Istanbul University Press follows an open access, non-commercial, scholarly publishing.
The peer review process is at the core of publishing at Istanbul University Press.
All books and journals published by Istanbul University Press are subject to double blind peer-review process.
Publications of Istanbul University Press are included in reputable indexes.
Istanbul University Press is among the publishers of Web of Science Book Citation Index and Directory of Open Access Books.
Istanbul University Press books indexed by Web of Science Book Citation Index and Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) can be accessed through Web of Science and DOAB
- Editor-in-Chief
- Editorial Board Member
Authorised Comission
Prof. Dr. Yahya GÜLDİKEN, Commission President and Vice Rector
Prof. Dr. Yaşar DÜZENLİ, Social Sciences and Humanities
Prof. Dr. Cem GAZİOĞLU, Science and Technology
Operational Management
Assist. Prof. Dr. Metin TUNÇ, General Manager, Publishing Operations
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet KÖROĞLU, Director, Editorial Relations
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bahadır Fatih YILDIRIM, Director, Information Systems and Web
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cenk ŞAHİN, Director, Legal Issues
Prof. Dr. Abdullah ÖZKAN, Director, Corporate Communications
Sonay TAHMAZ KALECİ, Director, Library
General Manager
Director - Editorial Relations
Director – Information Systems and Web
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bahadır Fatih Yıldırım
Chief – Operations
Esma Çavuşoğlu
Assistants – Operations
Selin Dizbay
Eda Kolukısa Doğru
Esra Semerci
Özge Kerse
Gökhan Çimen
Assistants – Technical
Batuhan Aydın
Ertuğrul Yaşar
Zeynep Altındağ
Tarık Şimşek
Scholary publishing at Istanbul University has a deep-rooted past in parallel with the University’s history.
Istanbul University extends back to 1453 when the New Age began in the world history. On that date, the educational institution called Fatih Madrasa was founded and it paved the way to Darülfünûn (the institutions of higher education) which evolved into Istanbul University in 1933. Throughout centuries, education in a number of sciences and fields (such as medicine, mathematics, astronomy, cartography, geography, history, philosophy, religion, literature, philology, law, etc.) became available.
Books and journals published by Istanbul University date from 1900s. Publishing in a number of subjects from all disciplines across science, medicine, social sciences and humanities, Istanbul University has had an ever-expanding portfolio of over 9 thousand books including monographs, academic reference, textbooks, books for professionals and books for graduate students. Besides books, academic journals published since 1900s constitute another significant asset. Darülfünûn Faculty of Medicine Journal, Darülfünûn Faculty of Letters Journal and Darülfünûn Faculty of Science Journal are the oldest journals that Istanbul University started to publish in 1916. These journals have been continued to be published with the changes in their titles.
- Contribution to dissemination of scientific knowledge
- High quality content
- Adherence to international publishing standards
- Adherence to ethical standards
- Open Access
- Non-Commercial
- Peer reviewed publication
Web of Science Book Citation Index – BkCI
Directory of Open Access Books – DOAB
Web of Science Core Collection Emerging Sources Citation Index – ESCI
Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ
Tübitak Ulakbim TR Dizin
BIOSIS Previews
Biological Abstracts
Zoological Record
CAB Abstracts
CAS Source Index
Index Islamicus
MLA International Bibliography
Columbia International Affairs Online
The Philosopher’s Index
RePEc EconPapers
Cabells Journalytics
ATLA Religion Database
Social Science Research Network – SSRN
Centre for Islamic Studies – ISAM
Bielefeld Academic Search Engine – BASE
MELA Middle East Librarians Association
Islamic World Science Citation Center – ISC
Access to Mideast and Islamic Resources – AMIR
International Medieval Bibliography – IMB
Türkiye Turizm Dizini
Turkey Citation Index
Turkish Psychiatry Index
Index of Turkish Education
Academic Researches Index – Acar Index
ASOS Index
Academic Journals Index
Istanbul University Press adopts core editorial policies outlined below to ensure the accurate, timely and ethical publication of scientific journals and books.
Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) on is followed in shaping the publication process. Recommendations and guidelines of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME) and Council of Science Editors (CSE) are taken into consideration as well.
Istanbul University Press aims to contribute to the dissemination of ever-growing scientific knowledge through publication of high quality scientific journals and books in accordance with the international publishing standards.
All submitted manuscripts go through a double blind, non-biased peer review process before publication.
Plagiarism, duplication, fraud authorship/denied authorship, research/data fabrication, salami slicing/salami publication, breaching of copyrights, prevailing conflict of interest are unethical behaviours. Manuscripts not in accordance with the accepted ethical standards will be removed from the publication. This also contains any possible malpractice discovered after the publication.
Submitted manuscripts that pass preliminary control are scanned for plagiarism using iThenticate software. If plagiarism/self-plagiarism will be found authors will be informed. Editors may resubmit manuscript for similarity check at any peer-review or production stage if required. High similarity scores lead to rejection of a manuscript before and even after acceptance.
Double Blind Peer-Review
After plagiarism check, the eligible manuscripts are evaluated for their originality, methodology, the importance of the subject covered and compliance with the scope. The editor provides a fair double-blind peer review of the submitted manuscripts and hands over the ones matching the formal rules to at least two national/international referees for evaluation and gives green light for publication upon modification by the authors in accordance with the referees’ claims.
Individuals named as authors in a manuscript should meet all of the following criteria recommended by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME):
1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work;
2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content;
3. Final approval of the version to be published;
4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Individuals who do not meet all the criteria above or who make contributions in some other aspects, must be listed in the “Acknowledgement” section. No one, other than the ones listed as authors should have contributed to manuscript; ghost writing is not acceptable.
In case of a need to make changes in the authorship of a manuscript or a published article, the changes are implemented according to COPE guidelines.
Publishing correction is considered if minor errors that do not affect the results, interpretations and conclusions of the published paper/content are detected. Retraction is considered if major errors and/or mis-conduction that invalidate results and conclusions are detected.
An expression of concern is considered if there is evidence of research or publication misconduct by the authors; there is evidence that the findings are not reliable and institutions of the authors do not investigate the case or the possible investigation seems to be unfair or nonconclusive.
The guidelines of COPE and ICJME are taken into consideration regarding correction, retractions or expression of concern.
All publications of Istanbul University are open access and all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Except for commercial purposes, users are allowed to read, download, copy, print, search, or link to the full texts without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
The open access content is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.
Authors publishing with the Istanbul University Press retain the copyright to their work licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC 4.0) ( and grant the Publisher non-exclusive commercial right to publish the work. CC BY-NC 4.0 license permits unrestricted, non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
All expenses of the publications are covered by the Istanbul University. Processing and publication are free of charge. There is no processing charges or submission fees for any submitted or accepted manuscripts.
All expenses of the publications are covered by the Istanbul University. Advertising of any kind is not allowed in journals and books published by the Istanbul University Press.
Works submitted to Istanbul University Press journals and books are regarded as authors’ private, confidential property. Editors and reviewers are required to treat works confidentially.
Istanbul University Press adopts double-blind peer review policy in journals and books it publishes. All manuscripts sent to Istanbul University Press for publication are evaluated in accordance with the double-blind policy by proficient editors, experts in their fields and independent external reviewers. Before initiation of the peer-review process, they are subject to preliminary control to ensure that there is no incompetence in terms of the basic requirements, and plagiarism check through iThenticate software. Final decision is given by editor-in-chief in journals. Books are subject to final review of Istanbul University Press Editorial Board and final approval of Istanbul University Press Authorised Commission.
Reviewers’ comments on the following aspects are expected while conducting the review:
Does the work contain new and significant information?
Is the problem significant and concisely stated?
Are the methods described comprehensively?
Are the interpretations and conclusion justified by the results?
Are the ideas and supporting points organized comprehensively?
Is the language acceptable and references are in line with the given format?
Reviewers must ensure that all the information related to submitted work is kept as confidential and must report to the editor if they are aware of copyright infringement and plagiarism on the author’s side.
Istanbul University Press is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and follows recommendations and guidelines developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) ( Recommendations and guidelines of Council of Science Editors (CSE) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) are taken into consideration as well.
IUPress adheres to the highest standards in research ethics and follows the principles of international research ethics as defined below.
- Principles of integrity, quality and transparency should be sustained in designing the research, reviewing the design and conducting the research.
- The research team and participants should be fully informed about the aim, methods, possible uses and requirements of the research and risks of participation in research.
- The confidentiality of the information provided by the research participants and the confidentiality of the respondents should be ensured. The research should be designed to protect the autonomy and dignity of the participants.
- Research participants should participate in the research voluntarily, not under any coercion.
- Any possible harm to participants must be avoided. The research should be planned in such a way that the participants are not at risk.
- The independence of research must be clear; and any conflict of interest or must be disclosed.
- In experimental studies with human subjects, written informed consent of the participants who decide to participate in the research must be obtained. In the case of children and those under wardship or with confirmed insanity, legal custodian’s assent must be obtained.
- If the study is to be carried out in any institution or organization, approval must be obtained from this institution or organization.
- In studies with human subject, it must be noted in the method’s section of the manuscript that the informed consent of the participants and ethics committee approval from the institution where the study has been conducted have been obtained.
Istanbul University Press publications take as principle to comply with the ethical standards of World Medical Association (WMA) Declaration of Helsinki – Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects and WMA Statement on Animal Use in Biomedical Research.
Approval of research protocols from national or local ethics committees must be submitted together with the manuscripts. Manuscripts that report the results of experimental investigation with human subjects must include a statement that informed consent was obtained after the procedure(s) had been fully explained. In the case of children and those under wardship or with confirmed insanity, authors are asked to include information about whether the legal custodian’s assent was obtained.
Authors, editors and reviewers are required to disclose existing or potential conflicts of interest. Conflict of interest exists when a participant in the publication process (author, peer reviewer or editor) has a competing interest that could unduly influence (or be reasonably seen to do so) his or her responsibilities in the publication process (submission, peer review, editorial decisions, and communication between authors, reviewers and editors).
To disclose potential conflicts of interest, the ICMJE Potential Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form ( should be filled in and submitted by all contributing authors. Cases of a potential conflict of interest of the editors, authors, or reviewers are resolved by the Editorial Board within the scope of COPE and ICMJE guidelines.
All financial support received to carry out research must be declared while submitting the paper. The role of the funder in the research must also be declared.