Dezavantajlı Grupların Beyaz Perdedeki Temsili: Aamir Khan Sineması Örneği
Hasan YükselBu çalışmanın amacı, gerek ‘oyuncu’ gerek ‘yönetmen’ kimliği ile Hint sinemasının (Bollywood) önde gelen isimleri arasında yer alan Aamir Khan ve filmleri özelinde dezavantajlı grupların sinemada temsil edilme biçimlerini tespit etmektir. Popüler kültürün ve modernitenin bu denli yaygınlaştığı günümüz dünyasında Hint sineması toplumda ‘dezavantajlı’ ya da ‘kırılgan’ olarak nitelendirilebilecek kesimlerin beyaz perdeye aktarılmasında büyük ve oldukça önemli bir rol üstlenmektedir. Bu kesimler içerisinde kadınlar, öğrenme güçlüğü çeken çocuklar, engelliler, yoksullar vb. gruplar ön plana çıkmakta ve sinemaseverlerin beğenisine sunulmaktadır. Çalışmada nitel analize veri sağlamak amacıyla Aamir Khan’ın oyuncu olarak yer aldığı filmler seçilmiş olup, ilgili filmler içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılmak suretiyle bilimsel olarak analiz edilmiştir. Bahse konu filmlerin tümünde dezavantajlılığa neden olan faktörler sonuçları ile birlikte analiz edilmiş, dezavantajlı grupların nasıl avantajlı hale geldiği tüm boyutları ile tartışılmıştır. Çalışma geneli itibariyle üç ana bölümden meydana gelmektedir. Bu yönüyle birinci bölümde dezavantajlı grupların tanımı, içeriği ve boyutlarına değinilmiştir. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde ise araştırmanın yöntem ve veri toplama biçiminden bahsedilmiştir. Çalışmanın son kısmında araştırmanın sonuçları ve bulgularına yer verilmiştir.
Representation of Disadvantageous Groups in Cinematography: Evidence from Aamir Khan’s Cinema
Hasan YükselThe objective of this study is to ascertain the manner in which disadvantageous groups are represented in cinematography and on the basis of the movies of Aamir Khan, who are leadingIndian cinema (Bollywood), with his role as an actress and director. Nowadays and within an atmosphere where popular culture as well as modernity is so common, Indian cinema plays a crucial and fantastic role in portraying those referred to as disadvantageous or fragile groups in motion picture industry. In these groups, women, children with learning disabilities, disabled people, the poor, and etc., come to fore, and all these catch the attention of cinema fans. In this study, the movies in which Aamir Khan played as an actress were selected to provide data for qualitative analysis, and these movies were scientifically analyzed using content analysis research method. In these movies, the factors paving the way for a disadvantageous environment were analyzed by means of their results as a whole, and the manner in which these groups were converted into advantageous individuals was discussed with all its ins and outs. The paper mainly consists of three sections. From this perspective, and in the first part, the definitions, content, and dimensions of disadvantageous groups were presented. In the second section, the research method and the method of data collection were verified. In the last part, the research findings and results were mentioned.
As a key term frequently used in social policy literature, disadvantageous groups are those who are continually exposed to social exclusion, alienation, and discrimination due to their gender roles, ideology, political choices, physical or psychological handicaps, and so forth. In a way, there is no hesitation in saying that they always experience ‘otherness’ syndrome. These groups include many people from different spheres of life like immigrants, workers, disabled people, women, children, young and old men, and so on. Therefore, the portrayal of disadvantageous groups in cinematography is of great significance to ascertain the causes and effects of their situations. Therefore, the main goal of this article is to analyze selected Aamir Khan movies on the basis of disadvantageous groups and their representations in cinematography. In order to reach that aim, nine Khan movies like Lagaan (2001, Ashutosh Gowariker), Fanaa (2006, Kunal Kohli), Taare Zameen Par (2007, Aamir Khan), 3 Idiot (2009, Rajkumar Hirani), Dhobi Ghat (2010, Kiran Rao), Talaash (2012, Reema Kagti), Dangal (2016, Nitesh Tiwari), Secret Superstar (2017, Advait Chandan), and Laal Singh Chaddha (2022, Advait Chandan) were determined for qualitative analysis via content analysis research method.
In line with the understanding of social realism, cinema can be referenced as a gorgeous instrument for the depiction of social, economic, and even political problems such as unemployment, disability, urbanization, poverty, economic doctrines, gender roles, discrimination, income distribution, industrialization and many others. The more cinema deals with these types of issues, the more attractive and realistic it will be. From this realistic and social perspective, it can be claimed that Aamir Khan movies are perfect laboratories, in particular, their representations of disadvantageous groups.
As a result of the research, it was determined that each Khan movie selected as a case for this qualitative analysis included disadvantageous groups from India and the reasons behind this problem, with outcomes as well as certain solutions. The research puts forward that Lagaan (2001) is the portrayal of poor villagers and disabled people, Fanaa (2006) can be associated with disability, Taare Zameen Par (2007) tells the story of a kid, 3 Idiot (2009) mentions those who are in need of special education, Dhobi Ghat (2010) is about poverty and women, Talaash (2012) is so critical about women and impaired people, Dangal (2016) and Secret Superstar (2017) tackle the ceaseless attempts of women to overcome the glass ceiling and gender roles predefined in Indian cultures and traditions, and finally Laal Singh Chaddha (2022), the modern adaptation of Forrest Gump (1994) focuses upon disability. In general, it was found that traditions, cultural factors, an indoctrinated education system closed to diversity and differences, the glass ceiling effect, prejudices about women, bullying behaviours of peers, social gender, and alienation are the major reasons behind the phenomena of this disadvantageous philosophy in Khan movies. According to Khan’s perspective, ambition, decisiveness, social and family support are the only ways to overcome these barriers in a particular society.
The study contributes to the current literature in various ways. At first, associating disadvantageous groups with cinematography by considering Indian cinema is a novel idea that enables theory-practice overlapping. By means of this study, those who are focusing on disadvantageous groups and their problems in real-life settings may possibly comprehend the dimension of this matter, the vehemence of the case and the causes, as well as the results in an overall way. This philosophy of research also contributes to multidisciplinary studies that will be quite original for scientists conducting scientific research on cinema and disadvantageous groups, or let’s say in social policy as an academic field.
On the other hand, the current work has several limitations due to its qualitative origin in nature. Initially, it can be stated that Aamir Khan’s movies selected as cases so as to be analyzed from a qualitative perspective are fairly limited on a quantitative basis. That’s why, the number of those movies belonging Aamir Khan is to be enhanced in upcoming studies. In addition, computer programmes were not benefited so that the data could be confirmed and validated. For this reason, those who will grapple with the same issue from a different perspective are advised to use statistical programmes like Nvivo, Maxqda, and Atlas.