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DOI :10.26650/TUDED2024-1474226   IUP :10.26650/TUDED2024-1474226    Tam Metin (PDF)

Ahmet Haşim Şiirini Bachelard’ın Poetik Düşleme Kuramıyla Okumak

Hazel Melek Akdik

 Bu çalışmada, Ahmet Haşim’in şiirlerinde öne çıkan imajlar ve imaj oluşturma biçimleri, Gaston Bachelard’ın ortaya koyduğu düşleme poetikası kuramından hareketle incelenmektedir. Bachelard’ın fenomenoloji temelli bir perspektiften formüle ettiği poetik hülya kavramına göre edebî yaratım aynı zamanda bilinçli bir düşleme faaliyetidir. Eseri poetik hülya ya da poetik düş olarak konumlandıran bu yaklaşımda düş (hülya) ile rüya kavramları arasındaki ayrım gözden kaçırılmamalıdır. Rüya olgusu, daha çok psikolojinin inceleme konusu olup bilinçdışıyla ilişkilendirilir. Poetik düş ise bilinçli düşlemeden kaynaklanmakla birlikte bilinçli düşlemenin ürünü olan bu düşü kuran özne, rüyalardan farklı olarak onun gerçek olmadığının bilincindedir. Ahmet Haşim’de ön planda olan hülyaya dalma izleği geçmişe veya ideal âleme dair tasarımlar üzerinden işlenir. Bachelard, poetik hülyaları incelerken C. G. Jung’un arketipik yaklaşımından ve yine bu yaklaşım çerçevesinde öne sürdüğü anima ve animus terimlerinden yararlanır. Anima ve animus; animanın dişil, animusun eril varsayıldığı bir kodlama biçimi olarak öznenin sahip olduğu ikilikleri imler. Ahmet Haşim’in şiirlerinde animanın kendisini belirgin bir biçimde gösterdiği dişil unsurlar arasında anne ve sevgiliyi niteleyen kadın imajları öne çıkar. Uzak geçmişe ait hatırlamalar anne imajı ve çocukluk üzerinde yoğunlaşırken bireysel geçmişten gelen deneyimlerle arketipik ögelerin iç içe geçtiği anlam katmanları oluşur. Bellek ve çocukluk temalarının bir arada yer aldığı bu şiirlerde poetik hülyalar animanın alanına çekilmekte ve böylelikle animanın egemenliğinde şekillenen bir yorumlama pratiği açığa çıkmaktadır. 

DOI :10.26650/TUDED2024-1474226   IUP :10.26650/TUDED2024-1474226    Tam Metin (PDF)

Reading Ahmet Haşim’s Poetry with Bachelard’s Theory of Poetic Reverie

Hazel Melek Akdik

 In this study, the prominent images and forms of image-making in Ahmet Haşim’s poems are analyzed based on Gaston Bachelard’s theory of the poetics of imagination. According to Bachelard’s concept of poetic reverie, which he formulates from a phenomenology-based perspective, literary creation is also a conscious dreaming activity. In this approach, which positions the work as a poetic dream or a dream, the distinction between the concepts of dream and dream should not be overlooked. Dreams are the subject in the discipline of psychology and are associated with the unconscious. On the contrary, the poetic dream originates from conscious dreaming; however, the subject who constructs this dream, which is the product of conscious dreaming, is aware that it is not real, unlike dreams. In Haşim, the trajectory of immersion in dreaming, which is at the forefront, is processed through designs of the past or the ideal realm. While analyzing poetic reveries, Bachelard makes use of C.G.   Jung’s archetypal approach and the terms anima and animus. Anima and animus signify the dualities of the subject as a coding form in which anima is assumed feminine and animus masculine. Among the feminine elements in Haşim’s poems in which the anima manifests clearly, the images of the mother and the woman who characterizes the beloved come to the fore. While recollections of the distant past concentrate on the image of the mother and childhood, layers of meaning are formed, in which archetypal elements are intertwined with individual experiences. In these poems, where the themes of memory and childhood coexist, poetic dreams are drawn into the realm of the anima; thus, an interpretation practice shaped under the dominance of the anima is revealed.


 In this study, the recurring images and forms of imagery in the poems of Ahmet Haşim, one of the founding figures of Turkish literature, are evaluated based on Gaston Bachelard’s concept of poetic reverie in his book The Poetics of Dreaming. In Bachelard’s phenomenology-based approach, literary creation is analyzed as an act of dreaming. The work gains meaning as a poetic dream/poetic dream within the framework of this creation. In this definition, the distinction between the concepts of dream and dream is important. The concept of dream is more in the field of psychology and is evaluated through unconscious. Conversely, just like dreams, dreams that are formed while consciousness is open are also suitable to be analyzed and interpreted in the light of concepts belonging to the unconscious. While analyzing poetic dreams, Bachelard uses C.G. Jung’s archetypal approach and the terms anima and animus. Based on the idea of a duality in every human being, male or female, Jung named the masculine and feminine sides of this duality animus and anima, respectively. The anima and animus approaches offer a reading method to explain the role of the images that make up the text in the reception process. The anima, which represents the feminine, contains archetypal meanings and is based on myths and legends. In parallel to this, Haşim’s poetry deals with the mother figure, childhood, dreaming, and remembering as the basic motifs of poetic imagination. Haşim’s poetics brings a poetry construction and interpretation practice that develops under anima. Haşim sees and interprets existence as a colorful reflection. He presents the outside world as a place of imagination, particularly through images based on nature. Therefore, the act of seeing turns into a form of imagination. Because of this form of imagination, Haşim’s poetry has often been analyzed by likening it to the atmosphere of a dream. In fact, the metaphor of dream in Haşim’s poetry corresponds to dreams, that is, poetic visions, which are seen with open consciousness. His poetry is the poetry of the subject-self, which directly addresses the object and interprets the manifestations of existence through their correspondences in consciousness. In this aspect, it is in harmony with Bachelard’s phenomenology-based reading practice. In this poem, which prioritizes the direct relationship with the object and daily, social, and historical contexts of the outside world are bracketed. The way the subject perceives objects is associated with concepts such as psychology, memory, and archetype, and certain schemes dominated by a highly individual sensibility are created. In Bachelard’s theory, the poet or writer is first and foremost a person who dreams of words. As the main material of the literary work is language, dreams are also constructed with language and words. In other words, dreaming is also an action performed with language and words. Given the nature of language, the semantic  origin of words stems from the duality of masculine and feminine. Bachelard states that as a dreamer of words, the artist’s dreams are reflected in masculinity and femininity specific to the originary existence of language. Among the feminine elements in Haşim’s poetry, the anima manifests distinctly are the images of the mother and the woman who characterizes the lover. The mother remains in the peaceful times of childhood, is remembered as a lost paradise, and is depicted with her sick body and fragile soul. On the contrary, the beloved becomes evident in the narratives of imaginary women who are placed in imaginary places and are mostly referred to with qualifications such as “beloved” or “fairy.” In this sense, there is an esthetics of perception in which love, body, and desire are reinterpreted through phenomenology. The prominent indicators of this are the images of women presented with the metaphor of “angel” and the idealizing state of imagination that emerges in the imaginary spaces that the subject turns to. Anima, while shaping Haşim’s poetry, is a stronger opposition of animus. The prominence of themes related to memory and childhood in Haşim’s poetry also indicates that the anima is active. Bachelard associates the creative process of poets with the dreaming period when the child is alone and becomes the master of his world. The poetic dream presented by the poet is not different from a child’s dreams. As this analogy shows, memory and dreams are intertwined, and often the acts of remembering and dreaming are, by their very nature, intertwined. As there is a bit of memory in every dreaming, remembering can also be considered a form of dreaming. Based on the theory of poetic daydreaming, the theme of daydreaming, designs about the past and the ideal realm, which are intensely observed in Haşim, may lead the reader to experience poetry as conscious daydreaming. Accordingly, the dreams that the subject consciously constructs or imagines in these poems exemplify the poetic reverie conceptualized by Bachelard. Within the scope of the study, the connection of the images constructed through the mother, childhood, and memory with anima and animus in Haşim’s poems is clarified; thus, poetic reverie can be one of the key concepts in evaluating Haşim’s understanding of poetry.

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Akdik, H.M. (2024). Ahmet Haşim Şiirini Bachelard’ın Poetik Düşleme Kuramıyla Okumak. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, 64(2), 517-537.


Akdik H M. Ahmet Haşim Şiirini Bachelard’ın Poetik Düşleme Kuramıyla Okumak. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi. 2024;64(2):517-537.


Akdik, H.M. Ahmet Haşim Şiirini Bachelard’ın Poetik Düşleme Kuramıyla Okumak. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, [Publisher Location], v. 64, n. 2, p. 517-537, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Akdik, Hazel Melek,. 2024. “Ahmet Haşim Şiirini Bachelard’ın Poetik Düşleme Kuramıyla Okumak.” Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi 64, no. 2: 517-537.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Akdik, Hazel Melek,. Ahmet Haşim Şiirini Bachelard’ın Poetik Düşleme Kuramıyla Okumak.” Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi 64, no. 2 (Mar. 2025): 517-537.

Harvard: Australian Style

Akdik, HM 2024, 'Ahmet Haşim Şiirini Bachelard’ın Poetik Düşleme Kuramıyla Okumak', Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 517-537, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Akdik, H.M. (2024) ‘Ahmet Haşim Şiirini Bachelard’ın Poetik Düşleme Kuramıyla Okumak’, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, 64(2), pp. 517-537. (10 Mar. 2025).


Akdik, Hazel Melek,. Ahmet Haşim Şiirini Bachelard’ın Poetik Düşleme Kuramıyla Okumak.” Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, vol. 64, no. 2, 2024, pp. 517-537. [Database Container],


Akdik HM. Ahmet Haşim Şiirini Bachelard’ın Poetik Düşleme Kuramıyla Okumak. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];64(2):517-537. Available from: doi: 10.26650/TUDED2024-1474226


Akdik, HazelMelek. Ahmet Haşim Şiirini Bachelard’ın Poetik Düşleme Kuramıyla Okumak”. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi 64/2 (Mar. 2025): 517-537.


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