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DOI :10.26650/TUDED2024-1380378   IUP :10.26650/TUDED2024-1380378    Tam Metin (PDF)

Trajik Karaktere Karşı İdealist Tip: Küçük Ağa’da Dramatik Başlangıç, İdeolojik Hikâye, Melodramatik Son

Veysel Öztürk

Tarık Buğra’nın Küçük Ağa (1963) romanı, tarihsel bağlamın karmaşıklığını gözden kaçırmadan Kurtuluş Savaşı’na dair özgün bir tarih algısı kurmaya çalışır. Resmî tarih anlatısına itiraz ve onun revizyonu talebinin yanında güçlü bir kurmaca gayesi, Küçük Ağa’ya edebî ve ideolojik gerilimler arasında salınan bir dinamik yapı sağlar. Bu makale, roman kişilerinden Çolak Salih üzerinden bu dinamik yapıyı görünür kılmaya çalışıyor. Küçük Ağa’nın başında yazar Çolak Salih’i içsel çatışmaları ve çelişkileri ile inşa ederek karakterin dramatik gelişimi için büyük bir potansiyel sunar. Ancak hikâye ilerledikçe, yazarın yakın Türkiye tarihi üzerine tezini ilerletme kaygısı, karakterlerin kaderini derinlemesine etkiler; Salih’in dönüşümü ise bu mesajı iletmek için kullanılan bir araca indirgenir. Karmaşık karakterin tek boyutlu bir kahramana dönüşümüyle roman karmaşıklık ve çoklu anlamlılıktan feragat eder. Bu durum Küçük Ağa’nın derin kurgusal yapısını zedeleyerek romanı dramatik bir anlatıdan melodrama çevirir. Ancak bu yapısal değişim içinde bile, özellikle Salih’in baştaki temsili ile Küçük Ağa, modernist edebiyatın temel unsurlarının bir kısmını korumayı başarır. Romanın başında Salih’in yaşadığı çatışma ve gerilimler Küçük Ağa’ya modernist bir “bildungsroman” karakteri verir. Salih’in yabancılaşma hissi, modernist karakterlerde sıkça görülen özelliklerle örtüşür. Bu modernist ögeler, romanın melodrama kayışını kısmen dengeleyerek metne derinlik ve anlam katmanları ekler. Yine, dramatik yapıdan melodramatik bir yapıya geçiş, yazarın çift yönlü niyetlerini ve eğilimlerini yansıttığı bir işleyiş olarak yorumlanabilir. Bu durum, tez odaklı, basitleştirici eğilim ile romanın karmaşıklık ve çoğulluğa açık olan anlatı potansiyeli arasındaki üretken gerilimi vurgular. Bu makale, Küçük Ağa özelinde edebî yapılar ve ideolojik mesajlar arasındaki gerilimin incelenmesini amaçlamaktadır.

DOI :10.26650/TUDED2024-1380378   IUP :10.26650/TUDED2024-1380378    Tam Metin (PDF)

Tragic Character vs. Idealist Type: Dramatic Beginning, Ideological Narrative, and Melodramatic Closure in Küçük Ağa

Veysel Öztürk

Tarık Buğra’s 1963 novel Küçük Ağa [The Little Agha] strives to offer an original historical perspective on the Turkish War of Independence while acknowledging its historical complexity. The book challenges the official historical narrative, emphasizing the need for revision all while maintaining a strong narrative purpose. The novel’s dynamic structure is explored through the character Çolak Salih and starts by presenting the potential for Salih’s dramatic development through his internal conflicts. As the story progresses, however, the author’s intention to convey his historical thesis profoundly influences the character’s fate, turning Salih into a mere literary tool for this message. This transition from a complex character shaped by inner conflicts to a one-dimensional hero simplifies the narrative and detracts from its complexity and also shifts Küçük Ağa from a dramatic narrative to a melodrama, weakening the overall structure of the novel. Nevertheless, Küçük Ağa manages to retain the major elements of modernist literature, particularly in Salih’s initial portrayal by aligning him with the characteristics of a modernist “bildungsroman” [novel of character development]. This infusion of modernist elements counterbalances the novel’s shift toward melodrama, adding depth and meaning to the text. Additionally, the transition from drama to melodrama can be seen as reflecting the author’s dual intentions, highlighting the tension between a thesis-driven tendency to simplify and a narrative open to complexity and plurality. This article contributes to the examination of the tension between literary structures and ideological messages, shedding light on their intricate interplay.


In the analysis of Tarık Buğra’s 1963 novel Küçük Ağa [The Little Agha] and its central character, Çolak Salih, the reader delves into a fascinating literary exploration characterized by the intricate interplay between dramatic and melodramatic elements. This narrative is situated within the broader context of Turkish literary history and provides valuable insights into how literary narratives can be seamlessly interwoven into the sociopolitical tapestry of a nation’s historical landscape.

The narrative commences with a compelling dramatic premise epitomized by the character Çolak Salih. The heart of the story revolves around Salih, a multifaceted persona who presents the reader with intriguing complexities. Salih is introduced as a disfigured and disabled war veteran, known for his dark history of alcoholism and his frequent visits to Greek taverns. This initial characterization teases a dramatic transformation, with Salih emerging as a morally ambiguous figure standing at the crossroads of various conflicting ideologies. His internal conflict mirrors the external strife of the Turkish War of Independence, an era characterized by the testing and redefinition of loyalties and allegiances.

Salih’s transformation unfolds within the broader backdrop of war, a time marked by political turmoil, ideological tensions, and societal uncertainties. The narrative framework holds the promise of an in-depth exploration of Salih’s character as he grapples with his internal struggles where he personifies the larger societal and political dilemmas of the era. This dramatic potential forms the nucleus of the novel.

Regrettably, the promising beginning of a multi-layered character and a dramatic narrative arc ultimately gives way to melodrama. The transition from drama to melodrama is marked by Salih’s almost miraculous transformation from a disfigured alcoholic to a heroic figure. The once morally ambiguous Salih swiftly evolves into a conventional hero, a fearless rebel leader championing the cause of the Turkish War of Independence. This transformation leaves behind the nuanced internal conflict and replaces it with a one-dimensional hero.

The narrative crescendos in a showdown between Salih and Niko, his childhood friend turned traitor. This final confrontation, intended to embody the resolution of Salih’s internal turmoil, falls short of its dramatic potential. The inner conflict that would have added depth to Salih’s character is conspicuously absent. He has transformed into a stock hero, devoid of the internal turmoil that made him a captivating character at the story’s outset. This dearth of dramatic depth leaves the narrative feeling more melodramatic than originally intended.

This shift from drama to melodrama is driven by the author's unwavering commitment to an underlying ideological thesis. Küçük Ağa is intrinsically linked to the Turkish War of Independence and the birth of the Turkish nation-state. The novel serves as a literary vehicle to convey the author’s particular historical interpretation and commentary, which implicitly challenges certain aspects of the official historical narrative. Representing the disfigured and damaged remnants of the Ottoman Empire, Salih emerges as a critical viewpoint within the narrative. He symbolizes the collapse of the Empire and Muslim Ottoman society, making his transformation into a hero all the more crucial.

Jettisoning the complexities of Salih’s character by transitioning him into a here serves the larger ideological narrative. He embodies the shift from the old Ottoman world to the new Turkish nation-state. This ideological imperative overshadows the need for a genuinely dramatic character, leading to the substitution of Salih’s internal conflicts with a hero’s journey propelled by external circumstances.

In a broader context, Küçük Ağa provides a unique opportunity to explore the formation of Türkiye’s ideological and intellectual landscape from the Turkish War of Independence to the contemporary era. Encompassing elements of modernism, the narrative highlights the intricate interplay between the thesis-driven ideological aspects of the narrative and the multi-layered character development with its modernist undertones.

While Tarık Buğra’s narrative may not strictly adhere to modernist conventions, it does showcase a modernist character in Çolak Salih. His internal conflicts and alienation from society bear resemblance to the characters in a modernist bildungsroman [novel of character development]. However, the imperatives of the ideological thesis disrupt the modernist potential, leading to the transformation of the narrative structure.

Moreover, the incorporation of formats such as cinema and fotoroman [photo comics] demonstrates the novel’s hybrid nature and its capacity to challenge the traditional boundaries of the literary genre. By analyzing Küçük Ağa within the broader context of Turkish history and literature, the fact that the novel transcends its role as a mere ideological text becomes evident as a multifaceted work that offers profound insight into the complexities of nationbuilding, identity and the evolution of Turkish society.

In conclusion, Küçük Ağa serves as a compelling case study for understanding the transformation of a dramatic narrative into a melodrama. The character of Çolak Salih, initially promising in his complexity and internal conflicts, ultimately succumbs to the demands of the author’s ideological thesis. This transformation undermines the novel’s initial dramatic structure, turning it into a melodramatic narrative that simplifies the characters and their internal struggles.

The author’s commitment to conveying his historical interpretation and commentary takes precedence over the need for a multifaceted character like Salih. Despite these challenges, Küçük Ağa remains a valuable literary work that provides a window into the ideological underpinnings of the Turkish War of Independence and the complex interplay among drama, melodrama, and modernism in Turkish literature.

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Öztürk, V. (2024). Trajik Karaktere Karşı İdealist Tip: Küçük Ağa’da Dramatik Başlangıç, İdeolojik Hikâye, Melodramatik Son. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, 64(1), 157-179.


Öztürk V. Trajik Karaktere Karşı İdealist Tip: Küçük Ağa’da Dramatik Başlangıç, İdeolojik Hikâye, Melodramatik Son. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi. 2024;64(1):157-179.


Öztürk, V. Trajik Karaktere Karşı İdealist Tip: Küçük Ağa’da Dramatik Başlangıç, İdeolojik Hikâye, Melodramatik Son. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, [Publisher Location], v. 64, n. 1, p. 157-179, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Öztürk, Veysel,. 2024. “Trajik Karaktere Karşı İdealist Tip: Küçük Ağa’da Dramatik Başlangıç, İdeolojik Hikâye, Melodramatik Son.” Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi 64, no. 1: 157-179.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Öztürk, Veysel,. Trajik Karaktere Karşı İdealist Tip: Küçük Ağa’da Dramatik Başlangıç, İdeolojik Hikâye, Melodramatik Son.” Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi 64, no. 1 (Mar. 2025): 157-179.

Harvard: Australian Style

Öztürk, V 2024, 'Trajik Karaktere Karşı İdealist Tip: Küçük Ağa’da Dramatik Başlangıç, İdeolojik Hikâye, Melodramatik Son', Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 157-179, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Öztürk, V. (2024) ‘Trajik Karaktere Karşı İdealist Tip: Küçük Ağa’da Dramatik Başlangıç, İdeolojik Hikâye, Melodramatik Son’, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, 64(1), pp. 157-179. (10 Mar. 2025).


Öztürk, Veysel,. Trajik Karaktere Karşı İdealist Tip: Küçük Ağa’da Dramatik Başlangıç, İdeolojik Hikâye, Melodramatik Son.” Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, vol. 64, no. 1, 2024, pp. 157-179. [Database Container],


Öztürk V. Trajik Karaktere Karşı İdealist Tip: Küçük Ağa’da Dramatik Başlangıç, İdeolojik Hikâye, Melodramatik Son. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];64(1):157-179. Available from: doi: 10.26650/TUDED2024-1380378


Öztürk, Veysel. Trajik Karaktere Karşı İdealist Tip: Küçük Ağa’da Dramatik Başlangıç, İdeolojik Hikâye, Melodramatik Son”. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi 64/1 (Mar. 2025): 157-179.


Çevrimiçi Yayınlanma01.04.2024


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