Sarı Uygurca Üzerine Etimolojik Denemeler: U-Ü Maddeleri
Özlem AyazlıBu çalışmanın amacı, ileride tarafımdan tamamlanması düşünülen Sarı Uygurca etimolojik sözlüğün “U-Ü” maddelerine katkı sağlamaktır. Bu amaçla, 1957 yılında Sergey Yefimoviç Malov’un yayımladığı Yazık jyoltıh uygurov: Slovar’ i grammatika ve 1976 yılında Tenişev’in yayımladığı Stroy sarıg-yugurskogo yazıka adlı çalışmalarının “U-Ü” maddeleri incelenmiştir. Söz konusu çalışmaların sözlük bölümlerindeki maddeler ve madde içerisindeki cümle örnekleri Türkiye Türkçesine çevrilmiş, çeviri yapıldıktan sonra sözcüklerle ilgili etimolojiler verilmiştir. Sözcükler hem tarihî hem de modern Türk dilleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. “U-Ü” maddelerine ait toplam 197 sözcük tespit edilmiştir. Sarı Uygurca sözlüklerin “U-Ü” maddeleri çerçevesinde diğer Türk dilleri ile yapılan karşılaştırma sonucunda ortaya çıkan veriler ise şöyledir: Sarı Uygurca ile Kuzey ve Güney Sibirya Türk dillerinde 12 ortak sözcük tespit edilmiştir. Tespit edilen bu sözcükler şunlardır: ulğak, ulug, uttur, uza-, uzruk, uzun, üç, üçür-, üleş-, ürek, ürgen-, ürget-. Sarı Uygurca söz varlığının 32’si Hakasçada, 30’u Altaycada, 27’si Tuvacada, 18’i de Yakutçada saptanmıştır. Ortaya çıkan bu veri yaklaşık değerleri içermekle birlikte Sarı Uygurcanın Güney Sibirya dilleri ile yakından ilgili olduğunu teyit etmektedir. “U-Ü” maddelerinin söz varlığı doğrultusunda bütün modern dillerde ya da dil gruplarında kimi ses değişikleri ile görülen 23 ortak sözcük belirlenmiştir: uç, uç-, ula-, ulgak, ulug, ulus II, unut-, ürk-, ürküt-, uttur, uza-, uzun, uzut-, üç, üçür-, ülem, ülis-, ürek, ürgen-, ürget-, üy, üz-, üzge.
Etymological Attempts on Yellow Uyghur: U-Ü Items
Özlem AyazlıThe aim of this paper is to contribute to the “U-Ü” items of Yellow Uyghur etymological dictionary which I plan to complete in the future. For this purpose, “U-Ü” items were investigated in Yazık jyoltıh uygurov: Slovar’ i grammatika published by Sergey Yefimoviç Malov in 1957 and Stroy sarıg-yugurskogo yazıka published by Tenişev in 1976. Items of dictionary parts and sentence examples in the items that were taken from these studies were translated into Turkish and etymologies about the words were listed. Then those words were compared with both historical and modern Turkic languages. A total of 197 words were identified in “U-Ü” items. The results of this comparison “U-Ü” items of Yellow Uyghur dictionaries with the other Turkic languages are as follows: 12 common words were identified in Yellow Uygur and North-South Siberian Turkic languages. These words are as follows: ulğak, ulug, uttur, uza-, uzruk, uzun, üç, üçür-, üleş-, ürek, ürgen-, ürget-. It was found that Yellow Uyghur words were detected in some languages, such as 32 of them in Khakas, 30 of them in Altay, 27 of them in Tuvanian and 18 of them in Yakut. This data containing approximate value confirms that Yellow Uyghur is closely related to South Siberian Turkic languages. It was determined 23 common words which are seen with some sound changes in all modern languages or languages groups in accordance with vocabulary of “U-Ü” items: uç, uç-, ula-, ulgak, ulug, ulus II, unut-, ürk-, ürküt-, uttur, uza-, uzun, uzut-, üç, üçür-, ülem, ülis-, ürek, ürgen-, ürget-, üy, üz-, üzge.
The aim of this paper is to contribute to the “U-Ü” items of Yellow Uyghur etymological dictionary which I plan to complete in the future. This study, which is called “Etymological Attempts on Yellow Uyghur: “U-Ü” Items”, is a continuation of the paper called “Etymological Attempts on Yellow Uyghur” (Ayazlı, 2016: 290-313) previously published by me. “A” item of the dictionaries of S. Y. Malov and E. R. Tenişev was emphasized on the first article published in 2016. “E” (2017: 1320-1338) and “Ї-I” (2017: 148-171) items of these dictionaries were included in other publications published in 2017. My purpose is to prepare for publication vowel-items in dictionaries of Sergey Yefimoviç Malov and E. Rahimoviç Tenişev. Thefore, in this study “U-Ü” items are investigated. This paper was organized in three parts. The first part is the introduction which gives brief information about the methodology. In the second part, “U-Ü” items are investigated in Yazık jyoltıh uygurov: Slovar’ i grammatika published by S. Y. Malov in 1957 and Stroy sarıg-yugurskogo yazıka published by E. R. Tenişev in 1976. The items of dictionary parts and sentence examples in the items that were taken from these studies were translated into Turkish and etymologies about the words were listed. As the subject of this paper is to create an etymological dictionary on Yellow Uyghur, the forms and meanings in Old Turkic and other historical modern periods of Turkish words were also analyzed. Then those words were compared with both historical and modern Turkic languages. Etymologies made by S. Y. Malov and E. R. Tenişev or other researchers in several times were also included in to the paper. The final part of the study conludes with the conclusion part where the data obtained is listed. These conclusions are as follows: • A total of 197 words were identified in “U-Ü” items. 135 of these words are belong to “U” item and 62 of them “Ü” item. The results of this comparison “U-Ü” items of Yellow Uyghur dictionaries with the other Turkic languages are as follows: 12 common words were identified in Yellow Uygur and North-South Siberian Turkic languages. These words are as follows: ulğak “kid goat”, ulug “big, great”, uttur “before, opposite”, uza- “to lengthen”, uzruk “fist”, uzun “long”, üç “three”, üçür- “to abolish”, ülis- “to be divide”, ürek “heart”, ürgen- “to learn”, ürget- “to teach”. Yellow Uyghur words were detected in some languages, such as 32 of them in Khakas, 30 of them in Altay, 27 of them in Tuvanian and 18 of them in Yakut. This data containing approximate value confirms that Yellow Uyghur is closely related to South Siberian Turkic languages.
• It was determined that 23 common words which are seen with some sound changes in all modern languages or languages groups in accordance with vocabulary of “U-Ü” items: uç “end, tip”, uç- “to fly”, ula- “to join”, ulgak “kid goat”, ulug “big”, ulus II “share, part”, unut- “to forget”, ürk- “to arise, to lift”, ürküt- “to lift”, uttur “before, opposite”, uza- “to lengthen”, uzun “long”, uzut- “to make (someone) sleep”, üç “three”, üçür- “to abolish”, ülem “death”, ülis- “to be divide”, ürek “heart”, ürgen- “to learn”, ürget- “to teach”, üy “house”, üz- “to tear”, üzge “other”.
• Some sounds events were determined in “U-Ü” items, e.g. Syncope [urtamak “middle finger” (< urta “middle” + tarmak “finger”; unduk kaptır (< unudup kalıptır) “I forget” cf. Shor. poltır (< poluptır) ], Anaptyxis (Chin. lóng 龙 > YUyg. ulu /ulı “thunder; dragon”), Epentez (ürçik ~ ürçük “homeware, fur” = OldT üçik “fur-skin, fur-coat”), Vowel fusion (uşkuç < işke “two” üç “three”), Metathesis [YUyg. ürgen- “to learn” (OldT ögren-), YUyg. ürget- “to teach” (OldT ögret-)], olgan “little boy” (OldT oglan), ulgak “kid/young goat” (OldT oglak)], Assimilation (YUyg. undup kalıptır > unduk kaptır “I forgot”).
• Some other phonetic features in “U-Ü” items are as follows:
a. -d- = -z- phonetic change: ET yıdruk = SUyg. uzruk “fist”, ET udı- = SUyg. uzu- “to sleep”, ET ıduk “sent, i.e. dedicated to God; sacred” = cf. SUyg. uzukçı “dedicated to God”, ET udıt- = SUyg. uzut- “to make (someone) sleep”.
b. -ş = -s phonetic change: ET ülüş = SUyg. ulus II “share, part”, ET üleş- = SUyg. ülis- “to be divide”, ET ulaş- = SUyg. ulas- co-operative of verb ula- “to join”.
c. /ag/, /ıg/, /ug/ preservation of voice group: ET ula:ğ 2 = SUyg. ulağ “pack livestock”, SUyg. ulağlığ “having pack livestock”, ET ulug = SUyg. ulug “big, great”, ET urug “seed, pip; decendants, clan” = SUyg. urug “kinship”
• Some lexical determinations related to “U-Ü” items are as follows: üzüt- “lit. broken the soul; to die” derived from üz- verb is determined to only survive in Yellow Uyghur. Furthermore, ündün “east” word also is determined to only survive in Yellow Uyghur.