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DOI :10.26650/TUDED2024-1438376   IUP :10.26650/TUDED2024-1438376    Tam Metin (PDF)

Muğlak Anlatım Üslubuyla Yazılmış İki Manzum Fetihname Örneği

Muhammed Emir Tulum

Bu çalışmada Safâyî’nin Fetihnâme-i İnebahtı ve Moton adlı eseri ile Adlî’nin Manzûme-i Feth-i Şirvan ve Demirkapı adlı eserindeki muğlak anlatım üslubu incelenip tartışılmıştır. 16. yüzyılda manzum olarak kaleme alınmış olan bu fetihnamelerin muhtevaları güçlükle anlaşılmaktadır. Müphemiyet meydana getiren özelliklerine bakıldığında, Safâyî’nin eseri karmaşık bir olay örgüsüne sahiptir. Şair konu ve şahıslar arasındaki bağlamın anlaşılmasını ve ana konunun takibini güçleştirmiştir. Dolayısıyla, şairin parça parça verdiği bazı bilgilerin bir araya getirilmesi ve muğlak ifadelerinin anlaşılması hâlinde fetihnamenin konusu daha anlamlı bir bütünlüğe kavuşur. Öte yandan, Safâyî, kimi konu veya konuya dahli bulunan şahıslar hakkında başta tam olarak anlaşılamayan sözler söylemiş ve sonradan bu sözlerini açıklamıştır. Şairin yaptığı açıklamalar ve bu faaliyeti hakkındaki ifadeleri klasik Türk edebiyatındaki şerh geleneğinin izlerini taşır. Adlî’nin eserine bakıldığında ise şairin sıklıkla ta‘kîd içeren sözler sarf ettiği, bazen de mecazlı veya müphem anlatımlara başvurduğu görülür. Çalışmada, fetihname şairlerinin söz konusu üslupları ve bunların klasik Türk edebiyatındaki yeri incelenmiştir. Yapılan incelemelerden hareketle, her iki şairin eserlerini bilinçli şekilde muğlak anlatım üslubuyla yazdığı, Safâyî’nin bunu daha ziyade anlatım teknikleriyle, Adlî’nin ise Sebk-i Hindî etkisini yansıtan anlatım tarzıyla meydana getirdiğine dair tespitler sunulmuştur

DOI :10.26650/TUDED2024-1438376   IUP :10.26650/TUDED2024-1438376    Tam Metin (PDF)

Two Examples of Fetihnames in Verse Written in Vague Narrative Style

Muhammed Emir Tulum

In this study, the ambiguous narrative style in Safâyî’s work titled Fetihnâme-i İnebahtı ve Moton and Adlî’s work titled Manzûme-i Feth-i Şirvan ve Demirkapı are analyzed and discussed. The contents of these fetihnames, written in verse in the 16th century, are challenging to understand. In terms of their ambiguous features, Safâyî’s work has a complex plot. The poet makes it challenging to understand the context between the subject and the people and to follow the main plot. Therefore, if some of the fragmentary information provided by the poet is brought together and his ambiguous expressions are understood, the plot of the fetihname will have a more meaningful completeness. On the other hand, Safâyî said some phrases about some subjects or people involved in the subject that were not fully understood at first and then explained them. The poet’s explanations and statements about this activity have traces of the commentary tradition in classical Turkish literature. When Adlî’s work is examined, it is seen that the poet frequently uses words with ta‘kîd and sometimes uses metaphorical or ambiguous expressions. In this study, the aforementioned styles of the fetihname poets and their place in classical Turkish literature are analyzed. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that both poets consciously wrote their works in an ambiguous narrative style; Safâyî did this more with narrative techniques, while Adli did it with a style of expression reflecting the influence of Sebk-i Hindî.


In this study, the ambiguous narrative style in Safâyî’s work titled Fetihnâme-i İnebahtı ve Moton and Adlî’s work titled Manzûme-i Feth-i Şirvan ve Demirkapı are analyzed and discussed. Written in the 16th century, these fetihnames in verse have a vague narrative style compared to other fetihnames in verse, making their content challenging to understand.

Safâyî obscured the subject matter of his fetihname mainly through narrative techniques and partly through ta‘kîd practices that violate eloquence. The poet states that he aims to make his narratives not easily understood by the reader, and recommends that they be read over and over again to understand them. In terms of method, he generally narrates the events in a spiral manner and jumps back and forth in time; he makes it challenging to understand the identity of some individuals by mentioning their names, nicknames or ranks in different places; and sometimes he makes his own statements ambiguous. Therefore, to understand the subject matter of the fetihname as a whole, it is necessary to determine the chain of events, the order of persons, places and chronology, establish the connection between the information given, and reflect on ambiguous expressions.

Safâyî, who made the subject matter of his fetihname challenging to understand in the aforementioned ways, opened some channels for the reader to overcome this difficulty. At this point, he first partially mentions some topics, then states that he will explain them later, and then explains them in a later section. In the same case, sometimes he explains a subject or person that he mentions but does not state that he will explain in another section. The poet’s explanations and statements about this activity have traces of the commentary tradition in classical Turkish literature. Some subjects or persons that are not fully comprehensible at the beginning become more comprehensible through the aforementioned ways.

Adlî’s ambiguous narrative style is mostly characterized by the lafzî ta‘kîd, partly by manevî ta‘kîd, and sometimes by the use of figurative and ambiguous expressions. The poet’s abrupt transitions between subjects and the omission of details are another factor that makes comprehensibility of the main subject challenging. The poet emphasizes the significance of muamma, ta‘miye, remiz (symbol), îmâ (suggestion), ibhâm, îhâm and applies some of them in his work. He also states that he has read some works on the commentaries on muammas and that some of his protégés are also interested in the science of muammas. All these points reveal Adlî’s interest in the ambiguous narrative style. On the other hand, the meter, rhyme, repeated voice, language and rhetorical features of the poet’s work reflect the influence of Sebk-i Hindî.

It is understood that the two fetihnames in verse analyzed were written in a deliberately ambiguous narrative style. Ambiguity is not seen much in the narrative style of the other  fetihnames in verse, and their authors did not refer to terms, such as remiz, îmâ and ibhâm, related to ambiguity in poetry. When we look at the main difference in the two poets’ practices to make their works ambiguous, we see that Safâyî uses narrative techniques to make it challenging to understand the context between the subject and the people and to obscure the main subject. Adlî, on the other hand, uses metaphorical or ambiguous expressions by using the power of rhetoric in addition to ta‘kîd practices.

In the tradition of classical Turkish literature, in the century in which the aforementioned fetihnames were written or in the following centuries, lügaz and muamma were written in which a name was concealed through the veiled utterance of the word. In the same periods, in some books or poems, veiled expressions were made by using figurative language, metaphorical expression, literary arts, such as telmih (reference), tevriye (double-entendre) kinaye (innuendo) or elements, such as lügaz, muamma and ta‘miye. In addition, in the periods in which the two fetihname poets lived, the effects of the Sebk-i Hindî movement, characterized by the closeness of meaning in poetry, began to be seen. In this framework, it is seen that the ambiguous narrative style adopted by Adlî was nourished by the same tradition, while Safâyî followed a path that we could call relatively unique with the narrative techniques he applied together with the tradition. Consequently, both authors’ fetihnames are texts that require commentary due to their characteristics, and it is noteworthy in this context that Safayi commented on some of his phrases.

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Tulum, M.E. (2024). Muğlak Anlatım Üslubuyla Yazılmış İki Manzum Fetihname Örneği. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, 64(3), 557-585.


Tulum M E. Muğlak Anlatım Üslubuyla Yazılmış İki Manzum Fetihname Örneği. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi. 2024;64(3):557-585.


Tulum, M.E. Muğlak Anlatım Üslubuyla Yazılmış İki Manzum Fetihname Örneği. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, [Publisher Location], v. 64, n. 3, p. 557-585, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Tulum, Muhammed Emir,. 2024. “Muğlak Anlatım Üslubuyla Yazılmış İki Manzum Fetihname Örneği.” Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi 64, no. 3: 557-585.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Tulum, Muhammed Emir,. Muğlak Anlatım Üslubuyla Yazılmış İki Manzum Fetihname Örneği.” Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi 64, no. 3 (Mar. 2025): 557-585.

Harvard: Australian Style

Tulum, ME 2024, 'Muğlak Anlatım Üslubuyla Yazılmış İki Manzum Fetihname Örneği', Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 557-585, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Tulum, M.E. (2024) ‘Muğlak Anlatım Üslubuyla Yazılmış İki Manzum Fetihname Örneği’, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, 64(3), pp. 557-585. (10 Mar. 2025).


Tulum, Muhammed Emir,. Muğlak Anlatım Üslubuyla Yazılmış İki Manzum Fetihname Örneği.” Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, vol. 64, no. 3, 2024, pp. 557-585. [Database Container],


Tulum ME. Muğlak Anlatım Üslubuyla Yazılmış İki Manzum Fetihname Örneği. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];64(3):557-585. Available from: doi: 10.26650/TUDED2024-1438376


Tulum, MuhammedEmir. Muğlak Anlatım Üslubuyla Yazılmış İki Manzum Fetihname Örneği”. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi 64/3 (Mar. 2025): 557-585.


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