A Questionnaire About Revision Rhinoplasty Among Surgeons
Agah Yeniçeri, Oğuzhan Oğuz, Melih ÇayönüObjective: Rhinoplasty is one of the most challenging facial aesthetics operations. Failure to meet patient expectations and the emergence of new deformities lead to the need for revision. This article presents the current revision surgery experiences of surgeons specialising in rhinoplasty.
Material and Methods: A questionnaire was used to obtain the experiences with revision rhinoplasty of 130 surgeons specialising in rhinoplasty. The demographic characteristics of the surgeons and data regarding revision rhinoplasty were recorded. Statistical analyses were performed, and the results obtained were compared with the literature data.
Results: Although 59% (n=77) of the surgeons stated that the revision rates after primary rhinoplasty were between 2% and 5%, the revision rate of 83% (n=108) of the surgeons was between 2% and 10%. The three most common reasons for revision were loss of nasal tip rotation (83%), inadequate hump resection (74%) and nasal axis deviation (71%). Rocker deformity (19.2%), step deformity (20%), skin problems (25%) and radix problems (27%) were less common. Concerning the timing of revision, most surgeons thought that at least one year should elapse after the first operation, and this did not vary according to the localisation of the deformity.
Conclusion: The participants of this study reported revision rates between 2% and 10%. The most common reasons for revision were loss of nasal tip rotation, residual dorsal hump, and nasal axis deviation. Both surgeons and patients should accept that the need for revision may arise due to the unpredictability of recovery.