’s qualifications, and the goal is not to reach the truth of what the text says, but to achieve pleasure for the reader. The endless contradictions in empiricism in Locke and Hume, which ultimately lead to doubt in Hume and Nietzsche, are repeated with the same intensity, fluctuations, and dynamism in Anglo-American criticism and language theories. The postmodern era has contributed to changing the focus of criticism from the text, which produced structuralism, stylistics, and semiotics, to the reader who produced deconstruction, which restored the reader’s importance and undermined the centralities on which previous intellectual frameworks were based. The focus shifted to the concept of deconstruction, its formative principles, and the most important concepts it works on, as well as the position of other intellectual trends on its intellectual expressions and cognitive procedures.

Deconstruction has emerged as one of the most important trends of postmodern criticism that focused on the reader after previous critical trends that focused on the text, such as structuralism and stylistics. Deconstruction has been linked to reading texts and how they produce meanings and carry contradictory connotations. This coherence is in line with the principles of deconstruction that aim to raise the reader’s authority and make him deconstruct the text to reach a different interpretation each time. Deconstruction emerged as a result of the long struggle between the constant and the variable, or between doubt and certainty. 

Deconstruction denied the difference between speech and writing; Since both are based within words in a specific grammatical system, writing carries meanings and expresses ideas to a degree that allows breaking the centrality of speech at the expense of writing.

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Alşibli, İ. (2024). Postmodern Eleştiri: Bir Model Olarak Yapısöküm. Şarkiyat Mecmuası, 0(45), 153-169.


Alşibli İ. Postmodern Eleştiri: Bir Model Olarak Yapısöküm. Şarkiyat Mecmuası. 2024;0(45):153-169.


Alşibli, İ. Postmodern Eleştiri: Bir Model Olarak Yapısöküm. Şarkiyat Mecmuası, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 45, p. 153-169, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Alşibli, İbrahim,. 2024. “Postmodern Eleştiri: Bir Model Olarak Yapısöküm.” Şarkiyat Mecmuası 0, no. 45: 153-169.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Alşibli, İbrahim,. Postmodern Eleştiri: Bir Model Olarak Yapısöküm.” Şarkiyat Mecmuası 0, no. 45 (Mar. 2025): 153-169.

Harvard: Australian Style

Alşibli, İ 2024, 'Postmodern Eleştiri: Bir Model Olarak Yapısöküm', Şarkiyat Mecmuası, vol. 0, no. 45, pp. 153-169, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Alşibli, İ. (2024) ‘Postmodern Eleştiri: Bir Model Olarak Yapısöküm’, Şarkiyat Mecmuası, 0(45), pp. 153-169. (10 Mar. 2025).


Alşibli, İbrahim,. Postmodern Eleştiri: Bir Model Olarak Yapısöküm.” Şarkiyat Mecmuası, vol. 0, no. 45, 2024, pp. 153-169. [Database Container],


Alşibli İ. Postmodern Eleştiri: Bir Model Olarak Yapısöküm. Şarkiyat Mecmuası [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(45):153-169. Available from: doi: 10.26650/jos.1470675


Alşibli, İbrahim. Postmodern Eleştiri: Bir Model Olarak Yapısöküm”. Şarkiyat Mecmuası 0/45 (Mar. 2025): 153-169.


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