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DOI :10.26650/TUDED2019-0002   IUP :10.26650/TUDED2019-0002    Tam Metin (PDF)

On the Lexical Materials Concerning the State Administration and Military Organisation Included in the Chagatay Dictionaries Written in Mughal India

Fikret Turan

Although Persian was the official language of the Mughal Empire, members of the administrative and military classes continued speaking Chagatay Turkic among themselves as a sign of identity. In order to have their children learn Chagatay Turkic as well, they had many Chagatay dictionaries, grammars and language learning books with Persian instructions written. One of the most prominent characteristics of these works is that they demonstrate newly emerging lexical items and explain a number of Turkic and Turkicised lexical elements with new meanings. In this article, by analysing four Chagatay dictionaries including Niṣāb-ı Ḳutbiyye, Niṣāb-ı Türkī der Luġat, Niṣāb-ı Türkī and Zübdetü’l-Esmāʾi’t-Türkiyye, written in Mughal India, I explore the lexical items concerning the state administration and military organisation as a semantic substratum and explain the unfamiliar and original lexical units and semantic formations in them. Some of the lexicon that appears in these dictionaries were either not used or had a very limited use in the administrative or military systems of previous Turkic or Islamic states. They also provide certain old lexical items that gained new meanings during the period of the Mughals. An important part of the administrative and military lexis used in the Moghul State, as well as those used in the Timurid period, are of Mongolian origin.

DOI :10.26650/TUDED2019-0002   IUP :10.26650/TUDED2019-0002    Tam Metin (PDF)

Hindistan Babürlü Devletinde Yazılan Çağatayca Sözlüklerde Devlet Yönetimi ve Askeri Teşkilatla İlgili Kelimelere Dair

Fikret Turan

Hindistan’da kurulan Babürlü Devletinin resmi dili Farsça olmasına rağmen devlet yöneticileri ile askerî görevliler kendi aralarında Çağatay Türkçesini bir kimlik unsuru olarak kullanmaya devam etmişlerdir. Yönetici kesim, çocuklarının ve aile mensuplarının Türkçeyi öğrenmeleri için çok sayıda Farsça açıklamalı Çağatay Türkçesi sözlük, gramer ve okuma kitapları yazdırmışlardır. Bu eserlerin en önemli özelliklerinden birisi Türkçe ve Türkçeleşmiş birçok kelime ve tamlamanın Babürlü Devletinde kazandığı kendine özgü yeni anlamları açıklaması ve bu devlette kullanılmaya başlayan yeni kelime, terim ve ifadeleri göstermesidir. Bu çalışmada Hindistan’da yazılmış Niṣāb-ı Ḳutbiyye, Niṣāb-ı Türkī der Luġat, Niṣāb-ı Türkī ve Zübdetü’l-Esmāʾi’t-Türkiyye isimli dört sözlükte devlet yönetimi ile ordu teşkilatına dair bir semantik alt katman olarak ortaya konan leksik veriler incelenerek bu alandaki özgün kelimeler ile semantik oluşumlar açıklanmıştır. İncelediğimiz sözlüklerde daha önceki Türk veya İslam devletlerinde idari ve askerî sistem içinde kullanılmayan veya çok sınırlı kullanımı olan kelimeler ile daha önceki dönemlerde kullanılan, ancak Babürlü Devletinde anlam değişimine uğrayan önemli sayıda kelime ve tamlamalar tespit edilmiştir. Bu sözlüklerde görülen idari ve askerî kelimelerin önemli bir kısmı da daha önce Timurlular döneminde de kullanılan ve Türkçeleşmiş Moğolca kökenli dil unsurlarıdırlar.


In this article, by analysing four Persian-Chagatay Turkic dictionaries entitled Niṣāb-ı Ḳutbiyye, Niṣāb-ı Türkī der Luġat, Niṣāb-ı Türkī and Zübdetü’l-Esmāʾi’t-Türkiyye written in Mughal India, I explore the lexical materials on state administration and military organisation as a semantic substratum and explain unique and original lexical units and semantic formations in them. These dictionaries explain many words and phrases used as administrative and military terms in the Mughal State. The linguistic features of these words and phrases are as follows:

a. Some of the vocabularies that appear in these dictionaries were either not used or had a very limited use in the administrative or military systems of previous Turkic or Islamic states. The words that became administrative and military terms in the Mughal India are: aluġçı (tax collector), basalġa (raid troops), berikī (treasurer, high state official), boynaġu (rebel, mutineer), böyrekçi (troops at the flanks, trapper troops) ėletmiş (vanguard), esre (watchman), ḳapuçı (troops at the flanks, trapper troops), küçüm (timariot), öçek (throne), öründük (throne), tabçı (strongman, sultan, chief), tuḳbay (chief chamberlain, commander), yapçı (messenger, go-between).

b. These dictionaries provide certain old vocabulary items that gained new meanings during the period of the Mughals. These are: aḫtaça (head groom), aḳ (sultan’s arbour), aḳça (rupi, coin), baḫşi (general, chief commander, high state official), basturma (raid troops), başlıḳ (commander), bėy (sultan, chief commander), çalış (overseer, guard, chief), çavuş (vanguard), çėrikçi (timariot), ėrçi (messenger, go-between), ėşik aġası (treasurer, high judge, high state official), ḳalmaḳ (sultan), ḳara (a small coin, penny), kėleçi (courier, dispach), ḳızıl (gold coin), ḳoruḳmal (guard, village guard), ḳoşun bėgi (commander of ten thousand troops), ḳurġançı (guard, village guard), müşrīf (high bureaucrat, high official), saḳlaçı (watchman, guard), tilçi (spy), töreçi (prosecutor, lawyer), tura (sultan), tutḳavul (advance guard, raider), yasa ~ yasal (patrol squad, police squad), yol urġuçı (bandit, brigand).

c. An important part of the administrative and military vocabularies used in the Moghul State are of Mongolian origin and some of these were previously used in the Timurid period as well. Babur Shah, the founder of the Mughal dynasty, was a descendant of Genghis Khan by the lineage of his mother, which explains the place and significance of the Mongolians and the Mongolian language in the Mughal State. The words of the Mongolian origin observed in these dictionaries are: aḫta (gelding), baranġar ~ buranġar (army troops at the right flank), batur (warrior, war hero), çaranġar ~ çuranġar (army troops at the left flank), çındavul (army troops at the back ranks), daruġa (governor, chief bureaucrat and commander), ġol (army troops at the center), ıravul ~ hıravul (army troops at the front lines), yasa ~ yasal ~ yasavul (patrol squad, police squad).

d. Some of the Turkic lexic in this semantic area had undergone certain phonological and morphological changes and took new forms: ėrçi (messenger <ėlçi), ėşik aġa (treasurer <ėşik aġası), küşlük (village chief <küçlük), yapçı (messenger <yapġuçı), saklaçı (guard <saklaġuçı), yav ~ yavġı (enemy <yaġı).

e. Most of the lexical units are derived forms from certain roots. Structures of the derived words are as follows:

i. The majority of the derived words are constructed by the suffix of the profession and

habit +çI: aluġçı (tax collector), bitikçi (scribe), böyrekçi (troops at the side flanks),

çėrikçi (timariot, landed commander), ėrçi (messenger), ėşikçi (door guard), ḳaraḳçı

(bandit), ḳoruḳçı, ḳurġançı (guard, village guard), tabçı (sultan), tilçi (spy), topçı

(cannoneer), töreçi (prosecutor), tuġçı (royal sealer), uruşçı (warrior), yayçı (bowyer).

ii. The denominal noun and adjective suffix +lIk has a common usage in the derivation:

başlıḳ (commander), bėklik (rank of high commander, state), ėrklik (sultan), ėrtelik

(sultan), köñüllük (bouncer, volunteering warrior), küçlük ~ küşlük (village head).

iii. Participial suffixes have also a wide use: ėletmiş (advance guard, raider), kėleçi

(courier, <kelgüçi), ḳurġan (major fortress <ḳoruġan), öründük (throne), saḳlaçı

(watchman <saḳlaġuçı), tutġun (prisoner of war), yol urġuçı (bandit), yol tutḳuçı


iv. The equative +çA has a rather limited use: aḳça (coin, rupi), aḫtaça (head groom).

v. The denominal noun suffies +aġu (boynaġu ‘rebel’), +ma (basturma ‘raid troops’),

+mal (ḳoruḳmal ‘guard, village guard’), the Arabic suffix of nisba +ī (bėgī ‘nobleman’,

berikī ‘treasurer’), and the deverbal -AlġA (basalġa ‘raid troops at the back rank’) are

rarely used suffixes. 

f. Some of the terms in question consist of two words. Most of these structures are in the form of the indefinite noun phrase having the following features:

i. Most of the phrases of this type include the words “aġa,” (leader) “baş” (head) and “bėg” (chief, commander) indicating leadership, being the modified element within the modifier-modified construction: bėkler bėgi (chief commander), ėşik aġası (treasurer, chief judge), ḳoşun bėgi (colonel, commander of ten thousand men), miñ başı and miñ bėgi (major, commander of one thousand men), on başı and on bėgi (corporal, commander of ten men), topçı başı (artillary officer), tümen başı and tümen bėgi (major, commander of one thousand men), yüz başı (captain, commander of one hundred men) ii. A small number of the terms are constructed within the suffixless noun phrase: çėrik başlıḳ (general), ėşik aġa (treasurer, chief judge), tuḳbay (head chamberlain). iii. One item is in the adjectival phrase: iki ḳara (a small coin). iv. Two synonymous items are constructed within the participial construction: yol urġuçı ~ yol tutḳuçı (bandit).

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Turan, F. (2019). On the Lexical Materials Concerning the State Administration and Military Organisation Included in the Chagatay Dictionaries Written in Mughal India. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, 59(1), 203-220.


Turan F. On the Lexical Materials Concerning the State Administration and Military Organisation Included in the Chagatay Dictionaries Written in Mughal India. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi. 2019;59(1):203-220.


Turan, F. On the Lexical Materials Concerning the State Administration and Military Organisation Included in the Chagatay Dictionaries Written in Mughal India. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, [Publisher Location], v. 59, n. 1, p. 203-220, 2019.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Turan, Fikret,. 2019. “On the Lexical Materials Concerning the State Administration and Military Organisation Included in the Chagatay Dictionaries Written in Mughal India.” Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi 59, no. 1: 203-220.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Turan, Fikret,. On the Lexical Materials Concerning the State Administration and Military Organisation Included in the Chagatay Dictionaries Written in Mughal India.” Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi 59, no. 1 (Mar. 2025): 203-220.

Harvard: Australian Style

Turan, F 2019, 'On the Lexical Materials Concerning the State Administration and Military Organisation Included in the Chagatay Dictionaries Written in Mughal India', Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 203-220, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Turan, F. (2019) ‘On the Lexical Materials Concerning the State Administration and Military Organisation Included in the Chagatay Dictionaries Written in Mughal India’, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, 59(1), pp. 203-220. (10 Mar. 2025).


Turan, Fikret,. On the Lexical Materials Concerning the State Administration and Military Organisation Included in the Chagatay Dictionaries Written in Mughal India.” Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, vol. 59, no. 1, 2019, pp. 203-220. [Database Container],


Turan F. On the Lexical Materials Concerning the State Administration and Military Organisation Included in the Chagatay Dictionaries Written in Mughal India. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];59(1):203-220. Available from: doi: 10.26650/TUDED2019-0002


Turan, Fikret. On the Lexical Materials Concerning the State Administration and Military Organisation Included in the Chagatay Dictionaries Written in Mughal India”. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi 59/1 (Mar. 2025): 203-220.


Son Revizyon28.05.2019
Çevrimiçi Yayınlanma28.06.2019


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